Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Increasing the Fertility of the Place: How Indigenous Wisdom Can Save the World with Dr. Tyson Yunkaporta

Thanks to a reader for recommending this person.

So I finished pulling the roof plank nails - "for now" - the rest of them are in the bottom of a pile of other barn restoration supplies.

So my farm buddy - he said he thinks he can hang the panels for the framing - on his own. I told him, of not, to let me know. He gave me some very choice lamb - which is the best tasting meat they have. Well their meat is all great - all regenerative agriculture - storing up carbon - through intensive rotational grazing. They all work super hard. There is an intern there this summer.

So as usual I am in full lotus at the computer - padmasana but right now I need to stretch to lower back especially. I just did extra meditation this morning and last night - and I saw some light. But I got sleepy from lack of sleep.

So it's a bit of give and take. So who knows when I'll get called back into finish the roofing nail removal process. There's a lot of unknowns to this barn house being built.

another one

I was asked about the ecological crisis, and various aspects of it in terms of meditation. I did my master's thesis on radical ecology, music theory and "sound-current nondualism."

So yeah I don't think there's any "escape" from the ecological crisis - as Slavoj Zizek emphasized - this "ecological crisis" will cause a "collapse of the Big Other." - meaning that all left brain ideology - even religion - will be dismantled as our subjective personal ideologies.

So this includes all types of conceptual frameworks and perspectives. The Emptiness is equivalent to deep dreamless sleep - is there an "ecological crisis" during deep dreamless sleep? Well it depends what we "wake up to." We think "waking up" is our true reality - when Poonjaji emphasizes that the breathe and moment BETWEEN waking up - this is our true reality.

So the Emptiness provides all that we perceive as 4D spacetime indeed - even the "ecological crisis."

Does our ghost need air or ecology? Well it is up to use to "exorcise" our ghost or spirit while we are in our bodies. This largely depends on our philosophical worldview - do we value the Emptiness as meditation? Most modern Westernized peoples are fixated on development to pay off bills - with no time nor care about meditating with our eyes closed. haha.

Michael Cremo has a book on "spiritual ecology" that he published over 20 years ago. Ecofeminism and Spiritual Ecology are closely tied together.

We are males are hard-wired to have a lost contact with ecology via the Moon - and therefore via the Emptiness.

We'd like to think we can just re-embrace the "lunar" culture - much like the movements to change the calendar to be more focused on the moon.

Really only the Emptiness can provide us the answers. The Emptiness meditates us - and then provides us with ideas.

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