Theorizing how the brain encodes consciousness based on negentropic entanglement
This implies that zero amplitudes reflect coherence, while non-zero
amplitudes, designate incoherency necessary for the negentropic action
(or experiential flow of thermo-quantum internal energy that results in a
negentropic force) to be encoded. The negentropic action representing
experiential flow of specific energy that results in a negentropic force
appears to be on-going without dissipating, defining what is meant by
negentropic entanglement.
When using de Broglie-Bohm approach, we escape the need for binding and
quantum coherency in signaling at the atomic scale. The formation of a
macro-quantum state is a way of preventing against dissipation and could
be the result of pairing molecular dipole-bound electrons of opposite
spins, enabling the formation of strong bonds for atoms to form
molecular ions. Spin pairing in molecules is dependent on the Pauli
exclusion principle, yet molecular dipole-bound electrons can aid the
formation of a macro-quantum state through quantum (electron) tunneling
by way of a chiral potential (or selective guidance of electrons by the
accompanying magnetic field) selecting spin polarizations in a dynamic
network of atoms (Naaman:2016, Michaeli:2016, Banerjee-Ghosh:2018). which may give rise to more ‘electron smears’ without the need for quantum coherence.
The ‘consciousness guidance’ is encoded through the non-zero real
component of the mean approximation of the negentropic force to form a
‘consciousness code’.
This is because polarized regions associated with cognitive neural
signaling are completely omniscient of guidance waves, whose abode is
hypothesized to be in nonpolar hydrophobic regions of cytoskeletal
proteins bound to actin filaments.
Figure 1.. Schematic diagram illustrating (top left) a neuronal
branchlet studded with spines and (top right) shows a nonsynaptic spine
shaft containing cytoskeletal molecular proteins bound to actin-filament
networks within the spine shaft of uniform length approximately 0.7 μ m and 100 nm in diameter. The quantized subspace is where pilot-waves originate at picometer scale (∼
0.1 nm) within apolar hydrophobic regions of actin-binding proteins
shown (bottom left) form clathrate-like structures with water molecules
(adapted from Mentre:2012. The electron clouds at ∼
10 pico-meter scale (bottom right) is an order of magnitude smaller
than most chemistry transformations and measurements and therefore below
physical chemistry.
Preconscious experienceability is not expressed through perception like
conscious perception must be. Thus, the notion of subjectivity comes
from the intrinsic information and not from outside of the brain. This
intrinsicness does not evolve, but is inherent in qubit-like properties
of electron clouds. For this reason, we have advanced panexperiential
materialism, where biological evolution is bounded by a materialistic
pre-existence of the physical nature of subjective experience.
As if the transition from QM to QFT was easy... Bohmian mechanics was just a step, exactly as QM can be seen as a step towards QFT. The difference is that QM has been accepted even with its weird lack of an interpretation and its first celebrated step towards QFT was acclaimed... even if it was based on a totally mathematically unfounded truncation of a divergent series (something that would make a student fail its maths test). However, these gave rise to new ideas and stronger mathematical formalisms to support them. Bohmian mechanics simply did not enjoy such a luxury, which is necessary for a theory to mature.
@superprontocritico "enjoy such a luxury" - over 50% of physics research is funded by the military. Classical physics is based on the entropy of ecology whereas the "luxury" of life on Earth is based on quantum negentropy that amplifies to the macroscale. Just read "Life on the Edge" by JohnJoe McFadden, et. al - 2016 award-winning book on quantum biology. Classical physics based on symmetry is precise but not accurate. Renormalization is a nice way to justify Hydrogen bombs and the nuking of planet Earth with power plant radiation from tritium and uranium mining pollution and depleted uranium nuke bombs, etc. Quantum physics is based on noncommutative math - something you know nothing about. Ever taken "noncommutative calculus"? haha. Nope. Why? Science was NOT accurate but precise. So we have lots of "toys from the boys" - missile envy science while Mother Nature is gonna kick our asses real soon with the ESAS methane bomb 50% of hydro power is threatened with water stress
50% of thermal power is threatened with water stress
66% of us is threatened with water stress by 2025
80% of global energy has been fossil fuels for over 25 years
2% of global energy is solar and wind after 25 years
50% of all junk will be wind turbines and solar panels in 25 years
50% of Europe's renewable energy comes from burning trees
80% of the world's wood pellets are burned in Europe for green electricity
50% of European palm oil is burned in cars and trucks for green energy
4% of mammmals are wild and tree plantations kill wildlife
Europe kills wildlife, burns forests, plants palm oil trees for slave money China is just Western development as US corporations merged into China. Meanwhile Mother Nature is striking back with Ecocide of life on Earth very soon.
@superprontocritico So physics destroying all life on earth is too "sensitive" for your "topic" categories? hilarious. The DeNile is Deep isn't it? I took quantum mechanics from Professor Herbert J. Bernstein Herbert J. Bernstein - Hampshire College › faculty › herbert-j-bernstein
Herbert J. Bernstein is a professor of physics. ... in its website; the projects on military waste cleanup; quantum teleportation; Amazon ecology; and genomics and ...
@superprontocritico Only because your brain has the brakes on full. David Bohm: "Let’s take a problem like pollution, or the ecology. See, the ecology in itself is not a problem. It works perfectly well by itself. Its due to us, right? It’s a problem because we are thinking in certain ways by breaking it up and each person is doing his own thing.
Therefore the ecological problem is due to thought, right? But thought thinks it’s a problem out there and I must solve it. That doesn’t make sense because simultaneously thought is doing all the things which make the problem and then tries to do another set of activities to try and overcome it. See, it doesn’t stop doing the things which are making the ecological problem, or the national problem, or whatever the problem is.
The earth is one household really, but we are not treating it that way, so that’s the first step in economics is to say the earth is one household and all that depends on, its all one you see…
Now, the implicate order would help us to see that, to see everything enfolds, everybody, not merely depends on everybody, but actually everybody is everybody in a deeper sense. See, we are the earth because all our substance comes from the earth and goes back. I mean, its wrong to say its an environment, just surrounding us. That would be like the brain regarding the stomache as part of its environment." Herbert J. Bernstein - Hampshire College › faculty › herbert-j-bernstein
Herbert J. Bernstein is a professor of physics. ... Amazon ecology; and genomics and the ongoing Bohm Scientists' Dialogue have implemented the Institute's ...
You know you have entered a tiny universe of thought when people uses phrases like, "accommodate Lorentz invariance."
@Dmytro Gladush IMO I think the universes physics are algorithmic and math describable for most human perceived and experiences of day to day physical processes. But if one believes in true free will, then not everything can be math describable
Reality and the universe are what they are and do what they do, whether math describable or not
@Gerald Ford physics is statistics to my opinion. And we should search for rules, not for formulas. Formulas should be consequence of rules. And by the way on that site I have dispersion, diffraction, observer effect, version of relativity, explanation of uncertainty principle.. - algorithmic approach gives surprisingly much from the very start.
@Gerald Ford from the other hand waves disappear and are replaced by cycles;).
Kent A. Peacock, Professor of philosophy of physics: "There is a subtle fact about relative velocities that is not always explicitly mentioned in books on relativity, and a failure to grasp this subtle fact may be a cause of some of the confusion about superluminal motion. In special relativity all velocities (except for the velocity of light itself) are relative, including zero and infinite velocity....Dainton, et. al., possibly have confused the invariant fact that any superluminal propagation has infinite velocity relative to one frame (which one depends on the spacetime trajectory of the superluminal effect) with the notion (not correct) that any superluminal propagation would be invariantly infinite for all frames....Thus, there certainly is a theory that allows for influences which are instantaneous in one frame and finite (though superluminal) in all others; it is called 'special relativity.'...instantaneous in their mutual rest frame....Whether or not the local clock readings are equal at A and B is therefore independent of whether or not A and B are at the same global time coordinate in some inertial frame or other....Einstein's way of defining time-coordinate simultaneity neither assumes nor requires that light signals be either the fastest or the only way of communicating between distant events; it's only about what can be accomplished with light obvious candidate is phase: it is far more natural to think of wave functions as reducing over hypersurfaces of constant phase, and this automatically gives a covariant picture; ...While relativity is far more amenable to superluminal influences than has been generally supposed, ultimately it is classical relativity that must adapt itself to the quantum.... 2013, emphasis in original, "Would superluminal influences violate the principle of relativity... Bohm and Hiley themselves were not comfortable with theories like de Broglie's later approach because such theories imply that any particle interacts via a four-dimensional wave field with other particles both past and future throughout spacetime....Thus, Bohm and Hiley rejected covariant pictures of nonlocality (such as de Broglie's) not because they are technically out of the question, but because they tend to violate classical expectations or intuitions about causality....while such a theory would do violence to classical intuitions (prejudices?) about the proper order of cause and effect it is quite likely that it would not allow for outright logical paradoxes of the kind that worried Bohm and Hiley....what is not speculative is that (as the example of de Broglie's theory shows) it is not necessarily the case that any account of quantum mechanics in terms of more general physical principles would demand the return to Galilean covariance and a preferred frame;"
2013, emphasis in original, "Would superluminal influences violate the principle of relativity". Professor Hiley responded to the above quote by Peacock, stating that it did not accurately represent his views and that he does not believe in a rest frame.
I dunno about Bohmian mechanics but pilot wave theory is perfectly Lorentz invariant, actually consequence of Lorentz invariance. Why wake waves are forming around object in motion? Well just because speed of surface ripples remains independent of object speed, i.e. invariant. De Broglie waves are actually common denominator of relativity and quantum mechanics.
@Zephir AWT I've corresponded with Professor Basil J. Hiley who collaborated with Bohm. his recent paper gives good details - in prose - on the connections to quantum field theory. De Broglie was correct conceptually - but the problem is that "time-frequency uncertainty" is more fundamental than position-momentum uncertainty. So these are called "transition amplitudes" - as the "weak value" of the momentum. So de Broglie stated that the Law of Phase Harmony was his greatest discovery yet most scientists do not study it nor know about it, rather scientists only learn how de Broglie discovered momentum as directly proportional to quantum frequency such that matter is a wave. So I have compiled some 80 quotes of different scientists discussing de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony. or see my upload at In actuality de Broglie-Bohm is noncommutative. I discussed this with Professor Hiley and he responded - yes he realizes that it is noncommutative time-frequency. So he, like Penrose, also relies on noncommutative math, as with Alain Connes. In fact this noncommutative math is from music theory! So de Broglie was actually just rediscovering the truth of music theory, something I had realized on my own in high school, from studying music theory. Connes lecture on music theory that is noncommutative unified field theory. "It should by now be apparent that the Bohm approach has its origins in the non-commutative algebra pioneered by Born et al. (1926) and which I have called ‘the algebra of process’ (Hiley 1980)."
@Zephir AWT Yakir Aharonov: "There is a non-local exchange that depends on the modular variable....I'm saying that I have now an intuitive picture to understand interference by saying that when a particle moves through two slits, it always goes through one slit or the other, but it knows which other slit, the slit through which it did not go, whether it is open or not, because there are nonlocal equations of motion." Finally making sense of the double-slit experiment (2017, Aharonov): The nonlocal equations of motion in the Heisenberg picture thus allow us to consider a particle going through only one of the slits, but it nevertheless has nonlocal information regarding the other slit.... The Heisenberg picture, however, offers a different explanation for the loss of interference that is not in the language of collapse: if one of the slits is closed by the experimenter, a nonlocal exchange of modular momentum with the particle occurs....Alternatively, in the Heisenberg picture, the particle has both a definite location and a nonlocal modular momentum that can “sense” the presence of the other slit and therefore, create interference." as John Bell states: "Is it not clear from the diffraction and interference patterns, that the motion of the particle is directed by the wave?"
Making predictions (syntropy) is a dual process to that of increasing entropy -- the 4th law of thermodynamics.
Deductive inference (explanations) is dual to inductive inference (predictions, syntropy).
The conservation of probability implies duality creates reality!
The Einstein reality criterion:-
"If, without in any way disturbing a system, we can predict with certainty (i.e., with probability equal to unity)
the value of a physical quantity, then there exists an element of reality corresponding to that quantity."
(Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen 1935, p. 777)
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy:-
Reality is predicted into existence according to Einstein!
Thesis is dual to anti-thesis creates converging thesis or synthesis -- the time independent Hegelian dialectic.
Conceptualism (universals) is dual to nominalism (universals do not exist) synthesizes realism.
Realism (reality) is synthesized by duality.
@Hyperduality yes only Einstein was proven wrong about nonlocality. Olivier Costa de Beauregard (assistant of de Broglie) is actually correct: QUOTE:
Any how k [knowledge] is very small “because N [negentroipy] is very big”; so knowledge is extremely cheap and organization expensive; said otherwise: “cognizance is normal and psychokinesis [6, 7] paranormal”. If k [knowledge] were zero cognizance would be cost-free and free-will an illusion: a hypothesis that was implicit in the theory named “epiphenomenal consciousness”. Interestingly, Born’s wavelike probability scheme associates [8, 9]retarded or advanced causation with statistical pre- or retro-diction." citing
So with meditation we can even see our spirit rise up into the
brain and out of our eyes - when we wake up - our "ghost." haha.
Poonjaji says how this moment of the first breath at waking up then is
also the same moment of true awareness energy. So our spirit light is
being reversed at that moment and what "powers" the reversal of the
light is the formless awareness as Yuan Qi - manifesting out of the
pineal gland or third eye. So when we are deep dreamless sleep this has
the strongest AMPLITUDE or power of electromagnetic energy for sleep but
the heart can develop a much stronger amplitude then the brain - and
the lower tan tien an even stronger storage of energy.
we can think of the subharmonics as an increase in amplitude due to the
frequency having subharmonics or undertones. So then in deep dreamless
sleep we do not sense time nor space but that does not mean that time
does not exist! So the "image" of our visualization will
"freeze" as a laser focus but the energy will keep healing on its own
while the sensation of spacetime appears to have stopped. This can start
as easily as the "space between our thoughts" but then can develop to a
literal spacetime vortex that envelops the body - after our body
channels fill with Yuan Qi energy. That is called "immortal breathing" -
like in the Matrix movie when Neo breathes and everything around him
"bends" in and out in spacetime.
So that
is the level of the qigong masters - and so even though for them when
they do the healing - then time appears to STOP as in deep dreamless
sleep - and so the healing appears to happen at the "same time" - even
in multiple locations!! Chunyi said how he can do this. But from our
perspective of "external" linear time then we experience these healings
happening at different rates of time. So this is also what "crazy zen"
means - when a Zen master may be injured or acting strangely to people
external - but internally the zen master experiences the "no time" of
the thoughts and sensations emptying out - as in deep dreamless sleep of
the void.
So then for the qigong master
they realize that it is not "them" doing the healing or even any thing -
but in fact it is this process of the FUTURE that can be captured from
light being turned around. So in this sense some
philosophies of Buddhism call it MIND ONLY since "being" in Pre-Socratic
philosophy actually means coherent light as spirit.
so then the Absolute Void means that there is only Being in reality and
never "non"-Being. So when our spirit as light "clings" to matter then
this is just a lower frequency of light - that has a slower spacetime
compared to light. Whereas when light is turned around with the eyes
closed in meditation then there is a "higher" frequency than light which
is then spacetime as the FUTURE. And so because light has zero rest
mass and so light is in eternal motion then eventually all matter is
already healed in the future - due to the truth of physical matter
actually consisting of light. And when that light "rests" or settles
into its own different wavelengths or frequencies (the colors) then it
turns itself around to its source - which is the healing of the future.
And then this future healing causes a subharmonic of sound with stronger
amplitude - thereby creating NEW matter (amplitude). And that is how
healing is speeded up.
So then our soul is
actually stored in this fifth dimension with the future overlapping with
the past - as a "stored" information signal. So when we do meditation
then we can actually change our future "karma" due to our past lives
that are stored in this fifth dimension of the soul. So the soul is a
composite of not just our past lives but also our future lives. And so
eternal liberation means we can then "empty out" the past by tapping
into the future.
And by "lives" we mean
all forms of matter that originate as light - such that even a rock is
actually made of light and so our past life could even be a rock! Or
after we die our spirit could get "stuck" in a rock - and that would be
our future life. haha. This is why some philosophies do not believe in
reincarnation but instead just rebirth as a different form of matter as
light. So the yang qi is this power of the yin shen astral body when it
is "embodied" in matter while the yin qi is the power of the "yang shen"
as the future potential of our present body.
then each time we have a thought with our eyes open then our spirit
light switches from the future to the past and thereby attaches to
matter - and certain types of matter as form then cause the yang shen to
convert to the yin shen via the yin qi converting to the loss of the
yang qi. And so then meditation is the reversal of this process to build
up more Yuan Qi. The Yuan Qi, ironically then, is an impersonal "soul"
of the eternal itself - Embodying the Emptiness or what some call God.
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