Sunday, December 27, 2020

Western Science: Knowing the Problem is HALF the Solution

 yes as Noam Chomsky says we are lemmings going off the cliff. Chomsky emphasizes the mass media mind control as indoctrination is more effective since it's easier than controlling someone's body. So we have "repeaters" even on supposed independent youtube channels. As Chomsky emphasizes SELF-censorship is the most important kind of censorship. People do not know HOW to learn and so do not investigate things on their own. People go to higher education to make money or try to since wages have not risen since the 1970s next to inflation. 

So it's Imperial Implosion. For example scientists now in higher education are more likely to be from China or India since socialist countries invest more in education. So then Germany for example emphasizes corporate-sponsored apprentice education whereas the US Empire does not sponsor higher education. So then the corporations complain about the lack of well trained labor when in fact US corporations make more profits now in other countries and also save money by hiring immigrant scientists. 

Professor David F. Noble's book, "America By Design" exposed how science is controlled by elite foundations - he was fired from MIT for political reasons as the AHA lawsuit proved. His book "The Religion of Technology" traced the structural trajectory of Western science - as did its follow up book, "Myth of the Promised Land." Humans have been around for 200,000 years and our original human culture, still around, the San Bushmen, lived without rape or war - requiring each male to do intensive spiritual training. We now worship science as the answer when in fact science caused today's ecological crisis from the wrong philosophy of Plato. 

Our DeNile is Deep indeed. Science can certainly give us HALF the answer as Freud pointed out - at least "Knowing" what the problem is. The solution is from a deeper look at biology. For example most physicists today dismiss quantum biology as crap and even most biologists dismiss quantum biology. Too funny. The CIA censors the science of relativistic quantum biology - for example Professor Olivier Costa de Beauregard. In other words only be delving deep into the depths of science - for example noncommutative phase logic of the Stanford Research Institute, Eddie Oshins on quantum psychology - teaching Wing Chun of Bruce Lee's lineage - do we stare straight at the solution to our ecological crisis. 

 we live on a speck of dust. We are dependent on ecological habitat. We currently have created the FASTEST rate of mass extinction of life on Earth in Earth's history of billions of years. Stop fixating on outer space. Humans have been around for 200,000 years and our original human culture lived without rape and war - the San Bushmen are still around. Admit it - you know NOTHING about where you come from. Start studying your original human culture from which you are just 7000 generations detached. Read "The Harmless People" by Elizabeth Marshall Thomas. 

Science is our current religion from Solar-based agriculture just 10,000 years old. Science enables us to know the problem which is only half the solution. Look to your original human culture to learn the solution to how to be a human. Realize your are deeply brainwashed - mind controlled. Can you feel your pineal gland - can you really feel even your whole brain? Your obsession with science statistics has no dent at all on the truth of reality of the Universe. The Universe exists WITHIN you. Ghosts are real. good luck.


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