Did you see Sandy and Jenn's interview with someone claiming to be part of Xtinction Rebellion - and yet he despises the views of Kevin Hester. Hilarious. The Alchemy of DeNile is Deep. He was pissed that ecologists have pushed back the start of temperature rising from industrial pollution to 1750. He says that unless the rest of the scientists AGREE to this standard then it's bogus to claim it - as if Ecology is defined by a group think consensual social reality. Modern Westernized humans - we are all dependent on high tech conveniences based on "primitive accumulation" of wealth. Archaeologists call it the "Symbolic Revolution" from around 10,000 years ago - the attempt to "contain infinity" using rectilinear geometric symbols. Professor Alfred Crosby's book "Ecological Imperialism" traced this back to the spread of monocultural farming from Europe (West Asia) to around the world - in the past 500 years. Everyone wants all the bling bling of smart cell phones (as the fastest recent increase in electricity use).
yes the Aerosol Masking Effect continues to be ignored in the New Green Deal hype. Here in northern upper Midwest - we are already officially 2 degrees above "normal" in northern Minnesota (U.S.). The recent "Heat Bomb" expose that GEE promoted - from the SCRIPPS institute studying the Arctic influx of Pacific warm hot water - and stating yes even NEXT year is a possible Blue Ocean Event of an ice-free summer in the Arctic - and we already are facing dramatic drought in the SW U.S. This northern hemisphere summer is going to be a doozy to be sure. The food prices spikes apparently due to the Pandemic irregular supply chains - but our food supply is very vulnerable to abrupt global warming.
India's pandemic escalation does not look to be getting better. The human population extreme against the environment can not be solved by NASA and Elon Musk promoting space trips via Hollywood George Clooney and Felicity Jones propaganda. haha.
Better to study quantum nonlocality as quantum biology proves that our perceptions are rooted in a truth of the void that is superluminal as the 5th dimension. A good book on this is "Life on the Edge" by Professor JohnJoe McFadden. Earth, the Moon and the Sun will be around - even my old "radical" progressive activists are claiming the next ten years will direct and control the next 10,000 years of life on Earth due to abrupt global warming. I think that's an anthropocentric humanist view. The next ten years will have Mother Nature taking revenge via the ESAS methane bomb - and will direct the next 10 million years of life on Earth.
Yes I'm grokking. If you study Professor Robert Sapolsky on primate stress - the problem of modern civilization is we are under constant low level stress (in contrast to just a few moments of intense escape the predator stress). So then study Dr. Stephen Porges on his Poly-Vagal model of stress. So humans retain the reptilian "freeze in fear" right side vagus nerve to the lower body. This is why deep trauma like rape will cause a person to NOT react but rather go into an ironic deep freeze - like "playing dead" mode of deep relaxation. So for reptiles playing dead is advantageous but us primates have to train to not have that "playing dead" reaction if it goes against us.
That's why martial arts training is to have an instinctive quick stress reaction. But there is a meditation between the two extremes called the "Relaxation Response" by Harvard Professor Herbert Benson. So this is also called "Parasympathetic Rebound" because ironically it's activated by first achieved extreme stress - more so than the typical day's stress.
"Unfortunately, people tend to activate the fight-or-flight response multiple times during a typical day, usually because of situations that are annoying and stressful, but not life threatening. These include traffic jams, long lines in the grocery store, or — in my case — editorial deadlines. But all those surging stress hormones can take a toll on the body. Over time, such low-grade chronic stress can lead to high blood pressure, increased heart rate, and muscle tension.
The relaxation response may help people to counteract the toxic effects of chronic stress by slowing breathing rate, relaxing muscles, and reducing blood pressure."
So for example our leg muscles are way stronger than our arms - and also our diaphragm and glutes are the two biggest muscles. So by standing with the knees bent until the thigh muscles are sort and legs shaking - this then causes the Parasympathetic rebound as a dialectical reversal into a deep relaxation. So we are activating the reptilian right-side vagus nerve by CHOICE and not by "playing dead." And this deep vagus nerve activation then stores up energy into the neurons in the 2nd brain gut - and this can then be used as again an opposite EXTREME stress reaction if we need one.
So in other words - we can convert many small stresses into one extreme stress under a controlled condition to activate a deep relaxation which is stored in the body - and then can be reversed again externally as a strong sympathetic nervous system reaction.
Of course the right side vagus nerve goes from the reproductive organ and then up to the brain and down the front to the right side of the heart - so a very deep activation will actually kill a person - as in "scared to death" - but yogis or spiritual healers can also stop their heart at will and transcend death. That requires meditation also with biophotons as a coherent holographic laser energy.
Another technique is just take 30 QUICK deep breathes - and this forces out your Carbon Dioxide at a FASTER rate than your body produces - so you get LOW carbon dioxide levels in the body. This causes a pH change in the blood and so then after doing that for 30 breathes you hold the breath AFTER exhale. The Diver's Reflex is not activated because the Diver's Reflex is based on blood pH level. So THEN since you can hold the breath AFTER exhale - it activates the vagus nerve and so forces the BRAIN to fill with blood to increase oxygen to where it is most needed.
The 30 deep breathing then is repeated and each time you are doubling your adrenaline levels - to a deeper level - but it takes the holding the breath AFTER exhale to ACTIVATE the adrenaline since adrenaline can not bypass the blood brain barrier. So then the adrenaline has to be activated by the vagus nerve in the brain. So then you can hold the breath longer for a deeper vagus nerve activation and then for more adrenaline - creating great internal heat. This is marketed as the Wim Hof Method aka Tummo breathing. Lots of vids on it on youtube.
To be honest - this type of teaching can really only be experiential through a right-brain dominant silence as an energy exchange. So for example after I finished my Master's Degree by doing this intensive meditation training (and I saw ghosts among other things) - then I tried to maintain celibacy to keep the energy purified. But diet is just as important - I was dumpster diving as an action against the purification standard - we have a "Holier than Thou" injunction in the modern world. So then I sat in full lotus yoga position in public as a kind of pre-emptive defense for celibacy but this turned out to cause the opposite energy reaction! I recorded what happened - online - I tested out this energy exchange. We as humans are controlled by our right side vagus nerve - this is what was called the kundalini but is actually the "Serpent" origin of the Garden of Eden myth. Turns out that the origin of that myth is reversed - Eden was NOT a "garden" but rather the grassland steppes based on herding and hunting. The garden was the origin of the caste labor system in the urban cities.
So then around 2007 I had this vision of spreading revolution in Minneapolis - via sitting in full lotus in public. Like I said - I recorded my experiences - on this one forum - and the males FREAKED out. We are primates and yet we as modernized Western humans think we can "control" our environment using our left brain and right-hand dominant technologies. So our original human culture, the San bushmen, required ALL males to train in the secret of female vagus nerve energy - called N/om as the rainbow snake or serpent energy. At the first menstruation then the females do the Eland Bull dance whereby the female is initiated into her Lunar psychic power that transforms her into a male bull. This bull has the most fat around the heart and therefore can also activate the most psychic energy through the hormones.
So we modern humans don't realize that the Moon exists INSIDE of us as an electrogravitic or spacetime force - only the most advanced science delves into this via relativistic quantum biology and necessarily proves the paranormal. This was emphasized by Olivier Costa de Beauregard - a student of de Broglie, a Nobel physicist originator of quantum mechanics. So the Wikipedia page of Olivier Costa de Beauregard makes no mention of the paranormal - since Wikipedia considers the paranormal to be woo woo nonsense yet if you actually read Costa de Beauregard almost all his papers emphasize the proof of the paranormal from asymmetric time. And also the CIA would highlight each mention of the paranormal by Costa de Beauregard - and then the CIA would classify his papers - and he was a member of the Institute of Advanced Study at Princeton. So contrary to the popular belief that that paranormal is woo woo - in fact almost all scientists are not advanced enough in training to realize that the paranormal is considered a de facto given truth of reality.
So as I said - I sat in Minneapolis in full lotus in public and essentially the pineal gland is omnidirectional and the energy operates via the 5th dimension as a nonlocal truth of reality - that is superluminal. So these experiences can include precognitive visions that I call "Glitches in the Matrix."
It is a cosmic nonlocal energy from the future - so that our soul is somewhat predetermined - as the Moon, Sun and Earth will continue. For example the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn occasionally resonate so that comets and asteroids are pulled into Earth. This was documented by supercomputers doing chaotic math iterations - and so the previous Mass Species Extinctions were due to the intervention of the ancient Gods of Space (Jupiter) and time (Saturn) - such that life based on Bifocal vision is wiped out. From Bifocal vision we project a 3D spatial reality when in fact the truth of reality is a holographic 2D projection from a Zero dimensional nonlocal energy that can not be seen. It can be logically inferred and LISTENED to yet not seen - hence science calls it Time-Frequency Uncertainty arising from Noncommutative Phase.
So to get back to what I called the Natural Resonance Revolution - then my view is that Civilization was created by female primates using technology in the attempt to protect themselves from males with ejaculation addiction as rapist warmongers. So for example female chimpanzees use spears to hunt for meat so that they are not dependent on the male chimps "bringing home the meat" to then exchange sex - but then raping the females. And so the problem then is that civilization does not SOLVE the CAUSE of the problem - which is this deep psychophysiological drive of male primates since ejaculation spikes the cortisol stress hormones. So there is a cycling and escalation of dopamine as bliss and lust with a spike in Cortisol as stress and the MORE bliss and lust combined with violence as dopamine - with then MORE stress as cortisol - and this is what Dr. Helen Caldicott calls "Missile Envy" as the title of her book. She said she was going to write a NEW book on this in particular - on the psychophysiology problem of males and why females are attracted to it - without knowing that it is a Psychic black hole.
So the channel on "radical anthropology" goes into this - or tries to - on how our original human culture required all males to train in the secrets of female bliss - and this is called tantra now - but with successful training based on the "staying power" of the males - then the energy is ionized and what is external is FIRST experienced internally via the 5th dimension that is nonlocal. Hence all the Zen paradoxes of one hand clapping as silence, etc. Or the paradox of how the Truth of who we really are actually exists in our deep dreamless sleep when we can only AFTER the fact realize that we experienced deep bliss and even joy. So at the moment of Death the truth is actually this profound unconditional love of the right side of the heart - as the right side vagus nerve activation. And this taps into this nonlocal "force" of reverse time or asymmetric time energy that science calls Negentropy.
So according to mainstream science biological life is based on entropy and so therefore could not perceive the reverse direction of spacetime if the Universe stopped accelerating away - and instead collapsed into a Big Crunch. But this assumes a Western modernized left-brain dominant definition of perceptions. Whereas our original human culture is from the equatorial jungle wherein LISTENING is the dominant perception - not visual depth. And it is now proven that humans can listen up to 10 times FASTER than Time-frequency uncertainty or Fourier uncertainty (the conversion of a more precise frequency takes a long time to perceive and vice versa).
So then de Broglie realized with this Law of Phase Harmony discovery that due to relativity and quantum photons based on frequency - there HAS to be a reverse time from the future that is secretly guiding reality. And this reverse time energy increases as the external frequency increases based on light. This is why the ancient Gods and Goddesses have blue skin - Krishna and Hathor have blue skin. It is due to the serotonin and tryptophans in the brain as quantum "pi resonance" molecules similarly to how Graphene is now being utilized for room temperature superconducting energy.
So the LATEST DeNile claim is that some Cosmic Occurrence of Radiation is going to COOL the planet. So the Patriarchy desperately wants some kind of Solar radiation to Save life on Earth as the next step in "evolution" through a spiritual technology. Hence the "mirrors" project - or the silica project to reflect light in the Arctic. Silica as a crystal is even hypothesized to be the original "clay" origin of Life on Earth as life develops via an asymmetric or aperiodic crystal. In other words - if only we can make a crystal in Nature that is NOT symmetric then it will naturally evolve into life. This is hypothesized to have originally been a right-handed silica and therefore the Future of Life on Earth will be to return to such a silica or silicon source that channels cosmic radiation.
The problem with this claim is that life on Earth is really governed by the Moon with the control of the water cycle and water is a "macroquantum" molecule that increases Negentropy or reverse time energy as the water expands (at just below freezing). "4 degrees C (39 degrees F) turns out to be the temperature at which liquid water has the highest density. If you heat it or cool it, it will expand. The expansion of water when you cool it to lower temperatures is unusual, since most liquids contract when they're cooled."
So Mother Nature is actually inherently FEMALE based on parthenogenesis via water while the male principle is for just some genetic variation in physical form. The male principle via coherent biophotons as laser light (in contrast to the supposed random scattering of sunlight) "Rayleigh scattering of sunlight in Earth's atmosphere causes diffuse sky radiation, which is the reason for the blue color of the daytime and twilight sky, as well as the yellowish to reddish hue of the low Sun." - ignores the inherent Nonlocal quantum 5th dimension of quantum biology whereby Photosynthesis occurs - and all our other perceptions of life on Earth. So that the Carbon sequestration cycle is governed by the lunar water energy more so than by the solar energy. In other words as LIFE we rely on an asymmetric processing of coherent biophotons in order to internally SPLIT water into proton energy (called Yang Qi) and electron energy (called Yin Qi) - and this occurs via virtual photons that are then reabsorbed and stored into our protein molecules that are piezoelectric via the Schumann Resonance of the alpha brain waves - around 7.8 Hertz.
This was discovered by Dr. Andrija Puharich as the "Psi-Plasma" truly of reality and life on Earth - via his research into Tesla - and Puharich also did MKULTRA research for the military and CIA on the paranormal. Puharich claimed to have invented a water powered car by using ultrasound to split water. Puharich realized that the Vagus nerve also is activated by ultrasound internally in our bodies and thereby creates an ELF subharmonic from the FUTURE - as a backwards wobble internally (like the backwards wobble of Earth or precession that is a slower cycle). So therefore this sound can be heard as a loud OM sound emanating from the right side of the Heart via the deep right side vagus nerve activation but it is also a coherent biophoton laser spirit resonance from the future - in other words the virtual photons can create NEW MATTER via the reverse time energy of the future (antigravity or negentropy). On a deep level this even enables people to levitate or get Light weight skills - as demonstrated through deep meditation. But this also enables telekinesis, etc.
In other words meditation is and always will be the "highest technologies of all technologies" - since we can listen to the source of light that is superluminal and therefore creates new matter as a reverse time energy from the future. And so abrupt global warming truly is an "internal" projection problem as much as an external technology problem. We as humans think we can rely on left brain dominance but this is easily disproven by our inability to smell our own bad smells - as the left brain quickly INHIBITS the perceptions of "new" smells that occur as a right brain Theta REM dream state perception. This is why our FIRST thought upon waking also includes the ability to smell ourselves - as that first Breath and first Thought is still in our REM theta dream state as a kind of self-reflective act of turning our internal spirit light AROUND to resonate back with its source that can not be seen.
So traditionally this was taught to just visualize FIRE at the base of the spine and this causes a BOILING WATER serpent energy that has the power to heal but also the power to kill. This N/om serpent energy is from the future and so guides us on Earth - and is the basis for initiation into the paranormal - but previously it was required by ALL males to train in this skill since it teaches males that Nature is inherently FEMALE as the source of reality via the right side vagus nerve. There is then an inherent eternal Regeneration to Nature - this is called EcoFeminism now or "spiritual ecology" but it is denied by the technological spiritual mass mind control. For example female mammals inherently have way more oxytocin neuroreceptors to create the Love Bonding with the newly born young - and no "surgery" can change this inherent truth of the right side vagus nerve going to the right side of the heart.
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