Sunday, July 12, 2020

Ian Jamieson interview on the REAL reality as the Frequency Domain: If it wasn't for lenses in our eyes....we'd see it [the universe] holistically

Space and Time are not absolute things [youtube interview transcribed]...Even that little amoeba has extracted some probably has no concept of space and time... in fact if we didn't have vision...
From the eye's point of view, the eyes take this whole input of information which is all on the surface, it actually forms a hologram on the surface of your eye and it extracts from a two dimension layer of information, the eye creates, it creates a representation of that information to its best ability, combined with the other senses, of space and time actually. It also integrates it with time. ...It creates a representation in the brain which is only one way of looking at it which is consistent...they're just models of reality....but they're not the REAL reality.
We've evolved to see it in terms of space and then time. So without time you can not have space and without space you can't have time: You can't have one without the other, basically. So even he [Bohnm] said had we evolved differently and had diffraction gradients instead of holes, we'd be living in what's called the frequency domain, rather than the spacetime domain. There's a thing in physics where you can go from the spacetime domain to the frequency domain and vice versa, called the Fourier Transform... Our brains, Karl Pribram pointed out, we actually store information in the frequency domain... and then when we want to recall actually it unfolds it into a spacetime domain. So our heads...we have this bubble reality in our heads .... but we project it outwards. So that's the idea, there's actually a holistic universe out there... but our senses....But remember it comes as a whole, the Universe comes as a whole, as a hologram, but we, out of our senses, create a spacetime out of it. That's one of the most recent ideas in physics, the holographic model....

 So I read Michael Talbot's "Holographic Mind" book back around 2000 when doing my master's degree. I then wrote a graduate paper arguing for the "holographic mind" and against Julian Jaynes. So then to finish my degree I did intensive nonwestern meditation as self-directed research through the African Studies dept. and I took the qigong meditation classes from Chunyi Lin, a spiritual yoga healer - and then he shared how he had read the "holographic mind" and how that book was accurate about the truth of reality. I had not mentioned that book at all to him - so pretty cool corroboration.

  I wrote a critique of Ken Wilber in my master's thesis - it's online as "epicenters of justice" - on sound-current nondualism. So I tried to send it to him to get his response. Instead of his response then his webmaster published my master's thesis - that was back in 2000. So that website is no longer around. 

Unfortunately even the successful grand theorist Ken Wilber falls into the trap of advocating linear western evolution based on a deterministic brain model that does not fully process the findings of Pribram's resonance analysis.(118) Wilber subsequently incorrectly portrays indigenous cultures as inferior and backward-i.e. claiming that their sustainable indigenous knowledge systems are merely accidents reflecting their lack Western technology. Ironically the central text of Tibetan Buddhism, a philosophy from which Wilber draws heavily, commonly called "The Book of the Dead," has its origins in the indigenous Bon culture and is literally translated as "Liberation by Hearing in the Intermediate State."(119) 

Wilber criticizes social theorists for "eulogizing" tribal cultures, when in fact currently 4 to 5,000 of the 6,000 human cultures are indigenous, still existing with distinct languages, but extremely threatened by corporate state elite policies. There is extensive evidence of indigenous cultures commonly interacting in a reciprocal relationship with the environment as a conscious value system. The outstanding examples of unbalanced indigenous development patterns that Wilber incorrectly suggests are the norm, are due to particular breaks in those cultures from extreme influences (like dramatic climate change and colonialism). Wilber does not recognize the fact that there has been a strong backlash against indigenous research, precisely because of its psychological threat to the linear western worldview. His use of Hawaii to explain his theory of holons is an inaccurate portrayal of genocidal U.S. imperialism-in fact he claims the contrary occurred.(120) 

 Certainly neither Pribram, nor the global green movement that Wilber supports, are advocating a "regressive" return to pre-industrial society as the immediate dominant fear arises, but instead the societal model of an open spiral process that continually reaffirms the universal common ground of the void. From systems theory music analysis, Leonard Meyer calls this societal model "fluctuating stasis" based on "steady-state" systems theory, a prediction of the same recommendation from radical ecologist open systems theorist Fritoj Capra.(121) In Noise: The Political Economy of Music, Jacques Attali presents a similar societal vision-predicted by and achieved through profound music practices that challenge the hegemony of one-dimensional repressed symbolic abstraction of the western worldview.(122) 

John E. Peck, worth quoting at length, documents how in fact indigenous cultures already enact concepts of sophisticated open systems theory: The great contribution of Wilber is that he also models an understanding of the void and clarifies many of the same western epistemological errors--but the crucial qualitative difference of modeling the void with music theory is that the long-established immoral, genocidal bias against indigenous cultures need not apply. The music analyst John Chernoff in his brilliant work with the Dagomba, African Sensibility: Aesthetics and Social Action in African Musical Idioms, notes that "The power and dynamic potential of the music is in the silence, and the gaps between the notes, [the absolute void] and it is into this openness that a creative participant will place his contribution, trying to open up the music further." Chernoff realized that music serves as a conscious cultural practice to access the void and obtain transformative powers in these cultures. He points out that "both [the dialectical Marcuse and Lacan] are suggestive of ways in which Western philosophical literature on alienation is addressed in the aesthetics of African music."(124) It should be emphasized, of course, that Wilber also draws heavily from the Pythagorean tradition, as well as Rupert Sheldrake's theory of morphic resonance. Parmenides, who plays a significant role in Wilber's work, was taught by "the Pythagorean Ameinias," he notes. 

Wilber's main analysis, Sex, Ecology, Spirituality, is, as he comments, the first part of a trilogy called "Kosmos," a Pythagorean term meaning "the patterned nature or process of all domains of existence, from matter to math to theos, and not merely the physical universe, which is usually what both 'cosmos' and 'universe' mean today."(125) One of the main arguments that Wilber uses to present the civilized worldviews over indigenous sustainable models is the concept of depth via holons-it is holons (or whole/parts grounded in nothingness, just as music models) that fill the Pythagorean Kosmos. Music theory also ironically proves, by modeling "depth" as well in a more direct manner, how the dominant post-Pythagorean western worldview is not as sophisticated or accurate as the majority of human cultures (i.e. sustainable indigenous cultures) that it's corporate-state policies are destroying.(126) In the application of the law of Pythagoras and its derivative principles (of harmony and growth) music analyst Berendt notes that "Each spin [of all particles] contains all prior whole-number spins....this is the process of differentiation and development...the higher the spin, the higher the state of consciousness."(127) 

Thus the vortex or spirals express the same concept of Wilber's depth, and are a combination of the hierarchy (vertical) and heterarchy (horizontal) perspectives that have riddle radical ecology theorists-a topic Wilber gives great attention to. But demonstrating this concept through music theory has another profound implication, as Berendt quotes musicologist Gerhard Nestler: One-line music with an indefinite pitch and with its wide range of intermediate tones and overtones has a wider base of expression than polyphonic music with its definite pitch and its interval structure, than Conventional Western music, that is. In the final analysis, such music is unhearable. What we hear is its symbol. The symbol is the tones that man chooses from the wealth of tones provided by the universe. Such music grows out of the polar tensions between the audible and the inaudible.(128)

 There is a biologist, Andrew Parker, authored a book called, "In the Blink of An Eye" - about how the Cambrian Explosion in evolution was due to the eye. He says in the book it's due to "quantum diffraction gradients" - just as with the back of a compact disc creating rainbows due to the small differences in the gradients (google book).
 He calls this the "Light Switch Theory." In particular he concludes that predation with vision led to the development of hard body parts, explaining why the fossil record displayed the Cambrian Explosion at this point in time....predation played a critical role during the Cambrian Explosion, but that Parker's emphasis on vision is misplaced because eyes did not develop until late in the spread of such predation (Brasier 2009, page 109).[4]
So what Ian Jamieson is not willing to admit is that Western Science is based on symmetric spacetime as the space-frequency and space-time domain being separated. So Fourier analysis does not do time-frequency at the SAME time - it has to be Fourier Uncertainty which itself arises from noncommutative time-frequency coherence as nondualism.

Ian Jamieson:
You're still thinking in a spacetime framework. You see that's the problem. All brains are connected. We're all aspects of the same hologram. So if you have a hologram, if you break of a little piece of the hologram film, you shine a light, you get the whole image. Each little piece of the hologram, is a separate consciousness. But we're all part of that one consciousness, so we all view it like a mountain has many sides...we're all viewing the same mountain, we might have different views of the mountain, we might have different views of the hologram. It's the eastern religion thing about the 10,000 jewels...10,000 things in Eastern philosophy, they mean everything basically....
 If you shine a light in a room of 10,000 jewels, you see everything because everything if reflected off everything. So when they talk about the universe being 10,000 jewels it's like a hologram,  that every part of the universe contains every other part...
It's like our eyes, as Karl Pribram, a neuroscientist, has written many articles on this... there's a youtube video of him showing this - if you take a lense of a projector, a slide projector in those days. If you take the lens off you just see a BLUR - it's a spread function in mathematics. Every piece of that projector screen contains information in the WHOLE image which is being projected. Now you take the lens off - he holds his reading glasses up to the thing - and instantly two images form on the screen. Because his glasses are now taking ALL the information from that image and focusing it - so now you don't have a spread function - you have a ONE to ONE correspondence between the slide and information on the slide and information on the screen. That's exactly what our eyes do, our eyes are a Fourier Transform - think about our eyes - if you had a photographic film and put it over a lense and you have a shutter that went down very fast as you like - NOT an opening, not an aperature - but a SHUTTER. Would you seen an image on the film? NO you would see a blur! Because all the light from every region is coming and hitting and you're getting a Superposition from all the light from every region you're looking at in space and time...actually. 
So on the surface of our eye - like the shutter - you'd see a Blur - because it's a hologram - a two dimensional surface. The blinking of an eye - as a hole - like a pinhole camera. You can get a piece of a card - and punch a little hole. If you have a BIG hole  you just see a blur of light. But if you punch a little hole you see an image - a lens does the same thing. The hole in your eye converts a hologram into a space - lets just say a space representation in the back of your retina. What it does it does a ONE to ONE correspondence you see in your retina and what is supposedly out there. You could say it's ABSTRACTING some information from the world outside. Actually David Bohm pointed this out - if it wasn't for LENSES in our eyes and telescopes and things like that we wouldn't see the universe as we see it - we'd see it holistically. But we've evolved to see it in space and time...
Really? Then why is modern Western science destroying evolution so fast! It's against evolution!

Look up Eddie Oshins who worked with Karl Pribram. Oshins, at SLAC, detailed how Pribram did not properly understand noncommutative phase logic. scroll down way down for details. here is Oshin's pdf exposing the errors of Pribram. have fun

 look up Professor Basil J. Hiley who has expanded on the work of David Bohm, with whom he collaborated. You'll discover that noncommutative time-frequency phase logic is the key. Sir Roger Penrose has realized this noncommutative logic as well but admits he's no good at noncommutative math. Alain Connes is the main founder of that discipline. have fun

Karl Pribram talk:
When we're listening to music we sort of get the feeling that something is wrong, that the beat is not quite right and so obviously we are aware of what is going to come and all of that fits into this order in the Universe where time and space become FOLDED....they won't agree that the spectral domain is necessarily there....when we go into trance or meditate...spread that domain we do correlations very rapidly and very readily....the inverse transform is done through movement...what is it that stays the same throughout all those transformations...
David Bohm's Plasma Model... was classified top secret - youtube vid.. on Pribram
the charged sheath quickly formed to neutralize the probe, as if the plasma were protecting itself... Bohm put forth an entirely new theory of the Plasma separate U235 from U238, a critical step in the effort to construct a nuclear bomb....
Memories are not stored locally....holoscape contours in the brain...

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