Sunday, December 27, 2020

Thank You Readers for reviewing my Neidan research - this inspires me to keep training and learning

 Acoustic Alchemy: Extracting Lead to Replenish Mercury as "Mercury Dragon Yang"

Yes this is a good one.

So I was able to leverage the wonderful healing Solstice energy again - waking up in the silence of 2 a.m. for a small universe full lotus meditation.

My colon was not fully cleared out so I didn't expect much in results but sure enough I had a nice electrical "pop" in my skull as a blockage cleared out.

Before I began meditating - I could feel the strong magnetic pineal gland bliss from the Solstice - and this is what had woken me up.

Clearly after 20 years of training - even though I have currently "stopped" doing much meditation - I still enjoy the permanent magnetic bliss of the pineal gland after my "enlightenment experience."

And I look forward to keep going deeper into meditation as the most important of my life goals.

In the mean time I focus on healing my family, as the focus. 

I realize that I myself need to heal as well but from the Nonlocal Emptiness - healing others and healing the self go together.

The original qigong master used to say this as his motto:

"The More you heal others, the more you heal yourself."

He does not say this - he stopped saying it after he became "Americanized" as he joked.

Why? As he shared in 2013 - he said people were overusing their psychic energy after their third eye had been opened and then they get fat since they need to get the yin qi energy from food, after their yang qi energy has been depleted.

So based on the above link - and the Taoist Yoga: alchemy and immortality book - we still have to convert the yin qi energy to yang qi energy via celibacy. This is what I do.

And then I send out the yin qi energy based on the save up yang qi energy going to the third eye.

Or I should say the Emptiness does this directly. But as that link explains - it's still not building up the Yuan Qi energy. The third eye EMITS Yuan Qi energy and so enables building up MORE Yuan Qi energy if you meditation to create more ambrosia or ionized cerebrospinal fluid that is swallowed.

My training manual goes into more details.

So as much as Wim Hof has the Foundation of Tummo training done to a Western "science" - he still is lacking the higher levels of Neidan alchemy as per meditation. He does hint at this when he talks about seeing light and visualizing fire, etc.

I would say about half of my blog readers now are from NON-Western sources - as nonwesterners are from their own cultures with their own roots in Neidan alchemy training.

But the whole world has been Westernized - so we have to do a dialectical reversal from the West back to its nonwestern sources. I do this through Pythagorean philosophy as the nonwestern source of Western civilization.


So then in reviewing that Neidan link in the previous blogpost - via googlebooks preview - the "mercury dragon yang" of the heart is the Yang Shen energy via Neidan.

So this is what Gurdjieff called the Big Accumulator.

So the secret here is the term "Culling" as in Cultivation of the Lead Yang to replenish the Yin shen and yin qi of the mercury dragon. In meditation then the Yin shen turns into Yang Shen when reversed in direction (from out of the eyes back down to the Elixir Field).

This creates the Green Dragon or Female Dragon as Earth-Heaven. This is the paradox of alchemy.

So the Yang Shen creates new matter from Yuan Qi energy out of the heart - the laser light stores this Yuan Qi in the elixir Field. We can see this in modern terms as the Stem Cell energy being activated.

So now with "gene therapy" they claim to be able to REGROW any organ of the body! Need a new heart? Just reactivate the stem cell genes that create a heart, etc.

So this is how Bilocation works only that the regrowth originates from the quantum entanglement or nonlocality that HOLDS the nucleotides together. This is now documented in quantum biology - that the spiral strands of amino acids are held together by quantum entanglement or nonlocality.

This is the "binding" energy of the extra photon energy that Einstein discovered in his most famous equation. So when matter has a chain reaction if it is heavy or if is fuses together if it is light - in our case it is the latter - as Sonofusion of hydrogen (just as Gurdjieff claimed) - then the EXTRA photon energy is the relativistic or gravitational mass (not inertial rest mass).

So that is the captured virtual photon energy from the future - what qigong master Yan Xin calls the "virtual information field that does the healing" and qigong master Zhang, Hongbao calls it the "Golden Key" as the "superluminal yin matter."

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