Thursday, August 6, 2020

Testimony of a reader of my research: Dreambot

I will tell you how to do this. I followed the information which was posted in online forums and articles by someone called 'drew hempel' as he studied something called 'spring forest qigong' and 'taoist yoga'. I followed the same training he did and it's very powerful. He studied SFQ with qigong master chun yi lin

Everything I say here is entirely my own truth and experience. As far as I'm aware hardly any westerners have gone through taoist yoga.

The third eye opening was very real and very powerful, so I will try to explain what you can do to open it. It is actually the pineal gland in the middle of the head and it gets activated when more life energy enters it. Basically all human's have the hardware in their brains for some hardcore ethereal sensing ability but it's blocked off by default, it need's quite a powerful energy source to get it to open up. When you progress with the yoga, the vagus nerves on the sides of your neck will pulsate visibly, which sends up energy, blood and (serotonin) into the middle of the head so this helps the third eye to open.

When I first started the training I would get a lot of heat energy coming off my hands and feet. Putting my hands on someone else would cause them to jump backwards saying 'too hot!'. Then the heat would form in my abdomen and go up the spine. These feelings were pleasant and the heat would get very powerful later on.

The specific stages in taoist yoga: alchemy and immortality (book) are true, I experienced up to stage 9 (immortal breathing chapter). Basically the chakra's in parallel with the spine open up gradually starting at the base, it feels like and explosion of blissful energy which lasts half a day for each one. I opened the base of the spine doing tai chi, then the area opposite the heart chakra in the spine while doing 'small universe' meditation from SFQ (this felt like an explosion of compassion for the whole world and a hot glowing energy star in that chakra), then I later got an opening at the top of the neck, then the back of the skull, finally the top of the crown chakra.

When the head chakra's are trying to open up - you feel an intense pressure like someone squeezing your skull bone, the lower spine openings feel very wonderful but the feeling of all openings dies down the next day - leaving you feeling a deeper state of emptiness.

After the heat-energy gets incredibly hot and you've been doing it for some months, all the energy will automatically rise into your head at once, causing a feeling of white/yellow energy glowing blissfully in the center of the head - this will trigger the third eye to open.

I will explain clearly how it feels physically when I opened my third eye. Firstly I felt a 'squeezing/pressure' in the center of my head - like a headache. Then I suddenly saw 'bright white light' glowing in my head. Then I felt really weird - like I wasn't me or that my ego was fragmenting. After that it suddenly got triggered open like a flick of a switch.

I could suddenly detect that my conscious moments per second were flickering at a faster rate, I suddenly got this constant rush of information flowing into my head - it felt quite stressful, and was like nonsensical radio signals being played in my brain. This took about a day to settle down and immediately I went from barely sensing any paranormal activity to being able to sense spirits everywhere. I got visions of how they looked and where they were in my minds eye, I could detect their presences. They would try to communicate with me too and I kept getting telepathy. Some of them would ask permission to form a bond with me, and then if I agreed an energy cord would fly into the top of my head to connect us - I've also had energy cords connecting me to other humans too.

I could detect that wisps of energy like a coloured dye placed into a jar of water, this type of energy would flow through an energy cord into the middle of my head where it would be read as a universal telepathy language. After this the information would have to be sent up to my brain to be converted into 'english human language', which was like a deconversion of huge information into something quite crude. Imagine converting a high resolution image into a tiny one. The telepathy is instant and as soon as you think a question, it's already been sent out so there is no lag time. Sometimes I would ask a spirit a question by thinking it, then try to say it in my mind - but after I have said 2 words they already sent back an answer. It's because there is no lag delay with telepathy like we get while reading or speaking.

I also ran into some issues with 'negative spirits' bothering me or asking me for things or playing a joke on me. The lower level astral spirits have emotions very much like a humans, after this I realised that I was not a human trying to be spiritual, but a spirit temporarily bound into a human body.

I could see all of this type of stuff. I thought I was going mad, but I got used to it. When it first happened I would just lie in bed for 5 hours talking to these spirits who would enter my room, I did a number of tests such as asking them to float into my body - the area would then go very cold and I would feel their auras and intents.

Another thing which happened is one time I suddenly got the 'burning hot heat' in my third eye pineal gland, after 30 mins of intense heat I was able to see 'energy' around people. It was not clear, all I saw was a white static field around living things. It was mostly around animals and humans, but also plants and some of this static was in the air too. I saw an old person on the bus with hardly any of this energy left, most people had quite a lot of it.

The next energy I saw was a very thin 'bright blue' line around me when I looked in the mirror, it was like a felt tip pen drew around me.

--- So I just want to say this process is very real, most of the eastern practices to do with taoism and buddhism directly increase energy and pressure the third eye to open up --- It's very real, it's not some random wishy washy 'pray for it and it might happen' or 'look within yourself' **** which some people might say. Quite frankly, I don't know why half the world isn't doing this type of training. It's fascinating to me.

It's almost a violent process! Sometimes the energy heat got so intense I couldn't focus on normal tasks.

Anyway the taoist yoga training is the most powerful, but the book is quite difficult to understand, and requires celibacy and a very strict diet (people can ask me more about it in a PM) but it is very powerful.

Spring forest qigong is easier to do but is slightly less powerful.

To explain just how powerful the energy changes were, before doing the energy training I was easily affected by other people's auras, emotions and thoughts - but after doing the training, I started affecting everyone around me, no one could make me feel bad because their emotions couldn't really dominate my energy field. First the energy builds up as heat energy and later on it feels numbing and calming. When I told people about the energy work some people would tell me 'you do give off a calming type of energy'. I even got sworn at in the street by a threatening guy and I didn't feel any fear at all, I just barely felt the impact of other people's aura's after the training.

I just want to reiterate that in my opinion - there is a lot of **** on the net because it seems like no one has a clue how to do real energy work, drew hempel was the only person I found who made any sense to me, so I followed what he did and it worked.

Avoid yan xin qigong like the plague (luckily it's rare now) because it invites demonic possession. Spring forest qigong works and is safe. Taoist yoga is the most powerful method for increasing lower body energy and triggering open the third eye - it will work! But it is difficult for most people due to the strictness.

If you are very serious about this, you should google drew hempel and read all his articles/some of his taobums posts and the only other person I found online who has gone through a similar process is me, so PM me if you want to.
I don't notice any mention of electromagnetic force by this person. Also how was their full lotus practice? Still the reports of very strong heat and light are very excellent indicators.


I just thought I’d point out that Taoist yoga (internal alchemy) stimulates the vagus nerve to pulsate on the neck, drawing up more blood into the brain. I have personally gone through this experience, it’s very powerful. The parasympathetic nervous system does activate permanently and serotonin floods the brain.

What’s worth noting is that eating a bad diet of white sugar and processed salts reverses this phenomena, causing the nerves to start to close up again. When resuming a clean vegan diet without processed foods the nerve reactivates.
There is no need for a simulation device, just follow the instructions in taoist yoga: alchemy and immortality for a permanent result.


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