Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Why Chaos Supercomputer Science won't solve abrupt global warming

 this whole "fuzzy" unpredictable tipping was analyzed by Professor Robert Nadeau's book, "Environmental Endgame" back in 2004 or so. So he points out that global warming science relies on supercomputers doing iterations. So as Chaos math professor Steve Strogatz points out - science is inherently "authoritarian" because the computers could care less if ecology survives or not. So the scientists can not predict the results - and are dependent on the supercomputers doing the iterations that are inherently unpredictable - to then try develop "policy changes." It's all a big joke. In fact scientists were NEVER in control because chaos math as per "number theory" is just the unpredictability of irrational number decimals - as they move to the right in time. As Strogatz points out "fractals" do not exist in Nature as "fractals" are a Platonic ideal of irrational numbers as modeled in computers and the same is true of chaos science.

 CAnada "net zero carbon" but the transnational EXPORT of Tar Sands oil is the equivalent of doubling the oil output. That's why national definitions of GDP and other measures are a total joke. For example Costa Rica relies on tourists flying in on airplanes all the time for their "ecotourism" economy - do that include THOSE environmental costs in their national carbon emissions? Of course not. Sweden and Germany rely on importing biomass forests from the US, etc. - that's how late-term capitalism works to avoid taxes, etc. It's the connections bETWEEN the nations that matter more than each nation themselves.

 sure GEE makes this point. Ecology was not really recognized as a "science" until DNA analysis kicked in. And the first ecology textbook was by Odum and funded by the Atomic Energy Commission. So ecology by definition is based on systems theory - from Gregory Bateson whose dad coined the term "genetics." So if you read Gregory Bateson's book, "Mind and Nature: A necessary unity" - he is struggling with the logical paradoxes of systems theory. 

Bateson also was funded by the CIA - as an anthropologist - to try to assimilate nonwestern cultures. I studied a semester at the School for Field Studies in "conservation biology and sustainable development" in Costa Rica 1992 and then my undergraduate degree was a new "environmental option" to integrate economics, political science and biology for an International Relations degree at University of Wisconsin-Madison. 

So I discovered first hand that these three disciplines all LIE about each other and that sustainability is a scam. So then I did my master's degree on radical ecology as part of an interdisciplinary Liberal Studies degree at University of Minnesota. So I did a lot of policy research and policy volunteer work on committees through the University - this did not make me "popular" with the administration. Professors are controlled by the corporate research "donations" made possible by Reagan - 100% tax deduction - and the corporations get 100% tax funded research labs, researchers, patent control, etc. A good book on this is "Leasing the Ivory Tower" by Lawrence Soley - he was at University of Minnesota and so he got fired for having that book published. 

Another good book on this is "America By Design" by MIT History professor David F. Noble (He also got fired for that book and a book exposing the patent law controlling science discoveries - "Forces of Production).  

We like to turn to science as our religion to "save us" but the mathematical logic of science is wrong as Math professor Luigi Borzacchini points out. Mother Nature is in control. Science can document the accelerating rate of destruction while the main thrust of science is for some kind of Techno-Utopia as the Matrix Singularity as you well know. I exposed this in 2001 as the "Actual Matrix Plan" based on the "music logarithmic spiral" - just google those terms. Amateurs - or "vocational" - are definitely NOT professionals.

 I did policy change activism and I was accused of being hyperbolic. People don't understand that you need the opposite extreme in order to restore something back to balance - this is due to the rate of growth change. So the predictions have to take into account the accelerating change of growth as people digest the information to make changes. Instead people freak out and say because you are exaggerating the proven truth therefore the content of the information can be dismissed. This is the bias of science with math not being pure but rather an "applied" engineering to transform Nature as a "contained" symmetric geometry as infinity - as per the Golden Ratio as the slowest converging irrational ratio. Just read the "Religion of Technology" by Professor David F. Noble for the history of this structural drive of science.

 Michael Mann is just repeating the corporate-state Democratic Party line of blaming the Green Party for the Democrats losing. It's the "blame the victim" or "kick the dog" reaction. It's pretty much the same as the right wing calling the Green Party as "Watermelons" - secret Communists. As Naomi Oreskes emphasized - yes global warming science will require big government science policies. If it's the military then no problem but the military is driven by Missile Envy commodity fetish fear-ejaculation science. Ecology is based on Mother Nature analysis of restoration and regeneration - the exact opposite of Missile Envy science. Over 50% of physics is for the military and top secret - with huge socialism science budgets for Missile Envy doom porn. The "good cops" of Imperialism just promote the US military as being "green" - like that Harvard Professor. Yes elitist corporate-state scientists are aligned with the military science like NASA, Department of Energy, etc. this is why NUK-Clear power is constantly promoted as the secret Green solution.

If only James - what's his name - Hansen - didn't get arrested - then we would have fixed abrupt global warming science already! Too many "political" scientists getting arrested and not enough Brown-No$er corporate junk scientists kissing up to the military physics community of NASA, Department of Energy, etc. Scientists need to just stay calm and these problems will fix themselves - with enough new patents, etc. For example Brett F. Thorton with his NASA science background has now DEBUNKED Natalia Shakhova - or so the science world can now claim!! haha. 
Just sit back and relax because the ESAS Methane Bomb now no longer exists! It's been VANISHED by NASA-military science out of Sweden.
If another scientist gets arrested claiming we are in a global emergency then Michael Mann will just get more famous. He's like Patrick Moore the former Greenpeace "founder" (he wasn't really) now working for the nuclear power industry as a consultant or whatever. haha. It's easy to be a Brown-No$er blaming the victim. What's really terrible are these indigenous activists getting arrested doing civil disobedience to stop the pipelines - they're making people believe we have a serious problem of immediate global warming DOOM. Just relax into your cozy Professor career and let "science" fix the problem!



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