Monday, November 18, 2019

70 documented cases of Frisson goosebumps, shivers, chills from Ave Maria - Schubert!!! - new playlist featuring Dolores O'Riordan, same age as me, but now in spirit
Her voice, so beautiful it gives me goosebumps. She will be missed!!
it's called Frisson - goosebumps from music.

R.I.P. Dolores O'riordan 06-09-1971 15-01-2018

Chills !!! Only the best can sing alongside the master. This horrific loss will stay with me forever. :( RIP.
it's called Frisson in music - goosebumps

Well, considering Dolores sang out her heart for almost 30 years, came from a choral background, and was still making bel canto the night before her death, you clearly don't know what you are talking about. Have you no shame at her memory? And Pavarotti himself asked her to sing for the Pope. So apparently he is a charlatan too in your estimation? Pffffft.

it's called Frisson in music - goosebumps

Like the fact that Pavarotti didn't over do the vibrato. Was reading about Dolores O'Riordan and about her mezo range. Neat
I like how Delores sang in G major and Pavarotti sang in Bb. It's usually performed in G major by a medium voice (mezzo-soprano or baritone) and in B-flat by a high voice (soprano or tenor). So perfect key for each of them.

 "Ellens dritter Gesang" ("Ellens Gesang III", D. 839, Op. 52, No. 6, 1825), in English: "Ellen's Third Song", was composed by Franz Schubert in 1825 as part of his Opus 52, a setting of seven songs from Walter Scott's popular epic poem The Lady of the Lake, loosely translated into German. It has become one of Schubert's most popular works, recorded by a wide variety and large number of singers, under the title of Ave Maria, in arrangements with various lyrics which commonly differ from the original context of the poem. It was arranged in three versions for piano by Franz Liszt. The piece was composed as a setting of a song from Walter Scott's popular epic poem The Lady of the Lake,[1] in a German translation by Adam Storck (de) (1780--1822),[2] and thus forms part of Schubert's Liederzyklus vom Fräulein vom See (Song Cycle on The Lady of the Lake). In Scott's poem the character Ellen Douglas, the Lady of the Lake (Loch Katrine in the Scottish Highlands), has gone with her exiled father to stay in the Goblin's cave as he has declined to join their previous host, Roderick Dhu, in rebellion against King James. Roderick Dhu, the chieftain of Clan Alpine, sets off up the mountain with his warriors, but lingers and hears the distant sound of the harpist Allan-bane, accompanying Ellen who sings a prayer addressed to the Virgin Mary, calling upon her for help. Roderick Dhu pauses, then goes on to battle. AKA Hail Mary

goosebumps every time i hear her sing this. clear and concise.
Frisson is the term for goosebumps from music
A heart without music is like beauty without melancholy. - Cioran Music is everything. God himself is nothing more than an acoustic hallucination. - Cioran
No Comparison ,Neville gives me goosebumps.
Yes! this version really does give amazing Frisson - as goosebumps are called, from music. thanks
Made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Pure!

yes that is called Frisson in music! thanks

Sooooo incredibly good.  LOVE Aaron and his version of Ave Maria.  Nothing is quite as good as Luciano's version, but this version (and Aaron's haunting voice) can give you shivers.
yes shivers from music is called Frisson. thanks

the lyrics to the song are from the Gospel of Luke

Beautiful. Goosebumps inducing x
yes! goosebumps from music is called Frisson. thanks

This song gives me goosebumps!!

yes indeed! goosebumps are called Frisson from music

Ave Maria! Maiden mild! Listen to a maiden's pleading from these rocks, stark and wild, my prayer shall be wafted to thee. we shall sleep safely till morning, though men be ever so cruel. o Maiden, see a maiden's distress, O Mother, hear a suppliant child. Ave Maria, undefiled! When we upon this rock lie down to slumber, and they protection covers us, The hard stone will seem soft to us. If Though smilest, the scent of roses will float Through this murky cavern, O Mother, hear a child's petition, O maiden, 'tis a maid that calls! Ave Maria, Maiden pure, the demons of the earth and air, drien forth by thy gracious glance cannot stay here with us. we will camly bow to fate Since they holy comfort hovers over us; Mayest though be favourably inclined to the maiden, To the child that pleads for her father!

I get goosebumps when I listen to this . So beautiful!

yes! Goosebumps from music is called Frisson. thanks

that gave me goosepimples :)

yes Frisson is the name for goosepimples from music. thanks

right - that's called Frisson from music. goosebumps! thanks
I grew up in Europe and have seen Schuberts life story and he wrote Ave Maria as a love song, and the church did not accepted as a religious song and they discarded Iyar as a religious song. Today I have no knowledge if the church have accepted it as a religious song. Regardless it is a beautiful piece, one of my favorite!
Shubert wrote this for a countess. He was in love with her and she with him. Never mind she was married. They wanted to run away together but he was a poor musician and she had a wealthy husband, so it never happened.
Here is what Schubert had to say about this song, in a letter to his father:

"My new songs from Scott's 'Lady of the Lake' especially had much success. They also wondered greatly at my piety, which I expressed in a hymn to the Holy Virgin and which, it appears, grips every soul and turns it to devotion."
 The composer of this song died just before his 32nd birthday

I get chills everytime. Too amazing

yes the chills from music is called Frisson! thanks

The most beautiful song ever!  And having Andrea Bocceli sing it is like listening to Angels.  Gives me goosebumps.
 15 Frisson reports so far from Schubert's Ave Maria!

I a!ways get chills when I hear Andrea sing. His voice is like angels in the heavens singing to the world. Beautiful!💓
Robin Cassidy RN brings tears to my eyes good ones 😢

yes the chills from music is called Frisson. Thanks!
gives me chills up my spine every time I hear her sing this song
yes the chills from music is called Frisson! thanks
I get chills when I hear this! Such a beautiful, incredible voice. I love her!!
Kaela Ghent me too

thank you all - the chills from music is called Frisson. This song particularly causes it.
20 Frisson Reports!

I'm getting goosebumps just listening to this timeless masterpiece
yes goosebumps from music is called Frisson! thanks

My God her voice without words wow I want this song to play at my funeral 😞😞 chills all over God bless you Celine
Maria Fuentes Y??? Sounds like you ll b up in heaven where the real angels will b singing to you😇
Frisson is the name for chills from music! thanks
This is not the Catholic prayer version but Is from Schuberts Ellen’s Gesang from a poem by Walter Scott.

Once upon a time I sang this with my sister as adolescents in church....couldn't tell ya the lyrics...50 years later the music still gives me goosebumps.Dang!

I get chills every time
Ave Maria! Jungfrau mild, Erhöre einer Jungfrau Flehen, Aus diesem Felsen starr und wild Soll mein Gebet zu dir hinwehen. Wir schlafen sicher bis zum Morgen, Ob Menschen noch so grausam sind. O Jungfrau, sieh der Jungfrau Sorgen, O Mutter, hör ein bittend Kind! Ave Maria! Ave Maria! Unbefleckt! Wenn wir auf diesen Fels hinsinken Zum Schlaf, und uns dein Schutz bedeckt Wird weich der harte Fels uns dünken. Du lächelst, Rosendüfte wehen In dieser dumpfen Felsenkluft, O Mutter, höre Kindes Flehen, O Jungfrau, eine Jungfrau ruft! Ave Maria! Ave Maria! Reine Magd! Der Erde und der Luft Dämonen, Von deines Auges Huld verjagt, Sie können hier nicht bei uns wohnen, Wir woll'n uns still dem Schicksal beugen, Da uns dein heil'ger Trost anweht; Der Jungfrau wolle hold dich neigen, Dem Kind, das für den Vater fleht. Ave Maria!

yes chills from music is called Frisson! this song causes Frisson. thanks
 Ave Maria Gratia plena Maria, gratia plena Maria, gratia plena Ave, ave dominus Dominus tecum Benedicta tu in mulieribus Et benedictus Et benedictus fructus fructus ventris, Ventris tu, Jesus. Ave Maria Ave Maria Mater Dei Ora pro nobis peccatoribus Ora, ora pro nobis Ora, ora pro nobis, peccatoribus; Nunc et in hora mortis In hora mortis nostrae In hora mortis mortis nostrae In hora mortis nostrae Ave Maria

25 Frisson reports!!

Why is "totally off the road" and wrong to sing the Catholic Ave Maria prayer to Schubert's composition? It was the Catholic Church that set their prayer to Schubert's composition. Granted it is not the original German text of "Ellen's Third Song" from Walter Scott's poem "Lady of the Lake" that Schubert used. But if the church sanctioned the use of Schuberts composition for their Ave Maria prayer, why is it wrong for you.

 Actually this is Schubert's version, both Gounod and Shubert superimposed over Bach's Prelude No. 1 in C major, BWV 846. Gounod version is very good as well but I'm more fond of Shubert's.
Oh my word i got chills on the second word...great job!
yes the chills from music is called Frisson! thanks


Frisson is the name for chills from music. Thanks
What is that shivers feeling you get when you absolutely love a song?
Greg Sandell, PhD Music Theory, Northwestern University (1991)

The interesting question is whether music can contain such emotionals intrinsically. There are many pieces where large numbers of people routinely experience a strong emotion when well performed, such as Ave Maria by Bach/Schubert,
This gorgeous music and Price's singing gives me goosebumps on goosebumps. Thank you so much for uploading. I had not heard her voice in years. Thank you!!!
yes goosebumps from music is called Frisson - and this music does it very well. thanks
Beautiful!!! Of all the versions of this song made. This one one gave me chills.. ❤❤
yes Ave Maria gives a lot of people Frisson - the name for chills from music. thanks

hair stand on end beautiful

yes that is called Frisson from music. thanks

32 documented Frisson reactions from Ave Maria
n 1810 Sir Walter Scott published his long narrative poem, The Lady of the Lake.  This work describes a fictional struggle in the sixteenth-century between several Scottish Highland clans, some loyal to King James V of Scotland, and some not.  The beautiful young heroine, Ellen Douglas, is forced to hide out in a mountain cave, along with her father, James Douglas.  In that cave, she sings a song, "Hymn to the Virgin", a prayer to the Virgin Mary for help and comfort.  This song occurs in Canto 3 of The Lady of the Lake, stanza 29. German 1 Ave Maria!  Jungfrau mild   Erhöre einer Jungfrau Flehen, Aus diesem Felsen starr und wild   Soll mein Gebet zu dir hinwehen. Wir schlafen sicher bis zum Morgen,   Ob Menschen noch so grausam sind. O Jungfrau, sieh der Jungfrau Sorgen,   O Mutter hör' dein bittend Kind! Ave Maria! 2 Ave Maria!  Unbefleckt!   Wenn wir auf diesen Fels hinsinken Zum Schlaf, und uns dein Schutz bedeckt,   Wird weich der harte Fels uns dünken. Du lächelst, Rosendüfte wehen   In dieser dumpfen Felsenkluft. O Mutter, höre Kindesflehen,   O Jungfrau, eine Jungfrau ruft! Ave Maria! 3 Ave Maria!  Reine Magd!   Der Erde und der Luft Dämonen, Von deines Auges Huld verjagt,   Sie können hier nicht bei uns wohnen. Wir woll'n uns still dem Schicksal beugen,   Da uns dein heiliger Trost anweht; Der Jungfrau wolle hold dich neigen,   Dem Kind, das für den Vater fleht! Ave Maria! English: 1 Ave Maria ! maiden mild !   Listen to a maiden’s prayer ! Thou canst hear though from the wild,   Thou canst save amid despair. Safe may we sleep beneath thy care,   Though banished, outcast, and reviled— Maiden ! hear a maiden’s prayer;   Mother, hear a suppliant child ! Ave Maria! 2 Ave Maria !  undefiled !   The flinty couch we now must share Shall seem with down of eider piled,   If thy protection hover there. The murky cavern’s heavy air   Shall breathe of balm if thou has smiled; Then, Maiden ! hear a maiden’s prayer,   Mother, list a suppliant child ! Ave Maria! 3 Ave Maria !  stainless styled !   Foul demons of the earth and air, From this their wonted haunt exiled,   Shall flee before thy presence fair. We bow us to our lot of care,   Beneath thy guidance reconciled: Hear for a maid a maiden’s prayer,   And for a father hear a child ! Ave Maria!

yes Ave Maria gives people Frisson! the name for music chills. thanks
I just melt when I hear his voice. My body gets chills and I can not believe he has been blessed with the most breath taking voice. I Love Josh Groban

the chills from music is called Frisson. This song causes it. thanks
He’s such a good singer, he sends chills over my body.

It's called Frisson from music - chills

This is the absolute best and most beautiful rendition of this song. Josh pulls it off so well. Gives me chills everytime I hear it.

yes this song causes Frisson - the chills - thanks
The intro... it gives me the chills!
Me too. But I still like it
Thanks for sharing your Frisson (chills) experience.

cold chills and tears....beautiful

Sara Estep
the chills from music is called Frisson - this Ave Maria song gives chills. thanks
thanks for sharing your Frisson experience from Ave Maria!

 English translation: Hail Mary, full of grace, / Mary, full of grace, / Mary, full of grace, / Hail, Hail, the Lord. / The Lord is with thee. / Blessed art thou among women, and blessed, / Blessed is the fruit of thy womb, / Thy womb, Jesus. / Hail Mary! Hail Mary, Mother of God, / Pray for us sinners, / Pray, pray for us; / Pray, pray for us sinners, / Now and at the hour of our death, / The hour of our death / The hour of our death, / The hour of our death / Hail Mary.

42 documented cases of Frisson from Ave Maria!!

So beautiful.Gives me chills.Josh is a treasure.This song is a gift beyond measure.

thanks for sharing your Frisson (chills) from Ave Maria

I'm adopted My adoptive parents are very much my parents but it always left me wondering. My Mother who I have always connected is Maria. She is my mother, your Mother the Mother of Christ. Mother to us All. I love this so much, shivers.

the shivers from music is called Frisson. thanks

I got goosebumps!

goosebumps from music is called Frisson!!! Ave Maria does that. thanks
Goosebumps!I watched her preform in Sault St Marie Ontario. She was.. a gift then and still is!!! 40 some years after hearing her and still.....GOOSEBUMPS.
Most of this prayer was first published in Luke 1:28, 42.

The best Choir vocals and music at the introduction in any Ave Maria version ive ever heard! Truly give me chills!💓
thank you - the chills from music is called Frisson. Ave Maria does this a lot.
the hair on my arms are standing up on end.... You are truly gifted, simply amazing. I had to play Ave Maria again...
yes that is called Frisson from music - Ave Maria causes goosebumps. thanks
Sissel has a God given gift----one of the best singing voices ever. She always gives me goosebumps, and has many times reduced me to tears, tears of joy. Long may she entertain us.
jon muir cedermaecj

yes Ave Maria causes goosebumps! Frisson is the term for music goosebumps. thanks

I don't usually comment but this is fantastic and I am so glad I found her on youtube...She really gave me goose bumps... Thank you so much for posting :)
yes Ave Maria causes Frisson (goosebumps from music). thanks
 50 documented cases of Frisson from Ave Maria!!!!

once again...goosebumps! aha
Frisson is goosebumps from music - Ave Maria is good at that! thanks

Goose Bumps ? Hair standing up on the back of your neck ? That usually means you are in the presence of a gifted and extraordinary example of greatness.
yes Ave Maria causes Frisson (goosebumps from music). thanks
The "Ave Maria" is the Catholic prayer, "Hail Mary." Translation below: Latin Text Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum. Benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen. English Translation Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and in the hour of our death. Amen.

This version of the song always makes me cry, but when Jessie sings it, goosebumps and tears! So perfect.
Beautiful!!!! Spine chilling!!!!
yes the spine chills is called Frisson - Ave Maria does this. thanks

Ms. Norman, you give me chills with how beauty of your voice. Thank you!
 55 documented cases of Frisson from Ave Maria - Schubert!!

I shivered in goosebumps on my crappy sport earphones. God-like!
yes that's called Frisson aka goosebump shivers from music! AVe Maria does this. thanks
I still get chills listening to her sing Ave Maria
Frisson is the name for chills from music. Ave Maria does this well. thanks
Gives me goosebumps and brings me to tears every time. She reminds me of my mother. My mother has a beautiful voice and I remember when I was a child she would practice singing intervals in the shower and I would always put my ear to the door to listen. My mother was was masterfully trained in voice at The famous High School of Music & Art in the 70s.
sounds nice to listen to a professional singer as your mom. Frisson is the name for goosebumps from music. Ave Maria is good at this. thanks.
first second in i got goosed bumps..... NO LIE
I believe you! Goosebumps from music is called Frisson. Ave Maria is good at creating this. thanks
Thank you for the nice piece. I actually got goose bumps :) Thanks also for the interesting background information! :) Frohe Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr! :))
Thank you so much! =) Danke schön! Frohe Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr für Sie auch!! ^_^ I'm really bad at German, but I hope I didn't say that completely wrong...... : ) Thank you for listening, Merry Christmas, and I hope you have a Happy New Year! :D

Frisson is the name for goosebumps from music. Ave Maria does this. thanks.

Dayum this gives me goosebumps.. And people call this cold!
yes Frisson is the name for goosebumps from music. Ave Maria does this well. thanks
as a musician myself this gave me pure goosebumps and that is not easy to do and has inspired me to learn how to play this on piano.
Frisson is the term for music goosebumps. Yes Ave Maria is good at causing frisson. thanks

I have goosebumps wow
cool! goosebumps from music is called Frisson. This song Ave Maria is good at bringing on Frisson. thanks
67 documented cases of Frisson from Ave Maria by Schubert

Ahh, I got goosebumps while watching this. =)

Frisson is the name for goosebumps from music. Ave Maria is good at that! thanks
AMAZING!!!!! I have goosebumps. Such beautiful music.
yes Ave Maria is good for Frisson also called music goosebumps. thanks
I've heard this song in so many different instruments that I can't even count. But I think the Cello can express the true emotion of this piece. I get chills since the fist note, can't even pretend to hold my tears. This was played on my grandmother's funeral.
yes the chills is strong from Ave Maria - the chills from music is called Frisson. Thanks

Instant goosebumps , BRAVO
yes the goosebumps happens from Ave Maria - it's called Frisson (music goosebumps) thanks
Goosebumps !
yes Ave Maria causes Frisson (music goosebumps) thanks

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