Here is a screenshot of my activist mentor in action - he's in the cow suit and has the beard - in the center. From this.
I had a relatively recently upset when I was asked if I had voted for Biden and I said, yes. But I clarified that as Noam Chomsky emphasized, voting is the least thing we can do. I do not fetishize the vote.
Farmers are the hardest working least paid people on the planet - over 50% of farmers have a negative income.
Western civilization is based on Plato arguing that each citizen is valued at 9/8, the major 2nd music interval, and thus must be "compromised for the good of the state" - as Ernest McClain summarized Plato's claim. In other words the Tyrant is due to the inherent logarithmic mathematics of equal-tempered music tuning! Democracy and the Tyrant go together hand in hand.
So then what is the alternative? It is the inherent truth of complementary opposites of reality as nonwestern alchemy meditation.
So originally the farmers were and globally still predominantly are female - because of the Lunar synchronization of females with the water of the Earth that governs life on Earth. It's only in the West that the farmers relied on raping the land with plows - destroying the mycelium fungi that stores carbon as the main driver of life in the soil. Westerners treat their soil like dirt and so do not know how to compost humanure.
So for example I protested against the democratic party and republican party - equally - their candidates, etc. as politicians. At the same time I did the data entry for the Get out the Vote to get Keith Ellison elected for his first office position. I also did the data entry for other prominent Minnesota politicians - like our current governor Tim Walz. I sat in full lotus so that I could overcome any carpal tunnel to make sure the data entry got done. Yes I had help near my final stages of work and I handed over my project to my new coworker who desperately needed the hours to pay off student debt.
I also did door to door outreach to get the Green Party candidate elected who still serves on the Minneapolis City Council - Cam Gordon. I had one young female tell me a rumor - and I ignored it - because it was a neighborhood where a lot of strange things happen. I do not think that politicians are supposed to be saints - so who knows.
When I raised the prospect that Paul Wellstone was assassinated by the CIA - recently - then this is dismissed as paranoid. The local Minnesota activists refused to consider this possibility because the FBI shut down any inquiry into this possible - sure the FBI claimed to have done an investigate. (video) But as we know from professor Alfred McCoy - the FBI was created from the US genocidal colonial war against the Philippines.
So I had one University activist friend whom had thanked me for exposing how a group he had joined had been secretly taken over by a Maoist cult - that the FBI later infiltrated - and now this person is a local Minnesota public news reporter - and he also recently dismissed the Paul Wellstone was assassinated by the CIA claim as just a paranoid conspiracy.
And this also does not mean that I agree with Jim Fetzer who was director of the University of MN Duluth Liberal Studies program - at the same time that I was a graduate student at the Twin Cities Liberal Studies program. In other words just because he published a book claiming Wellstone was assassinated by the CIA - this can also be a way of discrediting any credible investigations. In other words - his previous JFK assassination conference was dismissed by Peter Dale Scott - due to the lack of credible research claims. Similarly the 9/11 claims have also been dismissed. So I also pointed out the problems of his academic books being published by the Moonies - a right wing military fascist cult - and that Fetzer and his Twin Cities Liberal Studies collaborate - Art Harkin - were both in the military (from my understanding). And then also that Art Harkin bragged that his personal mentor was the Nazi SS major Werner von Braun.
So the problem with politics is that the "paranoid style" has a lot of merit when in the end politics is just Chimpanzee Culture in disguise - driven by the Western male mentality.
Jesse Ventura gives a political talk at Googletalks
So I got some kind of reply to Ventura when I pointed out to him that he was promoting Cargill investing in Cuba without realizing how Cargill operates as part of the US empire.
So he also exposed how as soon as he got to be Governor then he was called into the basement of the state Capitol and he was surrounded by a dozen CIA agents - interrogating him on what Ventura was going to do as governor. Clearly the political system does not like independent officials.
So our political system can not be fixed by elections because the problem is structural and on a much deeper level - a psychophysiological problem of spiritual control - what Nonwesterners call "Ghost Pollution."
My activist mentor contacted me about ten years ago - and asked me to take on another campaign here in Minnesota. I declined and I also declined an invitation to get together with him. The fact is that my psychophysiology was permanently transformed from my nonwestern meditation training. There is no going back for me. I certainly support activism but I see it as only a superficial remedy.

So here is my activist mentor going to Florida - via airplane - to support the tomato pickers. So what I did was work for two years with Mexican "undocumented workers" - speaking my bad Spanish as it was better than their English - for an organic produce warehouse job - packing and sorting and loading and distributing pallets of fruit.
They show dancing at the end of this video. I used to rely on Cumbia dancing was our work music in order to pack the fruit. We had a new worker complain to me that this was "Children's Music" - why? Because as a Westernized person she didn't realize the power of trance dancing as transformative resonance healing music. In fact Cumbia is way more sophisticated than normal Western music.

My activist mentor - on the lower right - with farmer activists....
So they key issue here is solidarity between farmers and urban workers - this was the original Farmer-Labor party in Minnesota. But the elite bankers and judges broke up this solidarity as part of the Cold War Red Scare against communists, an international conspiracy. For example as Noam Chomsky points out, Hubert H. Humphrey, a supposed civil rights leader, was in fact supportive of internment camps for Communist party members - as the National Security Act.
Wow - 13 years ago! My activist mentor doing his thang.

Here is a recent article by the person who hired me for my last activist job where I worked for ten years.