Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Drumpf, the credibly alleged Child Rapist, escalates his fascist threats of how white supremacists should "stand by"


To be fair.. Compared to the extremism of the left, i.e. Antifa and BLM, The Proud Boys are lukewarm at best.
"White supremacists and other domestic extremists maintain an active presence in U.S. police departments and other law enforcement agencies." Antifa isn't even a group. It's just a bogeyman word. "The most recent in-depth analysis of far-right terrorism comes from the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). How the US military has failed to address white supremacy in its ranks In a report released last week, the Escalating Terrorism Problem in the United States, CSIS analyzes 25 years of domestic terrorism incidents and finds that the majority of attacks and plots have come from the far right. The report says “the majority of all terrorist incidents in the United States since 1994, and the total number of rightwing attacks and plots has grown significantly during the past six years”, with the far right launching two-thirds of attacks and plots in 2019, and 90% of those in 2020."
But overblown fears and false claims about antifa can be dangerous in and of themselves. In Oregon, for example, after a wave of misinformation about left-wing activists intentionally setting fires began to interfere with firefighters’ efforts to contain the blazes there, law enforcement officials begged people to “STOP. SPREADING. RUMORS!” Douglas County Sheriff's Office September 10 at 9:39 AM · Remember when we said to follow official sources only. Remember when we said rumors make this already difficult incident even harder? Rumors spread just like wildfire and now our 9-1-1 dispatchers and professional staff are being overrun with requests for information and inquiries on an UNTRUE rumor that 6 Antifa members have been arrested for setting fires in DOUGLAS COUNTY, OREGON. THIS IS NOT TRUE! Unfortunately, people are spreading this rumor and it is causing problems. Do your part, STOP. SPREADING. RUMORS! Follow official sources of information such as local emergency response websites and pages, government websites and pages and local reputable news outlets. Please, share far and wide!
 Neo-Nazi murders someone " Yeah they're good people" - David Duke supports him - "Yeah i don't know who is" - this is who evil works. Lawsuit Charges Donald Trump with Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl When Does America Reckon with the Gravity of Donald Trump’s Alleged Rapes? Trump Teen Rape Allegation Resurfaces, Ronan Farrow Claims National Enquirer Tried to Protect Him in New Book Still, Farrow says, Howard, now chief content officer at AMI, tried to use his influence to convince Lisa Bloom, a power attorney who agreed to represent Jane Doe, to drop her client.



    Wanna some fun time?
    Read the article and then the comments!

    1. Thanks Guto. Glad to see all those comments. I just glanced at that article before and knew right away it was silly. So pretty funny to see everyone debunking the article. I still think de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony is the easiest way to understand unifying relativity and quantum physics just by the paradox of time and frequency contradiction! haha. Oh well - I'm not a scientist. I just like to read science for fun.
      Yeah I'll try reading those comments in more detail. Dr. Ruth E. Kastner is pretty dismissive of the "weak measurement" experiments - that build on de Broglie-Bohm. Oh well - The philosophy of science really gets easily bogged down in technical details.
      And then none of them take into account the ecological crisis. haha.

    2. That one "skeptic" is a follower of PZ Myers - he was replying to me back in 2006!! By drew hempel (not verified) on 17 Jul 2006 #permalink ... Well I'm just hoping that You Torbjorn Larsson keep up with your reading of the ...
