Monday, September 7, 2020

EcoEcho Mini-Forest Mini-Shiitakes for Sale


Harvested this morning at 7 am at 45 degrees Fahrenheit and put right into the thermoelectric cooler.

That's about as big as they get. Most are smaller.

I had one big mini-mushroom meal up there. Lasted me the whole day.

But they taste better dried since you get way more Umami flavor. So I'm putting them in the oven on warm now.

Just email me at if you're interested.

I already have one interested party that I contacted already for first dibs.

I'll let you know how many "quarter pounds" I get dried.

Ok so I got four pounds. But the last pound was the real mini-size - too small to sell.

So that's two pounds fresh - with one pound being the smallest mini-size. So the final two pounds.

The cooler got some mildew smell. So I put vinegar in the cooler. I didn't notice it when I loaded in - so I think it just got activated at room temperature. But the mushrooms in the oven smell fine - like mushrooms. They weren't on the bottom of the cooler. Yeah this tray has no mildew smell and it was on the bottom of the cooler. Besides shiitake mushrooms are anti-mold. haha. Yeah I think the mildew was just on the top of the cooler. I must have forgot to wipe off the top on the inside. So now I got it all wiped out with vinegar.

These have powerful medicine since they had to fight off the Trichoderma and whatever other wild molds - it makes the shrooms more intense than grown in some indoor sterile environment.

So two pounds fresh = quarter pound dried (at $25 a quarter pound).

That includes mailing cost. So it's a steal price. haha.

If somebody really wants that second batch of quarter pound dried - with the real tiny shrooms - then I'll sell them for $20. That's the kind of dude I am. haha.

Right now they're in the frig. So I can only dry two pounds at a time.

The other two pounds already are kicking out strong Umami flavor while drying!

Cooler now all cleaned out with vinegar.

OK the FIRST quarter pound is sold...

Thanks again for supporting EcoEcho Forest Cultivation

First batch is still drying - and the smell is mouth-watering!! It's been almost five hours drying.

I'll dry for six hours and call it good. Then tomorrow I'll do the second batch and mail off the biggest shrooms out of the two batches.

So the cap to stem ratio was a bit low since they are mini-shrooms. So I am just using the big caps and will add extra to make up for the extra stems ratio.

So I'll dry the second batch later - maybe tonight....

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