Thursday, October 8, 2020

on the Ionized vagus nerve and the blood brain barrier and music Amusia neuron damage and Zoe Cormier

 The brain is normally shielded from infectious diseases by what is known as the “blood-brain barrier” – a lining of specialised cells inside the capillaries running through the brain and spinal cord.

I corresponded with Zoe Cormier  who gives talks based on her book - she grew up "in the music industry" - and she focuses on music but she got her science degree in zoology studying frog mating calls.

So the low sounds in humans from throat singing is from the relaxed vagal tone from activation of the right side and left side vagus nerve....

So someone asked me about the qigong training healing - and I described the vagus nerve and how it helps serotonin increase levels in the brain via the blood in the pineal gland then transferring the serotonin to the cerebrospinal fluid. So then this increased CSF then opens up and clears out the left side of the brain - and the left side vagus nerve going down...

And then the CSF is swallowed as the ionized lecithin - that stores the Qi in the neurons of the 2nd brain - the small intestines....

These differences imply that the frequency/spectral-processing deficit might be manifested differentially in speech and nonspeech contexts in amusics—it is manifested as a deficit of higher-level phonological processing in speech sounds, and as a deficit of lower-level auditory processing in nonspeech sounds.

 So Zoe Cormier uses Amusia to argue that music is a brain illusion of the mind. But if a person has congenital Amusia then they also have damage with other types of perceptions as well. It's not just that they have a "different" amusia illusion in their mind.

 a few rogue auditory nerves go directly to the hypothalamus.

Music stimulates your brain MORE than reading or mathematics... 

The brain stem is NOT stimulated by language or reading but IS by music....

We report a difference between humans and macaque monkeys in the functional organization of cortical regions implicated in pitch perception. Humans but not macaques showed regions with a strong preference for harmonic sounds compared to noise

. In contrast, frequency-selective tonotopic maps were similar between the two species. This species difference may be driven by the unique demands of speech and music perception in humans.

Autistic traits, resting-state connectivity, and absolute pitch in professional musicians: shared and distinct neural features 

 Recent studies indicate increased autistic traits in musicians with absolute pitch and a higher proportion of absolute pitch in people with autism. Theoretical accounts connect both of these with shared neural principles of local hyper- and global hypoconnectivity, enhanced perceptual functioning, and a detail-focused cognitive style. This is the first study to investigate absolute pitch proficiency, autistic traits, and brain correlates in the same study.

AP musicians exhibit a widely underconnected brain with reduced functional integration and reduced small-world property during resting state.

The basis of musical consonance as revealed by congenital amusia 

 Amusics also failed to exhibit the normally observed preference for harmonic over inharmonic tones, nor could they discriminate such tones from each other. Despite these abnormalities, amusics exhibited normal preferences and discrimination for stimuli with and without beating. This dissociation indicates that, contrary to classic theories, beating is unlikely to underlie consonance. Our results instead suggest the need to integrate harmonicity as a foundation of music preferences, and illustrate how amusia may be used to investigate normal auditory function.

 The typical human brain exhibits a small-world-like structure with a much higher clustering compared to a random network, while maintaining an efficient information transfer and low wiring cost through an equally low path length [70, 103, 107]. In this context, the results of the present study indicate a less efficient and less small-world structured functional network in AP compared to RP, in line with the structural results of Jäncke et al. [49] and the results from the autism research [52, 53, 56, 100, 113] but extends the results to EEG functional connectivity networks.

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