First Enjoy the Dirac Dance again - vid
video - Spin of Indivisible Particle -
Make a Building Block of Universe(The Fundamental Particle)M.V.John
In some ways, black holes are incredibly simple: They’re said to have
“no hair,” meaning all distinctive features seem to wash away when they
form. Each one can be characterized by only its mass, electric charge
and angular momentum — making them rather like elementary particles.
The question was whether the resulting singularity was simply an
artifact of that perfect spherical symmetry — something possible on
paper, but preposterous in nature.
Unlike a regular surface, which can have light rays shooting away from
it in any direction, a trapped surface is a closed two-dimensional
surface that — even when distorted away from the shape of a sphere —
only allows light rays to go one way: toward the center point.
Penrose found that the dimensions of space and time switch roles inside a
trapped surface. Time is the direction pointing toward the center, so
that escaping a black hole is as impossible as going back in time.
Penrose, together with Stephen Hawking, soon showed that a similar
analysis applies to the entire universe: A singularity would have
inevitably existed when matter and energy were densely packed together
in the Big Bang.
From the equations, it seems likely that there is no closed form in elementary functions.
This one doesn't have an exact answer, as it involves solving a transcendental equation.
the distance from on chord to the other, will be defined as positive.
oddly the answer is not a real number,
consider the area on the first quadrant and a point x0;
Due to symmetry we need
int(sqroot(1-x^2),x,0,x0) = (pi 1^2)/3/2/2 = pi/12 : int means integral
oops! Symmetry does not allow an answer since the truth of reality is noncommutative phase (asymmetry)....
@JOHN M.V yes thanks for this Spin of Indivisible Particle. The physicist who predicted Dark Energy - he also says the energy of light is from Noncommutative Spacetime. So all matter is from light but light has a hidden relativistic mass. Nobel physicist Gerard 't Hooft emphasizes this secret of light also. He has an article called "Light is Heavy." just search his name and that title.
@JOHN M.V Spinors are 1/2 spin as noncommutative phase and so more fundamental than vectors
@JOHN M.V I read your paper - fascinating! So it's considered an "open solution' (i.e. unsolved) - and so I think this is noncommutative phase. Music theory is the origin of this. India has the "three gunas" actually from music theory. So 2/3 is C to F as subharmonic while 3/2 is C to G as overtone harmonic. They are noncommutative to the 1 and so infinite as the "three in one unity" (Ramana Maharshi). thanks
Singularities of inverse functions - Purdue Math › ~eremenko › dvi › sing1
May 26, 2013 — Thus non-algebraic singularities of the inverse function f−1 correspond ... Corollary. If f is an entire function, then the number of transcendental. Sep 10, 2018 — Then the number of direct transcendental singularities of f^{-1} is at most \max \{1, 2 \mu \}. A key consequence of Theorem 1.1 is that a ...
Transcendental Number Theory - Stanford Mathematics › ~ksound › TransNotes
Sep 19, 2011 — Cantor: Algebraic numbers are countable, so transcendental numbers exist, ... Wronskian resolves exactly what the singularity looks like.
The recent Geneva experiment strikingly displays lawlike reversibility together with quantum nonseparability.

So... in meditation we turn around the below!!

Sure enough Costa de Beauregard affirms the Paranormal!!! Once again (despite Wikipedia pretending otherwise!!

This is so awesome!! He's explaining Negentropy and the Paranormal. I've been wondering about this recently....

So he was commenting on this:
Quantum correlations versus Multisimultaneity: an experimental test
Multisimultaneity is a causal model of relativistic quantum physics which
assigns a real time ordering to any set of events, much in the spirit of the
pilot-wave picture. Contrary to standard quantum mechanics, it predicts a
disappearance of the correlations in a Bell-type experiment when both analysers
are in relative motion such that, each one in its own inertial reference frame,
is first to select the output of the photons. We tested this prediction using
acousto-optic modulators as moving beam-splitters and interferometers separated
by 55 m. We didn't observe any disappearance of the correlations, thus refuting
Observing the transition from quantum to classical energy correlations with photon pairs
Stefan Lerch,
André Stefanov
We experimentally demonstrate a method to control the relative
amount of quantum and classical energy correlations between two photons
from a pair emitted by spontaneous parametric downconversion.
Decoherence in the energy basis is achieved by applying random spectral
phases on the photons. As a consequence a diverging temporal second
order correlation function is observed and is explained by a mixture
between an energy entangled pure state and a fully classically
correlated mixte state.
The limits of quantum superposition: Should "Schrödinger's cat"
and "Wigner's friend" be considered "miracle" narratives?
Antoine Suarez
Physicians define death as the "irreversible" breakdown of all
brain-functions including brain-stem. By "irreversible" they mean a
damage that is beyond the human capacity to restore the patient's
healthy state. In the same line I propose to complete the definition of
quantum physics in [1] by Principle D (Detection): "Detection outcomes
(like death) are ordinarily irreversible and observer-independent". It
is then argued that this principle excludes generalization of quantum
superposition to visible objects bearing observer-dependent outcomes.
However this exclusion is not absolute: It rather means that
"Schrödinger's cat" and "Wigner's friend" should be considered "miracle"
narratives beyond the domain of science.


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