Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Excerpts from my old blogs - saved by Piet the Poet

As far as matrifocal evidence I have done the research for the last five years. It's just like "evolution vs. I.D." - there will be endless bickering over details but the fact is human cultures were originally matrilineal -that's well documented. The question is whether they were matrifocal or not, well there's this deep patriarchal assumption that somehow it was liberating for women to become prostitutes so they could earn enough Solar dynasty, standardized gold and silver money to buy their "freedom." In fact that "liberation" via prostitution first occurred back about 500 B.C. (see professor Jack Weatherford's recent book "The History of Money") but the matrifocal cultures of Anatolia gave much greater freedom to women - this is a well-documented difference between Sparta and the Athenian Empire.

Matrifocal means whether the culture has a symbol that is identified as containing infinity. This is traced, again, to the "symbolic revolution" of plow-based agriculture that then spread across Africa. A good contrast is the matrifocal analysis "Women Wielding the Hoe" (1995) - an academic book tracing pre-Iron Plow cultures extending into current-day Africa.

Another example structural matrifocal analysis from the oldest human culture - the Koi-San, pre-Bantu, is the recent book "Women Like Meat" which documents that men could not go into Samadhi (i.e. let their spirit travel to heaven) because they would stop using their natural resonance powers for healing. The women made sure that the men used their natural resonance powers for healing. Samadhi is based on light while healing is based on electro-magnetic powers and I speak from experience -but this is also a well-documented difference in magic.
Another matrifocal structural example is one I just came across:
As the old man drummed, his lips moved, silently pronouncing the words that his drum sticks were saying on the "female" and "male" drums. Because our language is a tonal one, it is easy to imitate words on drums; the drums must, of course, be tuned to a special pitch to reproduce our tones of speech, and one must know how to lengthen or shorten a vowel. An ingenious contraption on the top of one of the drums - a round disc of iron with jingling edges, enables consonants to be heard." (p. 199 in �The Gab Boys� by Cameron Duodu, 1967)
This same matrifocal system of open, complimentary opposite natural resonance music as magical language is found world-wide. Why is it open, for further details read my excerpts from John Chernoff, another University of Chicago professor, in my masters thesis online as "Epicenters of Justice." ---- drew hempel, M.A

New Age manipulation and the Matrix (2/12/2007)
I'm here to expose the secret CIA-Freemason ties to the work of Drunvalo Melchizadek and his colleages, James Hurtak and Jose Arguelles -- all leaders of the New Age scene.
The Flower of Life book states very explicitly that Nature uses natural numbers but the New Age must contain Nature by using the logarithmic-based irrational number Golden Ratio.
In fact it's exactly because of the irrational-based golden ratio that there is an ecological crisis today!!

The lunar calendar used to be 13 months of 28 days based on the 7 day cycle of Tetrad harmony, as discussed by Stan Gooch. This arithmetic-based calendar is alsothe central propaganda for the "scalar" quantum chaos agenda of Matrix planner and New Age guru Jose Arguelles. But since Western science is inherently based on magnitude - not harmonic ratios - then Arguelles is working from a false foundation of deep disharmony. The same CIA assimilation of Mayan cultures has occurred through anthropologists so that imperial genocide could be more easily obtained, as discussed by U of Chicago anthropology professor Bruce Lincoln (specifically anthropologist John Gillin, funded by OSS-CIA-Carnegie front-man John Gardner,detailed in Lincoln's essay, "Revisiting Magical Fright," American Ethnologist,2001)
Clive Prince and Lynn Picknett, author of several conspiracy books, make the same charge against New Age gurus Drunvalo Melchizadek and JamesHurtak after the CIA monitored and shutdown their website for their expose book,The Stargate Conspiracy. My own "the plan for the Actual Matrix" and"the Real Matrix" summaries, freely readable online, ties the other main New Age guru, Jose Arguelles to former CIA-funded mind control scientist Dr. Andrija Puharich and to Willis Harman, author of the Stanford Research Institute'sCIA-funded study, Man's Changing Future. The explicit goal of esoteric Freemason politics is to assimilate radical "back to the land" ecologists into techno-spiritualism.

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