Sunday, June 28, 2020

I had two recent meditation donations - thanks

Sorry - I didn't notice it was two different meditation donations before - thanks again for the support.

From doing the two day fast up north then I was able to clear out the liver blockage from the previous fake donation. haha. It was a very distinct feeling when that liver blockage cleared out! Kind of amazing.

I did probably six hours of full lotus meditation.

Also I walked barefoot as much as possible - for Yin Qi earth grounding in the forest.

Sleeping "off grid" in the forest - with the sweet air of the Tamaracks is a big help.

And of course doing farm work - lifting the heavy logs to haul for soaking - this is good for building qi energy.

Here is one method I use - SQUATTING while at the computer.

I squat on a bench.

In China - the females are considered to have very strong thighs - from having to use squat toilets.

So females are the original healers. Westerners do not even know how to go to the bathroom properly!

Skyler's Link


  1. solutions to some of the issues I feel like you have an integral piece to bring humanity back in place with nature you know how to bring us back spiritually in communion with the universe for all lifes benefit you need to be at the helmet of facilitating how these healing centers are ran or at least talk to them about the piece they are missing to bring us back on track in harmony and accordance with nature.

    1. I linked it in the blog post - thanks for the nice comment Skyler! The Emptiness aka the Cosmic Mother as Mother Nature does "run" us already. haha. We all wake up from this "dream" at our last physical breath - and then the Cosmic Mother Breathing takes over. Our spirit is not separated from physical reality since all matter is actually made of light - as physics has proven - and spirit as light is powered by Emptiness - beyond spacetime itself. Thanks again for the comment. Spacetime is not something we measure externally. The Emptiness as Spacetime exists within us and so is our true awareness.

    2. For sure! I'm in michigan for a month looking forward to experiencing a sweat lodge and peyote ceremony at the native american church here with my uncle. My first heavy psychedelic experience.
