Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Negative Entropy as Magnetoelectric force: Dr. Nisha Manek's new podcast interview on Dr. William Tiller's consciousness information healing science

 Non-traditional gravitational forces involve negative mass negative mass interactions of the negative mass x negative mass type plus a different type of radiation acting as the communication vehicle between this negative mass substance that this author has labeled “magnetoelectric (ME) energy (moving magnetic charges inducing electric fields in the physical vacuum). This is due to the E<0 region (E2>0) of substance in Figure 1. This region of substance, with w>c , is not instrumentally observable with today's EM technology.

So she says Magnetoelectric energy - podcast youtube 

This is Dr. William Tiller's pdf on the subject 

  the small amount of experimental data suggesting that w>c substance and energy of the physical vacuum speed up rather than slow down on entering dense matter, whereas the opposite is true for the EM counterpart, then dark matter and dark energy in the cosmos should tend to partition to those regions of space that are densest in EM substance.

OK so Dr. Tiller uses Louis de Broglie's model of reality as his foundation. 

Thus, one should expect that sufficiently inner-self managed humans should, in principle, be capable of intentionally drawing into their body, from the outside environment,a sufficient amount of the w>c substance so that the net gravitational force interaction between their body and the Earth shifts from a strongly attractive force to a neutral force and ultimately to a repulsive force. Then the human will be observed to be levitating relative to the Earth.

And Dr. Nisha Manek co-authored with qigong master Chunyi Lin and she mentions qigong masters in the podcast. 

A thermodynamic driving force thus exists to create any kind of configurational entropy. However, since energy of these non-observable vacuum states is of the negative kind, should we also assume that the substance mass is of the negative kind and that the normal entropy also takes on a negative sign? 

the m+and m-magnetic charge type that remain superluminal

So this is very similar to the "Negaparticles" dubbed by Yakir Aharonov, et. al.

So what Aharonov yet all call "weak measurements" and others called "Subobservables" is what Tiller calls "reciprocal subspace."

 So then Tiller gets into Fiber Bundles as noncommutative quantum phase space - this is from my own teacher, Professor Herbert J. Bernstein.

Tiller is relying on this dude. his book - full pdf free

 who focuses on the group and phase velocity of waves as a precursor for discussing position and momentum space in quantum mechanics.













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