Wednesday, July 29, 2020

the 3D perspective of general relativity vs. de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony and Music Overtones as higher energy oscillation

Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang 10 hours ago
yes but it was precisely this point of time running slow that inspired Louis de Broglie to create his Law of Phase Harmony since de Broglie realized that Einstein's relativity goes against the principle of Pythagoras that time is inverse to frequency.

Which image is correct, the 2D (10:52), showing space stetched, with longer lines near a star or the 3D (8:10), with the compressed cubes? I understand the 3D is the better one, but the explanation was given based on the 2D model, describing the distance near the gravitational field as longer (10:59), which doesn't seem to be the case in the 3D model.
@Grey Troll The compression is the internal perspective - study de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony.
@Jesus Gonzalez "This allows the interpretation of de Broglie's "Harmony of the Phases" as a "Principle of Equivalence" for Quantum Gravity....The Harmony of the Phases resulted in a super-luminous wave-velocity...but this was not in contradiction with the postulates of Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity because the wave couldn’t carry energy....If the particle moved, the inertial energy and associated frequency increased...But the same particle should, according to de Broglie, be associable to an inner frequency which, for a moving particle, transformed time-like in the same manner as atomic clocks with period T and frequency do in Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity....At first, these postulates were regarded as too fantastic to be true....He proved the Harmony of the Phases by using the wavelength and frequencies, not by means of the momentum and energies. ...the wave frequency belongs to the inertial energy of the particle, as the inner-clock frequency belongs to the [gravitational] energy of the particle....Thus de Broglie gave every particle two, not just one, frequencies. ...a super-luminus wave velocity connected to the particle-velocity. In its rest-frame, the space around the particle is interpreted as an inertial field with an inertial energy and a connected inertial frequency i = 0. For the particle at rest, this inertial field is extended over the entire space so its density becomes infinitely small and can’t be measured. There is no wave-length because the frequency and the connected energy are homogeneously spread out over all of space....The connection of the particle to the wave and the connection of the gravitational mass to the inertial mass are coinciding problems. The key to the enigma of the particle-wave duality lies in de Broglie’s ”Harmony of the Phases”. E. Paul J. de Haas, The combination of de Broglie's Harmony of the Phases and Mie's theory of gravity results in a Principle of Equivalence for Quantum Gravity.
@Jesus Gonzalez "De Broglie noted that relativity theory predicts that, when such a particle is set in motion, its total relativistic energy will increase, tending to infinity as the speed of light is approached. Likewise, the period of the internal phenomenon assumed to be associated with the particle will also increase (due to time dilation). Since period and frequency are inversely related [Law of Pythagoras], a period increase is equivalent to a decrease of frequency and, hence, of the energy given by the quantum relation hf. It was this apparent incompatibility between the tendency of the relativistic energy to increase and the quantum energy to decrease that troubled de Broglie. The manner in which de Broglie resolved this apparent contradiction is the subject of the famous 1923 Comptes rendus note [Comptes rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, vol. 177, pp. 507-510 (1923)].
@Jesus Gonzalez 2015, Daniel V. Schroeder, "Einstein and de Broglie" states "energy [frequency] is to time (period) as momentum is to space (wavelength)."
@Jesus Gonzalez " Since temporal-spatial periodicity and energy-momentum are two faces of the same coin, we can equivalently describe the retarded and local variations of energy-momentum occurring during relativistic interactions in terms of corresponding modulations of temporal-spatial periodicity of the elementary particles. In particular we may note that Einstein derived his description of gravitational interaction of general relativity by considering the modulations of temporal-spatial periodicity associated to a Newtonian gravitational potential. The phase harmony implies that the momentum-energy and the space-time periodicity are dual quantities - they are two sides of the same coin. In general, the higher harmonics describe the quantum excitations of the particles (e.g. multiparticle states) whereas the fundamental harmonic is the de Broglie matter wave of ordinary undulatory mechanics or field theory - the negative vibrational modes correspond to antimatter ("anti-particles") Thus, massive elementary particles, with their vibrations in space and time, are the relativistic sources of sound. In fact we have postulated that every elementary particle is a vibrating space-time string. The "medium" on which this relativistic "sound" propagates is the space-time(s) associated to the fundamental massless particles of the Standard Model, i.e. photons and gravitons." Ph.D. Donatello Dolce on de Broglie Law of Phase Harmony
 visualization of General Relativity - vid 4 - curved spacetime

You can always make it small enough that the distortion is arbitrarily small.
Sir Roger Penrose is claiming the noncommutative geometry claim - that spacetime is fundamentally curved.
 Visualization of Einstein's special relativity - vid
Thank you! This is exactly what I was looking for. I was trying to visualise the Lorentz transformations with the variation of the velocity variable and your video does just that.
@magichristo It only seems so, since the cart is moving as well. Relative to the ground both photons are moving at the same speed (of light). It is 'proven' in the diagram that immediately follows this sequence, where you can see the photons` lines are both tilted by 45 degrees.
I don't get why in Einstein's relativity visualization the cart shooting 2 photons on the right side but 1 on the left side.
It's shooting one photon in each side, but the one shooting right takes a long time to hit the detector, because the detectors are also moving to the right. By the time it hits, already another pair of photons is shot, so for some time you see two photons moving to the right. The photon shot to the left hits the detector very quickly, because the left detector is moving towards it. It disappears long before the next pair is shot. You can verify all this looking at the space time diagram at 1:57
It only looks like the speeds are different if you haven't understood the coordinates. Space in one direction, time in the other, so speed is represented by the angle, always a 45 degree angle in these coordinates. Really nice video.
Tl;dr: the angle (compared to horizontal) of both yellow lines has to be the same, otherwise the speed of the two photons is different - which is a physical impossibility. Only the second transformation keeps both angles the same. Quick n dirty explanation: A: the speed of light must always be the same B: speed=distance divided by time. In the visualization, distance is the x axis, time is the y axis. So the speed of the photon can be found by taking the horizontal component of the yellow line, and dividing it by the vertical component. In the first transformation, the vertical component stays the same for both lines, but the horizontal becomes different, which means the ratio between the components is different for the left line and the right line i.e. the speed of the two photons is different. This cannot happen in physics, therefore this transformation is incorrect. In the second transformation, both the horizontal and vertical components change for both yellow lines, in such a way in fact, that the ratio (i.e. speed) remains the same for both lines. The speed of light remains constant, ta-da! This has some effects (shrinking, slowed time, broken simultenaenity), which are visualized at the end. The effects become more pronounced the faster you go.

What is Gravity? The Illusion of Force by a Curved Dimension - vid 

@Tim Hallas Gravity acts like a force and mathematically can be described as a force but it really isn't. Just like the trampoline, matter distorts space & that distortion has an effect on other matter in the vicinity. In fact gravity can bend a light ray because of space distortion. This was predicted by Einstein and proven in the 1920's. or 30's.
Ok! Try explaining what gravity is. When you pick up and object and let it go, why does it fall to the floor? Why doesn't it go straight up or sideways?
@JB91710 Hi JB91710, it does move sideways, parallel to us, as everything is shooting through space, but we don't perceive this because we're moving at the same speed and direction as the Earth and everything in on it. It also moves down ("towards" the Earth), because the mass of the earth is curving space so the two parallel lines of motion converge. Gravity is what it looks like when a mass travels along the fourth dimension (the one that is curved by the Earth's mass). We don't perceive it as dimension of space because to us it's perceived as a constant -- time. It's hard to describe, and I'm probably missing or over-simplifying some bits, but my understanding has taken a large step forward. Thank you "But why?"

Why Achieving Light-speed Requires Infinite Energy: Matter-waves - vid

 You could have gotten into Louis de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony: "Universal coherence" - a "mind boggling outlook." Phase harmony in de Broglie theory relates a local periodic phenomenon (the 'particle clock') to a periodic propagating field in such a way that relativistic invariance is satisfied. If a similar phenomenon in the cell is relevant it should couple the global oscillation pattern locally with periodic (mechanic, electric, biochemical ???) processes. Coherence as consciousness. "Ghost Tones" Manfred Euler is a Professor Emeritus of Physics at the University of Kiel.

The visualization of a wavelength being compressed to infinity helped me think of Roger Penrose's idea of why a heat death with a universe of nothing but electrons may compress, triggering a new big bang since the space in spacetime becomes 0. Did I understand this correctly?
yes but Penrose now emphasizes noncommutative phase as the truth of reality so that the acceleration of the Universe is actually flowing into what "previously" was already our Big Bang only it's a "new" multiverse that is faster than time-frequency uncertainty via de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony. See Dr. Jack Sarfatti's article on the Holographic Universe for details.

 Perviz Pirizade
your videos are so good, but there is a really baffling issue, about time according to the general relativity. past, present, and future all are exist at the same time, and there is relativity of simultaneity, my past can be your future and my now can be past, but why? where it comes from? it would be great if you make a video about that.
So this isn't exactly my area of expertise. But the only thing that changes is the amount of time that passes. If you ever bring two frames of reference together they will both be meeting in their own respective "present" even if the amount of time thats passed for them is not similar. You can see this with the Twin Paradox. Both twins meet up in their own presents, but time has passed differently for each of them. You can kind of think of it as running on a track. One could run around and the other could stand still. As the runner comes back around they are both in the same place even though the runner ran further. Same thing with time. Just as one can travel further through space than someone else, someone else can travel further through time.

Time Dilation - Why an Accelerated Frame of Reference Slows Down Time - vid 

Understanding Light and Why it exists. vid 
Schroedinger understood light as a subharmonic but he did not know of what because Schroedinger ignored the relativity critique of de Broglie. So the energy of light - Planck's Constant cancel's out the second factor of time when converting to Joules. So Planck's Constant is the average energy of light based on time being noncommutative with the future as the hidden momentum energy, based on de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony.

 Jesus Gonzalez
@Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang what is the model of this such harmony, I understand it say the momentum energy tensors and space-time are the same thing. But I can't visualize the model. What exactly is this model? What medium is it based upon? How does it explain the big bang? How does it explain the unified force at the begining of the universe?
@Jesus Gonzalez string theory is not the "leading theory" - it's just the most marketed by Brian Greene. Check out Peter Woit's blog, "Not Even Wrong" for a good critique of string theory. and on the Law of Phase Harmony - check out noncommutative geometry. For empirical validation - it is proven for the 2 plus 1 model which is the holographic universe model of reality (2 dimensions of space and 1 plus time). Yakir Aharonov has done the empirical proof. Yakir Aharonov: "There is a non-local exchange that depends on the modular variable....I'm saying that I have now an intuitive picture to understand interference by saying that when a particle moves through two slits, it always goes through one slit or the other, but it knows which other slit, the slit through which it did not go, whether it is open or not, because there are nonlocal equations of motion." Finally making sense of the double-slit experiment (2017, Aharonov): The nonlocal equations of motion in the Heisenberg picture thus allow us to consider a particle going through only one of the slits, but it nevertheless has nonlocal information regarding the other slit.... The Heisenberg picture, however, offers a different explanation for the loss of interference that is not in the language of collapse: if one of the slits is closed by the experimenter, a nonlocal exchange of modular momentum with the particle occurs....Alternatively, in the Heisenberg picture, the particle has both a definite location and a nonlocal modular momentum that can “sense” the presence of the other slit and therefore, create interference." as John Bell states: "Is it not clear from the diffraction and interference patterns, that the motion of the particle is directed by the wave?" So it's a 5D black hole as astrophysicist Paul S. Wesson realized: Professor Paul S. Wesson realized, the 4D spacetime universe exists in a holographic 5D black hole. Wesson: " ...the presence of oscillations in the vacuum have the same properties as de Broglie waves....5D field equations which in 4D has the properties of a de Broglie wave....the difference can show up as a small perturbation which leads to an effect similar to quantum uncertainty... a "wavicle" is two simultaneous realizations of flat space, one with waves and one without. From the viewpoint of 5D field theory, waves of de Broglie type have to be considered real.So in 5D all particles behave like photons and everything in the universe is in causal contact with everything else. an oscillatory phase, which might (if a person is so inclined) be identified with... spiritual modes of existence...separation between points is zero, so all of the events in the world are in (5D) causal contact. In other words, everything is occurring simultaneously. There is no plausible way to avoid the conclusion that particles which can be seen moving at speeds less than c should be accompanied by waves which cannot be seen and are moving at speeds greater than c. de Broglie waves are better understood in 5D ...characteristic of inflationary cosmology...its 5D complex a model for de Broglie waves. A null interval admits, in a formal sense, velocities in 3D which exceed lightspeed. a particle not as a point but a tiny ball of trapped waves. ..some of it verging on the mystical.De Broglie waves follow automatically when the expressions for the energy of a particle [E=mc squared] and a wave [E=Planck's Constant multipled by frequency] are combined. This, admittedly, sounds strange. Whether one believes in a model like this that straddles physics and spirituality is up to the individual....However it is remarkable that such a model can even be formulated, bridging as it does realms of experience which traditionally have been viewed as immutably separate." here that lecture by Martin B. van der Mark will explain the science. "The inverse Doppler effect where an observer measures a higher frequency from a source moving away, is such an intriguing phenomenon that it has attracted substantial theoretical and experimental attention since it was first proposed... ...the energy-momentum flux will be larger in the blue shifted part than in the red shifted part....In a moving frame, they diverge: the mean internal frequency of the photon will increase; simultaneously the orbital frequency of the photon will decrease due to the relativistic law of the slowing down of clocks. Despite the difference in frequency, at any point in space-time these two oscillations must be in phase....This provides a possible physical origin for the postulated law of the "harmony of the phases" first proposed by de Broglie, which lies at the origin of quantum mechanics. ...In a head-on collision between two photons, the interaction will be essentially between the blue-shifted regions which are converging....This state may then decay back into two photons or into an electron-positron pair. Is the electron a photon with toroidal topology? J.G. Williamson and M.B. van der Mark, 1997"
Or his earlier paper with Nobel Physicist Gerard 't Hooft.
"Einstein's relativity theory appears to be very accurate, but at times equally puzzling. On the one hand, electromagnetic radiation must have zero rest mass in order to propagate at the speed of light, but on the other hand, since it definitely carries momentum and energy, it has non-zero inertial mass. Hence, by the principle of equivalence, it must have non-zero gravitational mass, and so, light must be heavy. In this paper, no new results will be derived, but a possibly surprising perspective on the above paradox is given."
See also
‘Leading clocks lag’ and the de Broglie wavelength

March 2016
Physics Education 51(2):025005

DOI: 10.1088/0031-9120/51/2/025005

Robert Shuler
"The forgotten history of de Broglie waves as themselves artifacts of a Lorentz transform, not physical lengths and frequencies to be transformed, causes confusion for students and others. In this paper the de Broglie wavelength is derived and dependence of de Broglie frequency on velocity explained in terms of Einstein synchronized reference frame measurements of a single clock (2-on-1) versus measurements of an Einstein reference frame by an observer with a single clock (1-on-2). A new memory aid for the relativity of simultaneity, 'leading clocks lag,' is introduced that puts it on a par with the heuristics 'time dilation' and 'length contraction' for quick and easy problem visualization."

 What the HECK is Time?! (in Einstein’s Relativity) vid

How Elastic is the Fabric of the Universe? vid

What the HECK is a Tensor?!? vid

Could Flatland Be CURVED?! vid

Why Do Things REALLY Fall? (with General Relativity) vid

The REAL source of Gravity might SURPRISE you... vid

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