Monday, May 31, 2021

on Western Science as an apocalyptic faith

 WWII is when global warming really took off - DUE to the "technologies" developed. Building a "new system" is based on the wrong logic going back to Plato (logarithmic math that tries to contain infinity into a symmetric geometry).

How Corporations Manipulate News Outlets - Shadows Of Liberty - Crime Documentary 

 The US revolution was to maintain slavery since England was outlawing slavery. Similarly Rhodesia had a revolution against the free blacks of Zimbabwe. By 1720s the Virginia corporation made it illegal for FREE BLACKS to vote or to own a weapon. Also it was illegal to whip a white bond servant. This was due to Bacon's Rebellion in the 1670s - when African and European bond servants had united in revolution against the Virginia corporation elite. The US constitution was created to prop up the slave masters using the Commerce Clause - for a minority opulent to rule over the poor masses. This is why corporations became Legal Persons protected by the Bill of Rights - after the Civil War.

 the 1.5 Celsius global average that Will is relying on appears to not be accurate. The blog "arctic news blogspot" goes into this - the starting date for temperature has been moved forward so that that "increase" is only measured related to a much later date. In fact the industrial global warming has been going on since the industrial revolution started in the late 1700s. The recent SCRIPPS report on the "heat bomb" from the Pacific into the Arctic has indicated that the Arctic could be ice-free all summer for the first time in three million years - possibly as soon as next summer!! This is a HUGE tipping point due to the Methane bomb in the East Siberian Arctic Shelf. Photosynthesis shuts down after 104 Fahrenheit. Guy McPherson goes into this as well as Peter Wadhams - or Nick Breeze.

Professor David F. Noble's book "The Religion of Technology" (1996) as well as his book "World Without Women" - are both about the religious origins of science. It's from the Platonic philosophy of irrational magnitude math that got Christianized - via the Benedictine monks of the Carolingian Empire in the 9th Century A.D. Anyway the problem goes back further - as his final book, "Myth of the Promised Land" - goes into but also Professor Norman Cohn's book does a good job - Cosmos, Chaos and the World to Come: The Ancient Roots of Apocalyptic Faith. Essentially it's about the origins of linear time. 
So Westernized reality is based on measuring time as a symmetric spatial geometry. This was exposed by math professor Abraham Seidenberg as he titled his articles, "The ritual origins of geometry" - and he did a series with Lord Raglan - on the "separation of heaven and earth" through Mass ritual sacrifice. I did an expose on this as the "Actual Matrix Plan" - based on Olivier L. Reiser's work with a UN-based think tank for science guiding humanity - with Dr. Andrija Puharich, the CIA mind control scientist. That's probably why SAIC still reads my blog - they were the military contractor for the CIA military paranormal research. So for example the liberal elite believe that nuclear radiation will be a good spiritual evolution of life on Earth - called "radioeugenics" - and now called "medical hormesis" - one of the top Drumpf "science" advisors actually promoted this also. 
So the idea is that the spiritually strong will survive - blah blah - while most of Nature will have to be sacrificed just as an embryo in an egg has to FEED off the interior layers to transform itself. And so the interwebs is part of this plan and the goal is to leverage the human mind as a quantum computing free energy source so that the whole planet Earth is transformed into a higher dimensional spiritual holographic laser energy. Then nanobiomotors will spread across the Universe via this artificial intelligence - of "digital biology" or "synthetic ecology." This is why NASA promotes on public radio science friends - "synthetic ecology" in outerspace as the solution to abrupt global warming.

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