So this is a fascinating new equation!
It's a 112 page download.
Consciousness in the Universe is Tuned by a Musical Master Code: A Hydrodynamic Superfluid Quantum Space Guides a Conformal Mental Attribute of Reality. The Hard Problem in Consciousness Studies Revisited
So I'm curious to see if they understand that the H-bar or "Reduced Planck's Constant" covers up the noncommutative time-frequency resonance! I've emailed this information to Professor Meijer but have not gotten any response. For some reason Professor Dirk Meijer's page link really slows down my computer. Not sure if it is because I have 99 messages listed for my own academia profile.
So first of all Planck was directly inspired by equal-tempered music tuning to CREATE his Planck's Constant! (as Peter Pesic details).... Does Professor Meijer realize this error of Planck? I've blogged on it before....
I think it's because they have a lot of images in their pdf....
So Professor Meijer keeps emphasizing the "discrete" frequencies as being quantum - without realizing that noncommutative phase that is non-local (and the origin of quantum) is beyond both discrete and continuous! oops.
So far they do a commendable job of meta-analysis in lining up "discrete" frequencies - but the real issue, as qigong master Chunyi Lin emphasizes - is that the healing energy is not from any one frequency!! It is from the nondual, noncommutative, non-local Emptiness itself!!
So this is what Professor Meijer calls "Toroidal Geometry" - yes that is true - the Full lotus meditation process Is the Klein Bottle as Toroidal Geometry. That is the secret of true alchemy as "pyramid power."
Fascinating! What's the link for that study?
OK I'll read that after this...
OH wow - they are now citing Dolce - he does understand the Planck equal-tempered tuning connection....
OK so now they are saying Time should be considered fundamentally Discrete - actually Alain Connes says the same thing. He says that it is discrete but since it's noncommutative then it's even more dense than the irrational numbers.
Sounds familiar!!
Yep - this is precisely what I have been investigating for 30 years. haha. So this is very exciting to see published as science.
So then they make the same connection that I was making with my correspondence with Nobel Physicist Brian Josephson - on superconducting material being embedded in zero point energy and also our brains as well - this was first also emphasized by quantum physicist Dohash - Lawrence. The last name is similar to that.... as I quote him several times.
Now they are citing Del Guidice on water coherence as macro quantum energy.
So I know that I get hits from the Netherlands on this type of research - after I have contacted Professor Meijer - so I figure he was studying my blog and I cite all the above research on my blog. It's good to see it being incorporated into a published paper!!
So this is a very profound point on the secret of room-temperature quantum non-local energy!
So they also cite Ultrasound Frequencies as key!
So now they get into the Holographic Principle of reality -
Unfortunately Professor Meijer emphasizes the "symmetry" of the double torus as the fractal - without realizing that Sir Roger Penrose's twistor model (that Meijer is promoting) is now based on NONCOMMUTATIVE phase logic! oops.
Oh he even cites Bernstein 2005 - my personal quantum mechanics professor!
That must be a different Bernstein. Yeah it was a different one but he still does cite HJ Bernstein - Herbert Bernstein - as well!
Also no mention of the ecological crisis?
Only the phrase "cell ecology" as based on chaos theory - which relies on symmetric math! Oops - the same error I made in my master's thesis in 2000.
OK I'll keep perusing this to see if it moves beyond Symmetric-based Scientism....
Yes this explains how the qi energy can travel through walls, (and in strong wind) - as I've experimentally proven to myself.... (long distance, and through time)....
de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony is based on a soliton wave....
OK so that IMPLIES the ecological crisis without mentioning that science CREATED the ecological crisis. And so they are promoting the same symmetric-based science bias that enabled and caused the ecological and social justice crisis on Earth and yet saying this will somehow save us?...
Ah - here we go - the "symmetry breaking" is due to our limited human ego brain perception.... Or is it the other way around?
Yes I state it's the other way around.
The section on cerebral spinal fluid flow in the brain and water consciousness - fascinating!
and citing the Adey calcium research (this is CIA - most likely MKULTRA stuff).... on ELF subharmonics - connected to Andrija Puharich!
Yes and then Pribram's holographic brain model is cited - again without realizing that Eddie Oshins debunked Pribram based on the truth of noncommutative phase logic as the true secret of nonwestern meditation Neidan Neigong training!
Yes but as I quote prominent physicists - this negentropy can not be observed - why? Because of the left-brain bias of science itself! In other words the "employ" word here is a Western cultural bias!! The "gravity mechanisms" are simply the symmetric logarithmic math that has destroyed ecology on Earth.
Sure enough there's a plug for "artificial intelligence" at the end - to bring us full circle back to the evolution - and "transpersonal" is used in this paper. So this is an "Actual Matrix Plan" promotion. Erwin Laszlo is promoted also...
So this person is a Nanotechnologist? I think he has an engineering masters degree if I remember correctly....
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