Thursday, April 16, 2020

new Matrix interface device: Quantum Dot Vaccine?: 8 gigabytes ram: 4 times faster! SSD (no more magnetic spinning sound).

The story cited Gates’ answer in the forum and then declared, “The ‘digital certificates’ Gates was referring to are human-implantable ‘QUANTUM-DOT TATTOOS.'”
But that’s not true. It’s a mash-up of two unrelated things.
First, digital certificates are used to send encrypted information over the internet, as in the common case of electronic signatures which are used to verify identity. They were officially defined by what is now called the Telecommunication Standardization Sector in 1988 and have always been virtual, not physical.
When Gates mentioned their use in the forum, he was referring to digital certificates as part of an effort to create a digital platform that would expand home-based, self-administered testing for COVID-19, the Gates Foundation said in an email to
So then he says he's FUNDING the quantum dot for vaccines but it's not related to COVID-19....

So now I can use adblock again on youtube.

The pandemic slowed down the interwebs too much.

I don't like this new "flat" keyboard but at least there are keys.

Also I don't like using a touchpad!!

So I stole the mouse from the sole computer.

Also I need to turn down the brightness on the screen. I read reviews and someone mentioned that needing to be done. Definitely too bright.

The old computer was only 2 gb. We almost got a 4 GB but I decided to read the 1 star reviews and everyone complained how slow it was!! haha.

Wow an SSD is a big difference than a magnetic hard drive.

I was "ahead" in middle school math - so this computer genius kid and  me hung out together - the teacher told us to leave the room. haha. I think she was embarrassed of the other kids?

So we were told to design a grant program. He did all the work. It was a Pie flying in the Sky.

Yep we got that Medtronic Grant for science projects!

And the Principal took us out for Deep Dish Pizza!! Score.

That was awkward.

So I did learn BASIC programming but I also realized that it was best to step off the computer rat race.

NOW Bill Gates wants everyone to get a Quantum Dot insert connected to the vaccine.

So it emits infrared light to prove you got vaccinated.

Yep I predicted this 20 years ago!!

Oh well - maybe I can hide in the forest.

People are protesting to open the economy. Mother Nature is in control!!


Yes typing on a "flat" keyboard is not as easy. But I'm adjusting.

Also how to dim the screen? I'll search I guess.

ok I gotta update the drivers....

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