Friday, January 31, 2020

Are we just biological machines of a great Matrix Computer? Reimagining the human (science article)

well the truth of the Self is not to be dismissed as we all have to go into deep dreamless sleep every night. Our minds and brains are fixated on external reality and so the question of who we really are is dismissed as a waste of time. So then we realize in deep dreamless sleep there is no experience of time nor space. Reimagining the human Eileen Crist - December 2018

And so one can ask - are we just "biological machines"? Most would not dare think of themselves as a machine even though this concept is now being promoted - that humans and life is simply a computer program of a computer Universe and we are all simulations of a Matrix machine. No the Self is from our ancient philosophy but it is as present as our I-thought. All our thoughts are based on the sense of Self from our I-thought.

And the I-thought can be considered also to be our sense of time as with number. So then the source of the I-thought is based on listening and the source of number is based on harmony since as we listen deeply then we hear the harmony of the Universe as the Self. Scientists have discovered this secret - Louis de Broglie called it his greatest discovery - the "law of PHase Harmony." But his Nobel prize is not for that, rather for discovery how all particles are really waves of energy.

Buddhism argues for No Self - No "I" - rather just impersonal action taking place through "interdependent origination." So the Self is actually based on "logically inference." We wake up in the morning and we are glad we experienced deep bliss from deep dreamless sleep but we do not ponder "who" had experienced it if we didn't know we experienced it while it was happening?

Science calls this "time-frequency uncertainty" but it reveals what is also called the 5th dimension - meaning the more we try to be precise about a frequency of energy or a momentum (direction and speed) of a particle - the more that the time in which it occurs becomes unknown (and vice versa). So then through deep listening or deep science the realization of the Self is that it is harmonizing our reality from the future - eternally.

This is the great lesson of Abrupt Global Warming - that our very definition of life and reality is now being forced to confront the great Absolute Void of the Universe - what our ancient ancestors called N/om - a vibrating trance energy that is eternal and inherent to existence.

Later cultures called this the kundalini or python - it means a fire hole into the earth that creates a boiling steam as life energy. Aion was another name as Aeon - Time as Kala or Kali - the great creator and destroyer.

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