Wednesday, July 22, 2020

How Does She Do That? Part II: The genius healing music of Nina Simone

So as this song progresses - Nina Simone interweaves an improvised "Bach" style melody as a counterpoint melody to her singing melody. When Miles Davis heard this he had to listen TWICE - asked the song to be repeated and then said,
HOW does she DO that?
Nina Simone - Ain't Got No song

Instead of "imagining a world with no...." as Yoko Ono taught John Lennon to sing - her we have Nina Simone revealing the secret of absolute Truth - the Void - the Emptiness.

John Chernoff went to West Africa to study drumming. I cite his book in my master's thesis - he learned it was the space BETWEEN the notes that was the real secret to harmony and syncopated rhythm....



Nina Simone's genius is that she improvised this harmony between two different melodies as counterpoint - in real time.


So what did the authors find in their experiment?

So the genius of Nina Simone is that she also has other background harmonics going on while she is also improvising the two counterpoint melodies.
part one

Earlier versions of the same song:

Nina Simone - My Baby Just Cares For Me- Special Extended Smoochtime Version

Can anyone else hear the slight infusions of Bach in this? Simone was heavily influenced by Bach, even citing him as the reason she committed to music, and she often wove his musical themes into her performances.

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