Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Breath Fog! Lack of Testing is main cause for rapid spread of Coronavirus global pandemic: It spread in the US from other domestic states

So Taiwan did strict testing - as did South Korea - and then quarantined people until their test results came back...

So as I recently blogged - the Lunar New Year is the biggest religious holiday on Earth!

So then the virus spread ACROSS the US - domestically - from Washington to the East Coast...
Joseph R Fauver, Mary E. Petrone, Emma B Hodcroft, Kayoko Shioda, Hanna Y Ehrlich, Alexander G. Watts, Chantal B.F. Vogels, Anderson F. Brito, Tara Alpert, Anthony Muyombwe, Jafar Razeq, Randy Downing, Nagarjuna R. Cheemarla, View ORCID ProfileAnne L Wyllie, Chaney C. Kalinich, Isabel Ott, Josh Quick, Nicholas J. Loman, Karla M. Neugebauer, Alexander L. Greninger, Keith R. Jerome, Pavitra Roychoundhury, Hong Xie, Lasata Shrestha, Meei-Li Huang, Virginia E. Pitzer, Akiko Iwasaki, Saad B. Omer, Kamran Khan, View ORCID ProfileIsaac Bogoch, Richard A. Martinello, Ellen F. Foxman, Marie-Louise Landry, View ORCID ProfileRichard A Neher, Albert I Ko, Nathan D. Grubaugh

We release respiratory droplets when we speak.”
“When you go outside and it’s really cold out and you see your breath fog — that’s respiratory droplets,” she said.

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