Saturday, March 7, 2020

Professor Martin Pall on Calcium voltage gating and Electromagnetic Pollution

  Calcium is the most abundant metal in the human body that plays vital roles as a cellular electrolyte as well as the smallest and most frequently used signaling molecule.
It has been shown that not only 4 distinct types of VGCCs, but also a voltage gated sodium channel, potassium channel and chloride channel are all activated by low intensity EMFs of various frequencies, suggesting that the EMFs act on the voltage sensor. In plants, EMFs apparently act via activation of some other channels, known as TPC channels, which also contain a similar voltage sensor. The structure and location of the voltage sensor and two laws of physics, Coulomb’s law and Ohm’s law, predict that the EMF forces on the voltage sensor are stunningly strong, approximately 7.2 million times stronger than the forces on singly electrically charged groups in the aqueous parts of our cells and bodies. This explains why the voltage sensor is the main direct target of the EMFs. The voltage-gated sodium, potassium and chloride channels apparently play only minor roles in producing EMF effects, so that to a first approximation, effects can be explained as being predominantly from VGCC activation and consequent increases in intracellular calcium [Ca2+]i. This falsifies the industry claim that there are only thermal effects can occur. The VGCC mechanism has been widely accepted in the scientific community as shown be the 247 citations of my first 2013 EMF paper (Google Scholar) and by my 58 different invited professional talks on this topic.
So this corroborates my earlier post - that the skin ohm resistance is penetrated by the high frequency electromagnetic pollution.

EMFs also acting via excessive VGCC activity also produce large increases in the release of norepinephrine, the fight or flight hormone.
Martin Pall - lecture on non-thermal electromagnetic pollution

Another link of same lecture?

Interview with PRofessor Martin Pall

a third lecture - by Martin Pall

The voltage sensor is EXTREMELY SENSITIVE.
there are 20 charges in the voltage sensor - so 20 times higher.
The forces on those charges are about 120 times higher because of the dielectric constant.
There's also a high level amplification across the plasma membrane - a 3000 fold.

Multiply the above and get the 7.2 million stronger number.

Voltage gated calcium channels 'read' electric patterns in embryos to create cartilage and bone 

A mutation predicted to affect the proton transfer has been qualitatively confirmed experimentally, from the change in the gating current-voltage curve. The total charge displacement in going from a normal closed potential of −70 mV across the membrane to 0 mV (open), is calculated to be approximately consistent with measured values, although the error limits on the calculation require caution in interpretation.
The Role of Proton Transport in Gating Current in a Voltage Gated Ion Channel, as Shown by Quantum Calculations

 So just one session of qigong meditation will increase your millivolt levels significantly - to offset this pollution. More sessions - more energy! You can test this - for males - the positive goes above the navel and the negative is held by the right hand - multimeter voltmeter.

 Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences

 his peer-reviewed publication

There are 26 different studies showing that calcium channel blockers, agents specific for blocking the VGCCs, block or greatly lower all effects of EMF exposure that were measured in each study.  These include 5 classes of calcium channel blockers, with each acting of different sites and having different structural properties.  Each of these are thought to be highly specific agents and we have, therefore, no alternative interpretation to these results – the EMFs are activating the VGCCs.

The VGCCs and other voltage-gated ion channels have voltage sensors located in the plasma membranes of cells, which based in their location and structural properties, are predicted based on the physics to be exquisitely sensitive to activation by these EMFs.
There is published evidence that pulsed microwave exposures produce an almost instantaneous increase in intracellular calcium levels, strongly supporting a direct activation of the VGCCs by these EMFs, as suggested in the previous paragraph.

The VGCCs have been shown to have a universal or near-universal role in converting electrical effects into chemical changes in cells, so it should not be surprising that there appears to be a universal or near-universal role of the VGCCs in producing biological responses to EMFs.
There are extensive published studies (close to 1000) showing changes calcium fluxes and/or calcium signaling following microwave frequency exposures with each of these, including the calcium efflux studies, providing support for the VGCC activation mechanism.

There are a wide range of repeatedly reported responses to microwave EMF exposures that can be explained as being caused by downstream effects of VGCC activation and consequent increases in intracellular calcium, including:

Oxidative stress, single strand and double strand breaks in cellular DNA, other genotoxic responses including increases in 8-nitroguanine and 8-oxoguanine, cancer, cardiac effects including tachycardia, bradycardia, arrhythmia, possibly leading to sudden cardiac death, widespread neuropsychiatric effects, male and female infertility and low levels of melatonin.  Many of these effects have been shown to be produced by excessive activity of the VGCCs in humans, based on genetic studies.

Microwave EMFs act in plants act very similarly to the way they act in animals, activating voltage regulated calcium channels and producing large increases in calcium signaling responses.  The plant responses are also blocked by calcium channel blockers, including some the same blockers that work in animals.  The plant calcium channels have voltage sensors with similar properties to the VGCCs in animals, thus providing an explanation for the exquisite sensitivity of the plant channels to these fields.
 . W.R. Adey’s prescience is most clearly shown by his statement that “Collective evidence points to cell membrane receptors as the probable site of first tissue interactions with both extremely low frequency and microwave fields for many neurotransmitters, hormones, growth-regulating enzyme expression, and cancer-promoting chemicals.  In none of these studies does tissue heating appear to be involved causally in the responses” (italics added, from a talk at the Royal Society of Physicians, London May 16-17, 2002). Elsewhere Adey had reviewed changes in calcium fluxes and signaling in response to EMF exposures.  It can be seen from this paragraph that we were on the verge of discovering the VGCC mechanism at least 12 years ago and I think it is tragic that it was not clearly discovered until two years ago.

W.R. Adey was funded by the CIA and military....

Written and Compiled by Martin L. Pall, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, Washington State UniversityAddress: 638 NE 41st Ave., Portland OR 97232 USA,  503-232-3883 May 17, 2018

We know that there is a massive literature, providing a high level of scientific certainty, for each of eight pathophysiological effects caused by non-thermal microwave frequency EMF exposures.  This is shown in from 12 to 35 reviews on each specific effect, with each review listed in Chapter 1, providing a substantial body of evidence on the existence of each effect. Such EMFs:
  1. Attack our nervous systems including our brains leading to widespread neurological/neuropsychiatric effects and possibly many other effects.  This nervous system attack is of great concern.
  2. Attack our endocrine (that is hormonal) systems.  In this context, the main things that make us functionally different from single celled creatures are our nervous system and our endocrine systems – even a simple planaria worm needs both of these.  Thus the consequences of the disruption of these two regulatory systems is immense, such that it is a travesty to ignore these findings.
  3. Produce oxidative stress and free radical damage, which have central roles in essentially all chronic diseases.
  4. Attack the DNA of our cells, producing single strand and double strand breaks in cellular DNA and oxidized bases in our cellular DNA.  These in turn produce cancer and also mutations in germ line cells which produce mutations in future generations.
  5. Produce elevated levels of apoptosis (programmed cell death), events especially important in causing both neurodegenerative diseases and infertility.
  6. Lower male and female fertility, lower sex hormones, lower libido and increased levels of spontaneous abortion and, as already stated, attack the DNA in sperm cells.
  7. Produce excessive intracellular calcium [Ca2+]i and excessive calcium signaling.
  8. Attack the cells of our bodies to cause cancer.  Such attacks are thought to act via 15 different mechanisms during cancer causation.

CIA mind control scientist Dr. Andrija Puharich's book "Beyond Telepathy" goes into the modulation secret. There is a significant amplification of subharmonics due to the "magnetic moment" between the proton and electron of water in the body. So the molecular dipole of water is microwaves but the ELF subharmonics is the "reverse time" or spin phase that is non-local energy - between the electron and proton. This is why water is a "macro-quantum" molecule.

Our body is controlled by coherent biophoton laser signals that are emitted from the virtual photons of water when the molecule is split. So Puharich figured this stuff out but "quantum biology" is now an accepted academic discipline. Dr. Professor Jack Tuszinski in Canada is one of the world's experts on this subject.

So we can do nonwestern meditation based on noncommutative non-local phase logic - this increases our energy. High frequency energy is what lowers the impedance resistance of the skin. Noncommutative phase is beyond both AC or DC power - since it is electrogravitic (or a unified quantum relativistic energy). Louis de Broglie's Law of Phase Harmony figured this out. The CIA classified the research of Olivier Costa de Beauregard whenever he mentioned the paranormal in his published physics research - he was part of the Institute for Advanced Studies at Princeton. So just because almost all mainstream science rejects this stuff due to the corporate-state marketing as engineering patents - doesn't mean the science isn't valid. I have a free training pdf as a youtube upload.

Meditation is our friend. YOu can just put a multimeter with the negative in the right hand and positive just above the navel - to monitor your millivolt levels. It should go up after meditation. The millivolts is what messes up the calcium voltage gate channels. So the biophoton signals self-amplify through the subharmonics via nonlinear resonance. But on the other hand we can store up "negentropic" or reverse time energy in the body, via the 5th dimension.


  1. So practicing spring forest qigong protects us from electromagnetic pollution, awesome!

    1. Yes Skyler - this is my latest insight. Based on John Chang's testing and using Daoist meridian noncommutative phase principles - so now I just hold the multimeter negative in my right hand and the positive needle just above the navel. So then I can read a before and after milli-volt level and it is definitely higher after qigong meditation! So this new technique provides a concrete means of measuring progress in qigong training. Remember that qigong master John Chang was registering .38 volts. So a Millivolt would be .008 volts.
      So he is in 380 millivolts range.

      In the video he gets this reading by holding the negative pole in his right hand and the positive at the navel. The yang is actually at or above the navel. So I do just above the navel. So I got an increase of tens of millivolts or so from an hour of meditation.

      I'll experiment more with this - and then the goal is to get to John Chang's level of millivolts: 380.

    2. Millivolts (mV) Volts (V)
      1 mV 0.001 V
