Wednesday, January 1, 2020

I can feel the Wifi signal to the t.v.

I can 'feel' when a wireless signal in the 1.9GHz ~ 2.4+GHz is transmitting data. Eg. When my notebook's wireless is enabled, after approx 60 seconds I can feel a tingle in my head. With extended exposure I tend to lose my ability to focus. This is not a new thing for me. I have been having this issue with ALL digial cell phones since the late 90's that use the 1.9GHz range, but WiFi and home portable phones seem to have a much higher transmit power lvl then the PCS phones.

Yep you're not the only one! We just activated our wifi to the tv and I could DEFINITELY feel it! It's not as bad as a cell phone next to the skull but it's that SAME microwave feeling.

 Do you own a microwave (500 to 1500 watts)??

It leaks far more 2.45Ghz RF energy than your wireless latpop put's out(100mw).
Yep - I can feel microwave ovens leak also - that's why I don't use them!

And Qigong Master Jim Nance was on the phone with me and he was setting off car alarms! haha.


  in the house vanishes from the home network when turned off,
 Luckily the t.v. wifi connection does "vanish" from the home network - it does turn off.

And then the microwave electromagnetic pollution feeling goes away! Awesome.

What creeps me out is people are BATHING in this electromagnetic microwave pollution without realizing they are frying their brains - due to quantum frequency resonance.

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