Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Gary Greenberg exposes why the "autistic spectrum" is a Big Pharma fascist mind control gambit and Psychiatry is based on fake "disorders"

my NEW playlist - 357 vids so far - Big Pharma CIA Psychiatry Fascist Corporate-State Mass Mind Control 

 And there’s nothing to stop a clinician from diagnosing someone with autistic spectrum disorder even if he or she doesn’t meet the criteria. In fact, Sue Swedo, head of the work group considering autism for the DSM-5, told a crowd of psychiatrists exactly that when this question came up at the APA annual meeting in May. 

It's become fashionable under the deluge of Big Pharma ads for people to think they can "diagnose" others with some kind of biological disease when psychiatry and psychology are 100% tax deductible Big Pharma scams.

The Origins of Autism in Nazi Vienna | Edith Sheffer | Talks at Google 

Just because someone refuses to cooperate with the Corporate-State fascist commodity culture then they can be "diagnosed" as "being on the spectrum."

 Recounting a flap over the news that the DSM-5’s authors might strike Asperger’s syndrome from the manual—they did, in the end, though they promised that many Asperger’s patients would qualify for treatment under “Autism Spectrum Disorder”—Greenberg recalls a New York Times op-ed “by Benjamin Nugent, a writer whose psychologist mother, an expert in Asperger’s, had gotten him diagnosed when he was a teenager, but who, after he ‘moved to New York City and … met some people who shared my obsessions,’ realized he wasn’t sick at all.”

Just because someone does not want to make eye contact - with a particular person or even a group of people - does not mean they have some biological disease. Rather such a person is very possibly just making a social choice. With a different person or group of people then the same person may choose to make lots of eye contact or even stare possibly. And staring isn't necessarily bad either. And so on.

In many cultures it's considered rude or a threat to make direct eye contact - and what about the "Evil Eye" - that is a very common "belief" in many cultures. Does that mean all those cultures were on the "autistic spectrum"? This is similar to Julian Jaynes trying to claim that Nonwestern cultures are Schizophrenic. It's completely total fascist eugenic B.S.

I blogged on this before.

 Greenberg points out that psychiatrists hungry for grants from Big Pharma can, for instance, revise the boundaries of bipolar disorder so that disobedient toddlers are prescribed antipsychotics. Harvard psychiatrist Joseph Biederman advanced the notion of childhood bipolar disorder while accepting research funds from Johnson & Johnson, manufacturer of one of the antispsychotics often prescribed to the allegedly bipolar children. Eventually Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa ordered an investigation of Biederman’s activities and Harvard determined that Biederman violated its policies.
The biggest promoter of Depression Drugs, this Harvard Professor, was on the payroll of the Depression Drug company Oops he forgot to tell people! haha.

Child Bipolar Disorder Imperiled by Conflict of Interest

Will The Credibility of Child Bipolar Disorder Be Undermined?

 And such is the cause with autism - the "test" for childhood autism is if the child does not want to properly "play" with the psychologist or psychiatrist! C'mon - what if the child just thinks the adult is a dotard and evil? What freedom does the child have?! Since when can an adult declare a child has a biological disease simply because the child does not want to participate in what the adult thinks of as "fun."??!

What if someone simply chooses to ignore someone they disagree with? Then suddenly such a person has some kind of biological disease? Seriously? How blatant does the fascist corporate-state culture have to be?

In China you have similar mass crackdowns on people practicing meditation. In the West then under "enlightenment" science the "crime of fanaticism" was developed. A person is not allowed to be too religious because it's apparently insane?

So much for freedom of religion!!

And how come no one has heard of Baron Von Mauchausen Syndrome? Considering how everyone is smothered in Big Pharma ads all the time then obviously that syndrome is much more common.

Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy | Michigan Medicine

Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSBP) is a mental health problem in which a ... The other parent (usually the father) is not involved in the child's treatment, ...

And then we find out that "poor countries" don't have the "autistic spectrum" - why? Because they're too busy just trying to survive and they don't have time for accusing people of stupid social moire faux pas.

For example BOTH "parties" in elections fund local television stations since local stations are dependent on the campaign advertising - that again is 100% tax deductible. So then the local news - and on up to the national news and international news - it is all based on the Advertisers being the Customer of the "news" - and the goal is to make the advertisers happy! The "product" being sold is a consumer that tows the line. And so Big Pharma ads make sure that happens as well - to enforce strict behavior rules - if you don't act like on stupid television ads then you have a biological disease! 

Let's not forget the CIA role in controlling both the Media as mass indoctrination AND psychiatry! For example consider Ewen Cameron.

 Donald Ewen Cameron – known as D. Ewen Cameron or Ewen Cameron – was a Scottish-born psychiatrist who served as President of the American Psychiatric Association, Canadian Psychiatric Association, American Psychopathological Association, Society of Biological Psychiatry and World Psychiatric Association.

 Ah that's the first "hit" but no mention that he was a CIA MKULTRA torturer?

The experiments were conducted at the Allan Memorial Institute of McGill University between 1957 and 1964 by the Scottish psychiatrist Donald Ewen Cameron and funded by the CIA as part of Project MKUltra, which lasted until 1973 and was only revealed to the public in 1975.
Jul 28, 1985 — Harvey Wein stein, a quiet, bearded man who practices psychiatry at ... With funding from the CIA, the late Dr. D. Ewen Cameron did a series of ...

Wait - I thought he was "president" of most of the top psychiatry associations but now we learn at the same time he was a top CIA mind control torturer? Ah - it's all good for the masses to denounce others with a biological disease if they don't brown-No$e enough. haha. 

The Real Problems With Psychiatry

A psychotherapist contends that the DSM, psychiatry's "bible" that defines all mental illness, is not scientific but a product of unscrupulous politics and bureaucracy.

 There's nothing worse than a bunch of drunks declaring that someone has a biological disease because they don't brown-no$e enough up to corrupt corporate-state culture that's readily destroying life on Earth on an accelerating basis.

I studied the corporate control of science as part of my self-designed graduate degree. So for example the University of Minnesota had, when I did the research, over 300 corporations controlling the direction of "public" research on the tax payer money. Professor Lawrence Soley exposed this corporate control of science, with his book "Leasing the Ivory Tower" and so the University of Minnesota fired him.

Increasingly if a person is poor or homeless they are dismissed as having some biological disease as part of a fascist eugenics culture - when in fact the Brown-No$ing masses have been indoctrinated to have no understanding of what "structural unemployment" is. And obviously someone is expected to look the other way if they are not being personally benefited by the system - so that the Brown-No$ers are licking the boots of the elite - and their backsides - hoping some of that hoarded "wealth" will trickle of out their backsides - but you can't eat money!! haha.

They had yet to identify what the pathogen was, what the disease process consisted of, and how to cure it. So they created a category called "disorder." It's a rhetorical device. It's saying "it's sort of like a disease," but not calling it a disease because all the other doctors will jump down their throats asking, "where's your blood test?" The reason there haven't been any sensible findings tying genetics or any kind of molecular biology to DSM categories is not only that our instruments are crude, but also that the DSM categories aren't real.

 So people that "run away" are autistic? Or are they Freedom Seekers? Who is to decide?

In 1850, doctor Samuel Cartwright invented "drapetomania" -- a disease causing slaves to run away. How do social and historical context affect our understanding of mental illness?

Cartwright was a slaveholder's doctor from New Orleans -- he believed in the inferiority of what he called the "African races." He believed that abolitionism was based on a misguided notion that black people and white people were essentially equal. He thought that the desire for freedom in a black person was pathological because black people were born to be enslaved. To aspire to freedom was a betrayal of their nature, a disease. He invented "drapetomania," the impulse to run away from slavery. Assuming there wasn't horrible cruelty being inflicted on the slaves, they were "sick." He came up with a few diagnostic criteria and presented it to his colleagues.

 How hard is it to criticize an organization that seriously thinks that it's okay to call "Internet Use Disorder" a mental illness?

 Maybe the Internet as a whole is just a symptom of Civilization being a huge Disease on Planet Earth? Or is that not conceivable by the 100% tax deductible Brown-No$er industries (lawyers, accountants, psychologists, advertisers, consultants, artists, etc.)

 We seem to forgot that people are being inundated nightly by a credibly alleged Child Rapist and yet don't talk about this at all - that a child rapist is the epitome of Evil and yet the corporate-state mass mind control media is more obsessed with having the Brown-No$ers attack each other with conquer and divide "social obedience disorders."

Lawsuit Charges Donald Trump with Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl When Does America Reckon with the Gravity of Donald Trump’s Alleged Rapes? Trump Teen Rape Allegation Resurfaces, Ronan Farrow Claims National Enquirer Tried to Protect Him in New Book Still, Farrow says, Howard, now chief content officer at AMI, tried to use his influence to convince Lisa Bloom, a power attorney who agreed to represent Jane Doe, to drop her client.

 right - the oldest philosophy of India is the "three gunas" which is also from music theory as noncommutative phase. Ramana Maharshi called it the "three in one unity." I go into details in my research. thanks. so "nondualism" is actually noncommutative nonlocality. But Westerners don't know about noncommutative logic because as Alain Connes points out ALL of Western math is based on commutative algebraic geometry - from Plato on. For example math professor Ian Stewart's book "Why Beauty is Truth: A history of symmetry" - and so now we know why the paranormal is suppressed or not known about and why the ecological and social justice crisis has occurred due to "the beauty" of Western civilization. The truth is too abstract for people to understand since everyone is brainwashed by the Pythagorean Theorem and materialistic idealism from Plato, etc. thanks

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