Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The strange anomaly of Human Smell - is it simply an anomaly of modern Westernized civilization?


The relationship between sex and smell drives much of animal behaviour, and the significance of the human loss of the vomeronasal organ — a part of the sense of smell in animals that responds to sex smells — is identified as a seminal event in the making of humankind.
 the chapters - an overview

 chapter 1 pdf

chapter 2 pdf

Humankind - only "one twenty millionth" of the history of Earth

and so... Sea Squirts it is!

and so our caecum became our appendix! Fascinating.

and so monogamy co-evolved with the human-adapted flea!!

Wow - BECAUSE humans can't smell sex ovulation THEREFORE we can be both monogamous AND communal at the same time! fascinating!

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