So Eddie Oshins cites my quantum mechanics professor, Herbert J. Bernstein on this hand movement secret. I know this since I first learned it from Bernstein himself - when I was his student in my first year of college.
Chen Youqin demonstrating the application of Chen Family Chan ssu jin while doing the doing the double covering palm movement from Eddie Oshins self-referential motion™. Chen Youqin middle son of Mr. Chen Qingzhou is applying Chen Family "chan ssu jing" (silk reeling exercise) to show an application of the spinorial "orientation-entanglement relation" described by Oshins as self-referential motion™ in his postnarrative research on the physics of tao™.
So Oshins goes on to argue this same "coherent" energy should also explain how the brain works as well:
And another Hampshire College quantum physics professor Lawrence Domash made this same noncommutative 1/2 spin discover also - tying it back to sound as mantra effects on the brain:
Noncommutative Hand Shake - Oshins and Kauffman discovery
in Kauffman's book
made into a video by Kauffman - what Oshins also emphasized - the Dirac Dance!
Wow - that vid was "rediscovered" in a recent youtube vid with Sir Roger Penrose!
Roger Penrose on "The Portal" (w Eric Weinstein), Ep. #020 - Plotting the Twist of Einstein's Legacy 165,197 views •Mar 1, 2020
Sir Roger Penrose' Hopf Fibration
the square root of a Klein Bottle is a Torus.
I was reviewing a blogpost I did two years ago - and it was a vid link that just got newly rediscovered by this trendy Hedge Fund manager who was on Joe Rogan - maybe you saw him? So he promotes the "Dirac Dance" vid during this new interview with Sir Roger Penrose
So this hedge fund manager is actually a Ph.D. Harvard mathematical physicist. But I got to this from Eddie Oshins promoting internal martial arts - Neigong or Neidan qigong. haha. So I'll have to listen to Eric Weinstein's Joe Rogaine interview (since Rogaine is always dissing traditional Chinese internal martial arts). haha.
look up noncommutative phase - that's what they're talking about even though they don't use the term. Think of the 5th dimension as time that can not be seen but it can be rotated based on frequency. Music theory actually is based on this also - as Alain Connes explains. Penrose is now using noncommutative geometry. So the Perfect Fifth is both 2/3 and 3/2 - so it's two different frequencies but it's the same pitch. So it's IsoSpectral but NOT isomorphic as geometric length. It has the same PHASE (angle) value but not the same frequency energy (momentum).
The Riemann Sphere of Relativity with the Riemann Sphere of Quantum Mechanics ....The world we see is described by real numbers but sort of hiding behind it is the world of complex numbers and they somehow control this world of real numbers. So the dynamics is somehow controlled by the way the complex numbers work. And I couldn't think of a picture in which you added.. you see spacetime is 4 dimensions and I needed to add one more dimension.... It was an idea fundamental to quantum field theory, which has to do with splitting your field amplitudes into positive into Positive and Negative Frequencies...This was very fundamental...Think of the Riemann Sphere again and you have the equator describing the real numbers together with infinity. And you've got these complex numbers on side of the hemisphere and the other hemisphere. And the ones that are positive frequency extend into one half... So this to me was a very beautiful way of thinking about it, rather than splitting everything into Fourier components.... Riemann Sphere going from the half to the whole - so it is divided into two halves [positive and negative as the 5th dimension].Lawrence Domash, former quantum physics professor at Hampshire College:
...superconductivity within one neuron could become phase coherent with that in an adjoining cell by virtue of quantum tunnelling, and this could be stimulated by the macroscopic analog of stimulated emission (alluded to before in connection with the mantra), that is an AC Josephson effect. ...At a more interesting level, the quantum vacuum state may be said to be empty (of excitation) and yet full in the sense of pure potentiality; it contains "virtual" (unphysical) representatives of all possible modes of matter and excitation in the form of vacuum fluctuations or "virtual particles" (zero-point excitations of each field mode, assigned one-half quanta of energy, due directly to the non-commutative property of the field operators).
and this:
Sir Roger Penrose:
Instead of patching space together you patch the algebra together but then they have to be noncommutative...and this is the proposal... you construct these algebras and they are connections on find a generic solution of the Einstein vacuum equations with cosmological constant....Eric was on Joe Rogan who disses traditional Chinese internal martial arts? I only discovered Eric Weinstein through Eddie Oshins, a Wing Chung Instructor and collaborator with Louis Kauffman on the Dirac Dance vid that Eric promotes. Hilarious! It's not till the end that Penrose gets to mention noncommutative quantum algebra while Oshins says that noncommutative is the secret of Neigong - Internal Martial Arts training that Joe Rogan tries to dismiss since Neigong also is based on Qi consciousness (that Eric also tries to dismiss). Hilarious.
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LEON BRILLOUIN'S NEGENTROPY PRINCIPLE OF INFORMATION. ANDREI ... the quantum logic and Morphic Computing processes (see Eddie Oshins 1992).
This representation only works for the (more fundamental) 1/2-integral representations (i.e. spinors/turns/quaternions) but also lets one build the vector and tensor representations. The converse does not hold....this property of "noncommutivity" in itself might be valuable in some way.
My claim, and original idea, has been that this is circumnavigating a T'ai Chi (Yin/Yang) symbol! More recently (Oshins, 1993b) I have suggested that this proximate technique can be used to realize Wing Chun kung-fu's "bong sau/tan sau" movement [youtube] out of the Kauffman/Oshins "quaternionic arm" discussed and referenced below in end note 5.
I believe that this may be a way to get mind to code the relative relationship of part of oneself with respect to the rest of oneself (self-referential motion) and can explain the concepts of being "centered"/"one"/"integrated"/"extended"/"whole" etc. which one strives for in meditation.
Oshins, E. (1993). A Test for Classical Psychospinors. (pdf) In Abdullah, F. (Ed.) Conservation and Invariance. Cambridge, UK: Alternative Natural Philosophy Association, London England.
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qigong grandmaster Chunyi Lin |
“the right hand grabs the white tiger, left hand grabs the green dragon,”for males the upper body is yang and right hand is yin while lower body is yin and left hand is yang.
So that is the Wuji position - of harmonized yin-yang with left-right noncommutative spin.
In Taijiquan, various names for this movement include: Moving Hands Like Clouds, Waving Hands Like Clouds, Playing with Clouds, Wave Hands in Clouds, Cloud Hands 云手 : Yun Shou. The Taijiquan the feet and hands move gracefully in a coordinated manner, while in Dragon Qigong the hands and waist move but both feet do not move.
Stand with your feet separated apart at a comfortable distance. Bring your right hand up to about the level of your mouth, palm facing towards the body. Bring you left hand up to about the level of your belly button, with your left palm facing towards the body. Your feet will remain flat on the ground during the entire exercise. Pause in this Wuji position. Inhale and exhale deeply a few times in the Wuji position: relax the abdomen as you inhale, draw the abdomen in as you exhale (natural abdominal breathing method)
Oldest image of the Taiji symbol as Wuji - no empty circle - just yin-yang as Emptiness!
So my point is that the Daoist Neigong as Ting - meditation - this is actually the empirical truth of reality and was known by the ancients and also relied on quantum biological negentropy or relativistic quantum biology. My contention of this was then corroborated by Eddie Oshins - or rather I discovered he had made the same claim - when he worked at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. And so then I have corresponded with math professor Louis Kauffman - I posted the link to youtube on the "Dirac Dance" - which Kauffman first filmed with Eddie Oshins as a "handshake" of the 720 spin. So Oshins argued that in fact the movements in the training of internal martial arts are in fact based on noncommutative phase resonance from the foundation of reality.
That was also my contention - based on studying the book Taoist yOga: Alchemy and Immortality. So for example there is an exercise called "moving of yin and yang" and the key is to put the left hand facing the lower body and the right hand facing the upper body. So since the left hand for males is yang and lower body is yin and the right hand is yin for males and upper body is yang - this completes the 720 degree noncommutative phase spin to activate the Yuan Qi energy of the Universe.
that's just one example. Another is in full lotus for males the left leg should be on top in order to store up the energy.
So then Yiquan is another example - the secret of the standing position in Yiquan is that you visualize the energy from the right hand to the left foot and left hand to the right foot. I discovered the WEsterners were teaching this Yiquan standing training WITHOUT teaching the noncommutative phase secret of what to visualize! haha.
So they quote this acupuncture article that gives this secret principle:
The principle of great loops treatment is simply that, for pain on or around a joint, go to the joint on the opposite quadrant of the body, as shown in the joint correspondence pictures above, and palpate for very tender points. When treated, these distal points will likely be highly effective for relieving pain in the symptomatic area. [/quote]
And so the right elbow goes to the OPPOSITE left knee, etc.
left shoulder to the right hip, etc.
And so doing a follow up on the author:
The Law of Correspondance is summarized in the acupuncture classic the Nei Jing, paraphrased as follows (assume a vice-versa after each statement):So the "six harmonies" are actually from Daoist alchemy:
“For diseases of the upper body, treat the lower body. For diseases of the right treat the left. For diseases of the front, treat the back. For diseases of the inner, treat the outer.”
This Law is clearly manifested through two acupuncture methods – micro-systems and Great Loops distal acu-points. Few schools or seminars, however, teach the underlying energetic principles that make these techniques work.
‘Eyes go with the mind, Mind goes with the Qi,Uncle Jin Yun Ting wrote the following poem about the 6 harmonies:
Qi goes with the Body, Body goes with the Hands,
Hands go with the Feet, Feet go with the Hips.’
The Essential Points in Xingyi Boxing’s Six Harmonies and the Extremities
The heart harmonizes with the intention;
the intention harmonizes with the Qi;
the Qi harmonizes with the power;
these are the three internal harmonies.
The hands harmonizes with the feet;
the elbows harmonizes with the knees;
the shoulders harmonizes with the hips;
these are the three external harmonies.
These together are called the six harmonies.
The left hand harmonizes with the right foot;
the left elbow harmonizes with the right knee;
the left shoulder harmonizes with the right hip,
and conversely so on the right side.
The head harmonizes with the hands;
the hands harmonize with the body;
the body harmonizes with the footwork.
Are these not also external harmonies?
The heart harmonizes with the eyes;
the liver harmonizes with the tendons;
the spleen harmonizes with the muscles;
the lungs harmonize with the body;
the kidneys harmonize with the bones.
Are these not also internal harmonies?
Are there then truly only six harmonies?
Actually, these only describe the constituent parts.
In the end, if one moves, then there are none that do not move;
if one harmonizes, then there are none that do not harmonize.
The five elements and the head, torso, and limbs can be known from this.
and so
The right path of Intent Boxing (Yi Quan) does not go beyond the ancient postures of old Three Fists and two energies (Qi) of Dragon and Tiger. Two energies of Dragon and Tiger are skills....
The first step in integration force training is to mentally connect one arm with the leg on the opposite side of your body. Focus first on the
Laogong point of your left hand and then expand this thought to the Yongquan point on your right foot.
At the same time, imagine that your right hand is pulling something back and then coordinate this feeling with the
downward force in your left foot. The integration of the feeling in your right hand with the downward press of your left foot will augment the
backward force.
The entities of yin and yang are differentiated within Taiji but are not
yet fully separated....These changes result in the separation of yin and yang and end when yin and yang become integrated and generate Santi Shi.
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