Saturday, April 25, 2020

Bob Lazar has now been completely debunked by real Area 51 CIA contractor Thorton D. "TD" Barnes and Jack Sarfatti on de Broglie's Guidance Equation

TD Barnes interview

 Jack Sarfatti quote below - his youtube channel
OK, I am listening. I will reinforce what Ryan Cross was trying to explain to Jim. 1) Tic Tac never moves relative to the air molecules in warp drive because of Einstein's equivalence principle (EEP). Tic Tac and the air particles near it all freely fall in the exact same way - no friction ever. No problem with frictional terminal velocity ever. That is RED HERRING. Tic Tac controls its free fall path ("timelike geodesic") Tic Tac's self-generated gravity field superposes with the Earth's gravity field which never goes away as Ryan said. 2) Meta-materials are not relevant to Sal's patents as far as I know. Jim confused what I was saying with what Sal claims in his patent. 3) Sal's patents do not look like warp drive to me at present time. It would simply be another conventional propulsion system with g-forces inside the vehicle. It could not explain Tic Tac's observed motions. 4) Room temperature superconductivity exists in our bodies - this is the Frohlich effect. We can do it with metals by pumping the metal resonantly far of thermodynamic equilibrium. This is the Frohlich effect used in Tec Tac Tech.

Jack Sarfatti interview - March 2020 on secret military propulsion craft

They're not ready to accept this KEY IDEA...So there's this ONE KEY IDEA of how Matter couples to Gravity in Einstein's equation - and there's something called the speed of light - ...and all these idiots (pardon me but you're a bunch of idiots)... They think the Speed of light has to be the Speed of light in  vacuum - even though it's INside a MATERIAL. So the point is you HAVE to use the Speed of light inside the material. So the point is once you realize that then everything about [Secret propulsion craft] is easy to understand.
 The coupling of the matter fields that create Gravity and the warp field itself - they set it to ONE because they don't want to DEAL with it. Most of the physicists are mathematical physicists and so are trying to be elegant. But you gotta see what that is and it's very important. So it's a matter of over-specialization....
It's not true that it requires an enormous amount of energy....
Below is more Sarfatti quote - he refers to himself in the third person....

In 1994, Mexican theoretical physicist Miguel Alcubierre, proposed a toy model propulsion system for a spacecraft riding a wave of altered space-time – a ‘warp field’ - that would permit it to appear to accelerate to faster-than-light (FTL) speeds without violating Einstein’s special theory of relativity. 2 Whilst the theory was more than credible enough for NASA to have studied Alcubierre’s ‘warp-drive’ extensively for interstellar space transportation, the approach lacked a pathway to the engineering of the propulsion system itself.  

This has changed thanks to recent advances in our understanding of ‘metamaterials’ – a class of engineered materials with lattice-like properties that do not occur naturally – and theories advanced by core members of this team for systems that exhibit ‘self-organized criticality’ (SOC): a framework for the complexity mathematics underlying systems found right across Nature (i.e. not just in the financial markets and terrorist networks mentioned in the introduction).  

The mathematics model for this portion of the proposal is based on years of practical application by its developer/proponent, physicist Maurice Passman, via his work in City of London financial/insurance markets and at the UK Ministry of Defence. Here, Passman’s SOC approach based upon fractal mathematics and intermediate asymptotics, provides the foundation for the work and involvement of leading theoretical physicist Dr. Jack Sarfatti. Underlying mathematics/physics Sarfatti’s physics offers a resolution to the paradox of the wave/particle duality at the heart of quantum mechanics. It does this via a so-called ‘backactivity’ channel, i.e. a form of fractal, absorbing state, SOC, known as a “Frohlich pump”: a set of feedback loops between a classical-level particle and its associated quantum-level “pilot” wave functions. The SOC state, when stable, produces a quasi-steady state “dissipative structure” with long-range quantum phase coherence. The SOC state is prevented from relaxation to thermodynamic equilibrium by an external Frohlich pump, i.e., a resonant driving electromagnetic field. 

In the ‘man-made world’ this state is rarely, if ever, experienced due to a persistent imbalance in the feedback cycle (leading, inter alia, on a macro-scale, to ‘real world’ complex open systems behaviour – e.g. natural catastrophes and the breakdown of financial markets). The notable natural exception, according to Sarfatti’s conjecture, is active living matter. Sarfatti’s backactivity/feedback loop – complemented here by Passman’s SOC mathematics - is responsible, too, for an emergent description of conscious “qualia” as excitations in a physical quantum information field in the SOC state. Sarfatti has been modeling this since the mid 1990s. Dubbed ‘Post-Quantum Mechanics’ (PQM) theory, this provides for an exchange between ‘perceiver’ (us) and our environment that not only provides us with our sense of the world, but the meaning we attach to it. Sarfatti’s consciousness model couples the phenomenon known as Frohlich pumping – the process found in Nature that produces stable, long-lived nonequilibrium SOC states – using ‘microtubules’: lattice networks of electric dipole protein dimer structures found not only within our neurons, but within all living cells probably essential to the coordination of DNA-RNA-ATP mechanisms. 3  

This, Sarfatti theorises, provides both our quasi-stable-state conscious quale experience of (objective) reality and our capacity to sense/monitor our environment. The idea that microtubules act as the ‘exchange mechanism’ in our experience of reality was first proposed 25 years ago by physicist Roger Penrose and neuroscientist Stuart Hameroff. The Sarfatti/Passman model adds a methodology by which information from the outside world is filtered via a mathematical ‘meta-language’ to provide the Frohlich pumping system/metamaterial architecture with ‘conscious AI’: a means by which a ‘conscious computer’ derives a full understanding, imbued with meaning, of its surrounding environment. The core piece of the architecture, however – the cornerstone of the framework – is the ‘aero-spacecraft’s’ propulsion system. A unified system: advanced propulsion + ‘fully conscious AI’  

In the mid-1990s, the engineering of an Alcubierre-type propulsion system was deemed impossible practically because of the need for unfeasible amounts of energy to fuel it – the equivalent of a Jupiter-sized mass. Advances in metamaterials technology, however, and a new kind of mathematics - provided within this proposal - hold out the promise of an engineering pathway to an aerospace craft that exhibits two essential characteristics: ‘fully conscious AI’ and breakthrough propulsion physics. • In ‘active mode’, the spacecraft realises the Alcubierre propulsion drive by controlling the way it warps space-time to produce its own zero-G-force geodesic motion. 

It does this by inducing a controllable, stable ‘far-from-equilibrium longrange quantum coherent state’ (in the backactivity loop described above) in the Frohlich pumping system/metamaterial (airframe) by varying the strength of the non-radiating confined electromagnetic near-fields across the craft’s structure to produce a directional ‘warp-drive’/‘anti-gravitational’ effect. Minimal amounts of energy are required due to the high efficiency of the metamaterial lattice’s electromagnetic susceptibility resonant responses to the Frohlich pump electromagnetic field. • In ‘passive mode’, the craft is able to fully sense its surroundings (the metamaterial multi-scale quantum dot lattices within lattices “fractal” structures acting as a surrogate for the Hameroff microtubules. The system’s fully conscious AI is a key, defining feature of the concept, giving rise to a vehicle that is both fully conscious of its surroundings and fully reactive to them in terms of decisionmaking.

David Ferrie was in Civil Air Patrol - he targeted Oswald... for Oswald's early training... mentions Sarfatti confirming Puharich was CIA Mkultra

Jack Sarfatti confirms that the UNESCO physics research was a CIA operation

( his Post-Quantum lecture)

pdf - Sarfatti's Consciousness de Broglie pilot wave model pdf

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