yes I agree that modern humans are able to separate our thinking from our bodies and ecology - so Western "ecological imperialism" spread based on this idea that humans are detached from Nature as our future is in some kind of heavenly realm with God (or whatever people want to believe - the nothingness). So strangely, for example, in mathematics we know that it is a fiction or approximation of infinity yet we say that it "works" and so it is good enough - and thus our whole definition of truth as reality is based on "not caring" that the logic of math is not accurate.
And thus the "exponential function" drives "progress" as a "religion of technology" - and we turn Earth into a living Hell of our subconscious projections from our left brain detachment of our lower body emotions (not caring) and our local ecology. This is what it now means to be human as a modern WEsternized "detached" Matrix from Platonic philosophy.
Previously there were some 6000 "local" human cultures with their languages tied to local ecologies but standardized mathematics as the language of science has changed all that. The funny thing is that even ghosts need healing - so that the frequency of light in our body as spirit is what we take with us after death - due to our lower emotional blockages. So I think when nuclear bombs incinerate our bodies in a flash - then our spirit light as a ghost is also destroyed since matter and light are interchangeable but the spacetime mass does not change.
"About 1–3% of that initial mass converts to kinetic energy of various particle products rapidly moving away — their kinetic energy is a part of total energy and also “curves” spacetime. After the explosion, the “curvature” is just differently rearranged equivalent energy of that initial mass across spacetime (reasonably assuming a weak-field approximation here)."
So yes being killed by a nuclear bomb does change our soul a bit - not just our spirit.
In this scenario,
non-traversable wormhole connections of two or more distant events in space–time through Einstein–Rosen
(ER) wormholes that are solutions of the equations of GR, are supposed to be equivalent to events connected
with non-local Einstein–Podolski–Rosen (EPR) entangled states that instead belong to the language of quantum
mechanics. Our findings suggest that if the ER = EPR conjecture is valid, it can be extended to other different
types of space–times and that gravity and space–time could be emergent physical quantities if the exchange of
a virtual graviton between events can be considered connected by ER wormholes equivalent to entanglement
yes we rely on science supposedly for the truth yet there are inherent uncertainties to reality. It seems for most people they like to use technology but are too overworked to pursue the science behind the technology. So then there is an emotional "commodity fetish" attachment to technology as the truth. With the interwebs this commodity fetish as the truth is amplified through the negative emotional driven marketing algorithms - just as "sex sells" so too does anger and fear. So the irony of abrupt global warming is that science caused it by science relying on the exponential function math that drives "progress." So we rely on science to find out the truth of how bad global warming is yet we can not solve the problem with science. Hence even GEE McFearSun falling back on the commodity fetish of the TechnoFix of "mirrors."
Yes our original uncertainty in science is called "time-frequency uncertainty" that is from asymmetric or noncommutative phase math - this is actually nonwestern music as the truth of reality. So for me I knew we were doomed by 1996 and so I trained in the nonwestern music as philosophical inquiry via a Daoist spiritual yoga master healer - and that's how I discovered that ghosts are real and so is precognition and long distance healing, etc. So this type of training is our original human culture core that was ecologically sustainable but now even science can not recognize its truth.
For example a recent archaeology study determined that humans were doing landscape alteration against climate way back in 60,000 years ago - using fire to improve the ecological habitat for the favoring hunting prey of small animals. So as GEE McFearSun pondered - maybe it was our use of fire that started this trend toward abrupt global warming. Our biology overall has not changed much in 100,000 years but as left brain dominant and right-hand dominant "modern" tool-based humans we have lost our original human culture relying on right-brain dominant music that enabled a full body transformation for spiritual healing abilities as the truth of reality. So we now suffer from "ghost pollution" as much as ecological pollution.
Yes the Climate Deniers now say that Mother Nature just changes all the time so it is no different now and they also insist that Mother Nature is too powerful so there is no way that humans can change Nature. But rather modern humans as left-brain and right hand dominant humans - we ARE part of this abrupt global warming dynamic of Nature as ecological catastrophe - we are no different than a big asteroid hitting Earth. We think of it as technological progress when it's the exact opposite - civilization is very fast growth with an even faster collapse.
There is nothing "we" can do about it but we can align ourselves with the larger cycles of life on Earth - for example the Sun, Moon and Earth will continue to resonate energy despite our attempts to ignore that resonance. Mother Nature is also the Cosmic Mother who will never be unveiled. We can savor her revenge against modern civilization.
thanks and have fun. I studied from "Chunyi Lin" who teaches "spring forest qigong" - his name. I recommend people practice the "small universe meditation" - it's got the instructions on the c.d. - a half hour practice on their website. I have a free book called "ancient advanced acoustic alchemy" documenting this "small universe" meditation in India and West Asia (Pythagorean), Egyptian, Tibet, etc. Actually all human cultures use the Octave, Perfect Fifth (yang) and Perfect fourth (yin) as 1:2:3:4.
Yes Dr. Brad Keeney has a channel with his interviews with the females of our original human culture - the San Bushmen - talking about their spiritual healing. How often do we walk barefoot on the EArth? That is the "yin qi" as negative ions from lightning striking earth 40 times a second and a horizontal ELF wave that is our alpha brain wave. The qigong master did two hours a day at Shaolin - for 3 months - with the thighs parallel to the ground and he would bury his feet into the Earth to get more "yin qi" energy. haha. He could not move at all - but that is very advanced.
Yes meditation is what the West is scared of - if we just sit with our eyes closed and visualize light and listen to the source of light - this resonates with the Cosmic Mother. Our pineal gland is synchronized with the Full Moon so that we have natural magnetic bliss for 3 days before and after the full moon. Modern humans are cut off from the fact that the moon exists inside us and resonates our energy with the pineal gland as a transducer of consciousness also. There is a nonlocal energy-information that is also superluminal - from the future that is secretly guiding us.
We can store up this energy and send it out - our eyes actually emit biophotons at the speed of light and this is our true communication but us modern materialists think that "thinking" and talking is our real communication. haha. Our reality is actually holographic based on the frequency of the coherent biophotons as spirit energy. We can take in energy from the sun - just like plants.
People think if we meditate then we are wasting precious time but actually time is eternal. haha.
The highest technology of all technologies is meditation because we can listen faster than "Fourier Uncertainty" of time-frequency uncertainty. So we can listen to the source of light - from the future! This can create a literal spacetime vortex. Spacetime is malleable and precognitive dreams are more real than being awake!!
Our true nature is bliss and joy from the heart - this is from the right side vagus nerve as the N/om (snake) energy. It is from the spirit biophotons as fire that turns our lower body neurohormones as water into boiling steam that is reverse time energy (as increase neurotransmitters). Dr. Stuart Hameroff and Nobel physicist Roger Penrose have the details with their consciousness science studies - it works through the "pi resonance" of electrons like with graphene or benzene molecules only it is through tryptophan that also plants use also.
So electrons are 1/2 spin meaning that they exist in the 5th dimension that is the future overlapping with the past. This is called the "measurement problem" in quantum physics but because we can listen faster than science can convert time to frequency then we can harmonize the source of electrons with protons also (the magnetic moment between the two).
So yes this is also called "negative entropy" or negentropy as the Cosmic Mother who is never Unveiled - so it also powers the sun from spacetime gravity as negentropy. Roger Penrose goes into this.
All we can do is meditate which we do naturally during deep sleep - only by consciously turning the light around while awake then we are reversing the time energy of the photons and storing up that reverse time energy.
Spacetime is malleable that way and this changes our external reality as well.
So we define the external and internal reality via space when actually time is before space and time can never been seen. Modern science is accelerating time on Earth as the destruction of space as ecology yet beyond space then eternal time will remain as the Cosmic Mother. Western science defines time as symmetric space yet time is inherently asymmetric as complementary opposites - the yin-yang is eternal and interwoven.
Females are the original healers and Most of Nature is from parthenogenesis as female reproduction. Males provide some DNA variety but we are not really needed. So abrupt global warming is just the male patriarchy relying on the Solar calendar as a rectilinear symmetric spatial measurement of time. So the lunar energy has been suppressed and repressed. And so the Moon governing water on Earth will then destroy life on Earth and start over.
Kissinger sits on the China's national petroleum board of directors. I just read Greg Grandin's bio of Kissinger but I forget why he set up the China thing again. Yes US elites often renounce their citizenship so they don't pay taxes or of course their corporations do and make more profits in other countries. Panama was created in large part so that the Rockefellers didn't have to pay taxes. Wall St. funded the Soviets as well as the Nazis and "Skull and Bones" backed Mao also.
It's hilarious how the working class has been duped into being Brown-No$er fascist nationalists as if we can "take back the country" while the elite are not going to help them at all. The "investment class" knows that the profits are in China and other slave wage countries but now that wages are driven down so low in the US and wages are rising in China then US corporations can start "moving back" to the U.S. Now that Western industrialization has spread globally then it's difficult for a "rising middle class" to exist vis a vis a NeoColonial slave class around the world. Does Burma still pay 8 cents an hour? Most likely as they still use slave labor - just as 70% of US chocolate is from child slave labor in West Africa.
Communism and socialism and capitalism are all based on Platonic exponential wealth growth for the industrial elite yet the famines in Africa - Madagascar, Ethiopia, Yemen, etc. - are not going to open up enough new resources to exploit as Mother Nature accelerates global warming. Even the elite are starting to panic with their stupid Penis Ejaculations into Space. This is what Dr. Helen Caldicott calls "Missile Envy."
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