Thursday, August 27, 2020

Meditation is actually Listening to the Future - way more advanced than any human technology as the Strong Misanthropic Principle

Yes the Magus of Java author never could get to the celibacy training. So the whole thing with the "frequency" gadgets is that meditation actually works on the future. So as Westerners we think that meditation is boring or we don't have time without realizing we are traveling into the future when we meditate! haha. 

Biology is way more complex than physics as Nobel physicist Brian Josephson now acknowledges. So yes qigong master Yan Xin realized this is "virtual information energy" that is doing the healing (meaning from the future) and qigong master Zhang Hongbao called it "superluminal yin matter." So Yan Xin calls qigong the "highest technology of all technologies." But Yan Xin is now in hiding apparently - or even his students won't say where he is. haha. 

The Magus author tries to grasp this in his ideas about yin and yang qi but I don't think he figured it out. He never studied the Taoist Yoga book that gives the real details. John Chang did not get the Magus author to a very high level in experience and John's teachings were based on experiential learning. So as Westerners we want to know why something works - the logic of it - and I would say the Taoist Yoga book is the best for giving the details. That was the goal of that book - for Charles Luk to spread the secrets into the West as the Daoist teaching did not think the East would accept the teachings much longer. 

Without really being initiated by a qigong master then it's impossible to know that the Emptiness is guiding us through the future. So that's why it's mysticism as Ramana Maharshi emphasized, the spiritual ego is also a scam and only the "formless awareness" is eternal. This is also called logical inference as Socrates realized but even he promoted irrational magnitude geometry. So he was a kind of "vanishing mediator" back to the Pythagorean tradition. With Western education we are all hard-wired to be materialists and so look to external technology as our religion. haha. I would meditate all the time but when I meditate it is literally going against the direction of spacetime itself as currently defined by Western reality. I call this the Strong MisAnthropic Principle.

So Jim told me that Chunyi used to explode rocks with his qi energy but Chunyi realized that such power was too violent and so Chunyi focused on healing. I guess Robert Peng came to this same conclusion and so he was trained as a healer also. I think Robert Peng and Chunyi trained from the same Shaolin master Yao who also trained Yan Xin. I supposed Master Haidan and Master Yao knew each other at Shaolin. 
It is considered that for high level qigong martial artists they never actually physically fight. Essentially there is a spacetime vortex encounter between them and so when Japanese fighters tried to challenge Yan Xin the Japanese fighters were not able to even touch Yan Xin. So Jim once said to me, "You are speaking to God." From the perspective of the spiritual ego that is true - the astral body merges back into the Emptiness. But from the perspective of the Emptiness then no one experiences anything. As Poonjaji titled his memoir, "Nothing Ever Happens."

I recommend you read Poonjaji's memoir next! haha. It's by David Godman.

Slow-delta phase concentration marks improved temporal expectations based on the passage of time: Temporal expectations and slow phase coherence

 Temporal expectations enhance neural encoding precision, reflected in optimized alignment of slow neural oscillatory phase, and facilitate subsequent stimulus processing. If an event's exact occurrence time is unknown, temporal expectations arise solely from the passage of time. Here, we show that this specific type of temporal expectation is also reflected in neural phase organization. While undergoing magnetoencephalography, participants performed an auditory-delayed matching-to-sample task with two syllables (S1, S2). Critically, S1-onset time varied in the 0.6–1.8-s (i.e., 0.6–1.7 Hz) range. Increasing S1-onset times led to increased slow-delta (0.6–0.9 Hz) phase coherence over right frontotemporal sensors during S1 encoding. Moreover, individuals with higher slow-delta coherence showed decreased alpha power (8–13 Hz) during subsequent memory retention. In sum, temporal expectations based on the passage of time optimize the precise alignment of neural oscillatory phase with an expected stimulus. 



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