So I've watched and read - maybe a dozen "summaries" from the news on this new UN report. Yes the basic message is 1.5 C rise by 2030 - and things will get worse no matter what. And if we HALF emissions by 2030 - or is it 2050? Then we can lessen the damage. Yes it is kind of ironic how even this message is once again a huge understatement but at least as things keep getting worse - then psychologically people will be a bit more prepared.
They might be blaming the "Greenies" for making it all up and claiming it's actually Natural or High-tech geoengineering secret military weapons - or whatever excuses they need to come up with to DEAL with the empirical truth of apocalypse - but at least they won't be in DeNile so bad. Still I am very curious to see what happens AFTER today when the news all goes "back to normal." This obviously should be the HEADLINE story EVERY DAY but it won't be as us modern "civilized" humans have "more important" things to think about than ecology - things like Controlling Nature as Progress and Science, etc. haha.
See how Science caused abrupt global warming and so science is not going to fix it - and thus people are forced to be stuck in a causal tautological loop. Slavoj Zizek predicted how the ecological crisis would cause the Collapse of the Big Other. "crisis will be precisely to make the 'collapse of the big Other' part of our everyday." that was 2001 but he wrote about it in his mid-90s books - with his whole Lacanian "real" psychological analysis. Then Zizek bragged about eating at McDonald's, etc. Just another fat white male eurocentric "guru" only he's a Left guru. Hilarious.
"Ecology as a New Opium for the Masses •............. part 2 ..............Slavoj Zizek"
Yep Zizek is trying to dismiss ecology as fake science! hilarious.
Suzanne Simard's Mother Tree Project Mother Tree Project |
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