Monday, March 1, 2021

Can Chakras Be Activated With Music? Sadhguru


I now understand why when I hear Classical Indian Music why my body electrifies.. Why I have tears why I go into unexplained ecstatic states. Its very difficult to put in words, & not everyone is capable of perceiving this
the "three gunas" are the octave (sattva), Perfect Fifth (rajas) and Perfect Fourth (tamas). Classical Indian music recognizes that the Perfect Fourth is NOT an overtone of the root tonic and so a drone with a perfect fourth above creates a root tonic below. Whereas a Perfect Fifth IS an overtone of the root tonic. This is called "noncommutative phase" logic in music theory. Watch Fields Medal math professor Alain Connes lecture on noncommutative music and you understand the secret of classical Indian music as the secret unified field theory of reality. This same truth is found in Daoism and also nonwestern music theory. ONLY Western music tries to contain the infinite vibration as symmetric geometry using equal-tempered music to create logarithms and exponentials, etc. This is a "deep pre-established disharmony" that is the "guiding evoltive principle" of Western science (math professor Luigi Borzacchini). thanks
 Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang
Quantum nonlocality is from noncommutative phase that is also classical Indian music. So the Perfect Fifth is rajas while the Octave is Sattva and Tamas is the Perfect Fourth. This means that 3/2 is the Perfect Fifth as C to G overtone while 2/3 is ALSO the Perfect Fifth as C to F undertone. This means that G=3=F at the same time as the future overlapping with the past as noncommutative phase logic as the truth of reality. Watch Fields Medal math professor Alain Connes lecture on music theory for details. thanks

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