I regularly quote my email response from Dr. Manfred Euler.
Physics Professor Manfred Euler:
"Binaural hearing is the acoustic analog of the interferometer or double-slit experiments. The two ears can be regarded as an acoustic interferometer, which recovers the phase difference of signals between the two ears by binaural correlation….matter waves are locally in phase with the superluminal particle clocks (de Broglie’s Law of Phase Harmony). The clock runs forever so it’s self-sustaining (consciousness-energy). It resonates with the quantum vacuum....Yet an acoustical answer can be given! Play the above mentioned infinitely rising tune and listen to a parable of scientific progress: The progress goes on but the central epistemological questions remain invariant."
The pdf link above corroborates that Euler quote. It was not him just "amusing" me !! He clarifies the above quote with images. I'm looking for his actual talk - vid or audio?
That is his seminar talk - but just the SAME pdf link....
You would think a Physics EDUCATION conference would upload to youtube. haha.
so....he's only explaining the whole secret of reality and how our brains process reality! No big deal...
So this image is also called the Quantum Undertone - based on projective geometry - that I blogged on previously....
So here is my blog post from 2017 quoting my email response from Manfred Euler:
Binaural hearing is the acoustic analog of the interferometer or double-slit experiments. The two ears can be regarded as an acoustic interferometer, which recovers the phase difference of signals between the two ears by binaural correlation.
Near-field imaging with sound waves compelling demonstrates the inadequacy of pictorial realism and promotes more abstract views of the reality displayed.
A comparison of sound and matter waves clarifies that these [noncommutative] limitations exist in principle.
2016: de Broglie clocks as synchronization: a tangible model of how mass emerges.
matter waves are locally in phase with the particle clocks (de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony).
The clock runs forever so it's self-sustaining (consciousness-energy). It resonates with the quantum vacuum.
The harmonic beats creates dynamic energy. So then you have a "phase particle" that can be faster than the speed of light - superluminal - and a "mass particle" that is slower than the speed of light as the "group wave" of the "phase wave." The beats of the phase wave then are "in resonance" with the quantum vacuum - and so create mass from the massless field, explaining the Higgs mechanism.
"Universal coherence" - a "mind boggling outlook."
Coherence as consciousness.
"Ghost Tones"
So I didn't realize he was quoting his 2016 talk!!
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