Friday, April 3, 2020

Greenyogi in India invites me to visit after checking out my upload: So I discover his NDE story and his trip reports!

tells the below:

I have verified this claim and observed these effects myself as a result of several years of intense spiritual practices i.e Yoga Sadhana, when i was blessed with electrogravitic experiences such as teleportations, weightless flights and even being instantaneously resurrected once, after being victim of an intentional murder… by stoning.

Yes, you read that right.

I was properly killed in 2002, by a Croatian guy who - and that is no coincidence - happened to have witnessed my flying down from a hilltop on a full moon night, just a few days prior his successful murder attempt.

The whole story has not been shared on Quora yet but i am considering writing it down someday.
What? You wanna read it right now?! 

Long story short: 

South India - April 2002 - Backyard of the house - 9am.
After landing a first stone straight in my left eye from a few meters away, which made me too dizzy to gauge the situation logically and immediately run away as i should have, my aggressor proceeded to crush my skull with a massive hit using another, bigger stone.

I fell on the rocky ground in a splashing of blood and found myself going through the vortex in the heart, then being formless in the dark void for ‘some no-time’ and then zooming back through the spiral, right back into this body, except i was no more laying down and overpowered by the shock, but firmly standing on a perfect footing and grounded like ‘never before’ (indeed reborn).

We both were slightly displaced, about 3–4 meters from the exact positions we occupied as i fell down, which makes me wonder if i was actually in the same universe at that point. But that’s another issue i suppose, for another post.

I did not remember who my human identity was then, and what was exactly going on, except that i was there facing a guy who was a lethal opponent. Nothing more.

So i gave a single open-palm-kick on his chest - Bruce Lee stylee - and the man, who was taller and much heavier than me made an arc in the air over a few meters before to crash on the ground himself, evidently astonished and even astounded. :-)

I mean, put yourself in his shoes.

A cold blooded killer who just violently terminated a skinny yogi for doing too many sparks in his dark world of criminal abuser, suddenly faced with an immortal superman who just sent him down to the ground without any effort? Ahem… bit hard to swallow don’t you think?

So yeah… he didn’t exactly swallow it either and even though i just left him there and walked up to my room to wash my long hair and this body from the blood, he kept acting insane until eventually he was put behind bars, after an Italian lady who had arrived on the scene just a little later, and whom the killer also threatened with a knife immediately as she came, ran to the nearby Police Station and made a scandal there to make sure they would search for him in the small town and arrest him, which they did in the hour.

I had a huge opened wound on the top of my skull and a large black eye to boot.

Police came to me after the lady told them i had been hurt and asked me to obtain an hospital report and bring the same as an evidence to incriminate him. I replied that he was only ‘being God’ and he did what was needed at that time and that it was alright as far as i was concerned. Policeman replied that ‘we are all God too’, and that it was my duty (Dharma) to report him anyways, only to avoid further abuses. I didn’t have anything more to say at this point, so i complied and that availed my dear Croatian murderer seven months in Hyderabad jail, where he merely played insanity until some other Croatian nationals bailed him out and arranged his return abroad, as if nothing happened. So much justice in this world right?

Me? I have never looked at ‘life’ the same way since this ‘Grand Unification Energy’ was attained and this body was made electrogravitic for a little while, after which i slept an average of 3 hours/night for the next 4 years or so, and was recognized as ‘enlightened’ by various people, which led me to become a spiritual teacher and move on with my own works for even more unbelievable achievements to happen, down the timeline.

So in case you are still reading this with an open mind and indeed resonating with what i just shared, then be certain that we do not need theoretical physicists in this world, nor do we have any need for particle accelerators and ‘atom smashers’ BS. That tech is only meant to control humanity, not to liberate it.

Everything we need to reach the Grand Yogic (Unified) Energy is already with us, right here, contained within our DNA-Brain-Body suit, our personal ‘space-ship’ originally conceived for time travel and endless self-sustenance through electrogravity and self-produced negentropic capacity (hyperconductive bliss).

There is so much more to be said in regard to the topic obviously, but this is just another Quora answer after all.

May the Force Be With You, Young Padawan!

I’ve smoked Changa once, DMT a few times and Salvia Divinorum leaves over a thousand times in the last decade, with or without combining it to other entheogens such as Lotus flowers, Datura flowers, Cannabis flowers, Harmala seeds, Amanita Muscaria and Psilocibes mushrooms as well as liquid LSD, and have never experienced an encounter with any ‘other’.
‘THEY’ never showed up to greet me, tease me, probe me, teach me, scare me or devour me alive… before i find myself back to baseline.
So obviously i can’t answer the second part of the question since THEY never said anything, simply because THEY are only the byproduct of people’s imagination.

From the overwhelming experiences with “3rd eye opening” back in 84, when i was 14 y/o to my unintended teleportations events between 2000–2002, and to the latest DNA upgrades and mind-blowing harmonic synchronicities with the Schumann resonances which i am undergoing since 2017, pretty much everything which still holds a deep significance in my existence is either part of ‘fringe science’ domain or just plain metaphysics (also regarded as horseshit by mainstream physicists).
That’s the mystical - and very lonely - side of the whole journey.

For the sake of correspondences only, (and all things considered, maybe to piss off a bunch of Quoran PHDs too…) i could call it the ‘Quantum domain’ of the drama or ‘what-remains-in-the-heart-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel’, after waking up.

The rest - that which academic science can explain - is all ‘classical domain’ in comparison, ordinary and easily forgotten platitudes.

That’s because the real scientists, who really bring lasting changes in this world, are those who dive deep in the realms of their own consciousness in order to obtain the keys to the infinite potential of Oneness.

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