Tuesday, October 20, 2020

My body was the whole universe of nectar (ether) - a student of Ramana Maharshi speaks out: Physics professor N.R. Krishnamurti Aiyer


When the skull was sealed I experienced a brilliant light, like that of an arc lamp, and an indescribable joy and coolness filled my being. This light and joy continued for several hours

about 55 minutes into this doc on Ramana Maharshi

Around midnight...I simply stayed where I was and unconscious of what was happening around. Light form a concave metal, a concave mirror  being focused on the heart. At that focal point, all that light was drained. The heart was opened. The kundalini Shakti was completely sucked into that heart...

the Heart Opened....I never read any theory. These are all practical experiences. I immediately, there gushed forth a flood of nectar [bliss] from the heart. It drenched the pores of my skin...it poured out out out, in a great flood. The whole Universe was filled. ...

My awareness was not in my body...My awareness was over the WHOLE of space, filled by that nectar. The WHOLE universe was nectar...Nectar, I call it Ether, if you give it a name. Something very subtle. But  attached with Awareness at every point. 

All the bodies there, living and nonliving, were simply like flakes, like snowflakes, floating in that ocean of nectar.  My body is the whole universe of nectar.


  a stanza in Jnana Vashistha said, “Between two thoughts there is an interval of no thought. That interval is the Self, the Atman. It is pure Awareness only.”

In those days I was repeating the mantra “Ram, Ram.” So I said to myself: “Ram — that is one thought; and Ram again — that is another thought. But in the interval between these two thoughts there is silence. That Silence is the Self.” And so, I came to the conclusion that if I go on repeating “Ram, Ram” it will resolve itself into that Silence.

I was very happy. I rushed home and found I was my normal mundane self, teaching my classes in the usual way. But all the time, even while the lectures were going on, “Ram, Ram, Ram” went on repeating in my Heart. For nine years it went on like that and then stopped of its own accord. It ended in Silence.

 Alba Alamillo

A study done in mice by Maiken Nedergaard a Danish neuroscientist at the University of Rochester, in NY discovered that when we are awake, our neurons are tightly packed together. The interesting fact is that when we are asleep some brain cells decrease their size by 60% allowing spaces between them. That space allows the spinal fluid to wash the metabolic waste (beta-amyloid). Maybe that's the reason why healthy sleep prevents some illnesses.

 Where your decisions come from - Alba Alamillo - youtube

 resulting in a striking increase in convective exchange of cerebrospinal fluid with interstitial fluid. In turn, convective fluxes of interstitial fluid increased the rate of β-amyloid clearance during sleep. Thus, the restorative function of sleep may be a consequence of the enhanced removal of potentially neurotoxic waste products that accumulate in the awake central nervous system.

Sleep Drives Metabolite Clearance from the Adult Brain


  the power of slow wave activity was higher in sleeping than in awake mice, which is concurrent with a lower power of high-frequency activity (Fig. 2C).

 Because of the high sensitivity of neural cells to their environment, it is essential that waste products of neural metabolism are quickly and efficiently removed from the brain interstitial space. Several degradation products of cellular activity, such as Aβ oligomers and amyloid depositions, have adverse effects on synaptic transmission () and cytosolic Ca2+ concentrations () and can trigger irreversible neuronal injury (). The existence of a homeostatic drive for sleep—including accumulation of a “need to sleep” substance during wakefulness that dissipates during sleep—has been proposed (). Because biological activity is inevitably linked to the production of metabolic degradation products, it is possible that sleep subserves the important function of clearing multiple potentially toxic CNS waste products. Our analysis indicates that the cortical interstitial space increases by more than 60% during sleep, resulting in efficient convective clearance of Aβ and other compounds (Figs. 2 and and3).3). The purpose of sleep has been the subject of numerous theories since the time of the ancient Greek philosophers (). An extension of the findings reported here is that the restorative function of sleep may be due to the switching of the brain into a functional state that facilitates the clearance of degradation products of neural activity that accumulate during wakefulness.


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