Sunday, November 17, 2019

does it mean that a particle already knows where to go?

  does it mean that a particle has already know where to go (in double slit experiment) since it is "guided" by (some kind of) information from the future?

that's a great question. So Nobel physicist Gerard 't Hooft co-authored an article called "Light is Heavy" stating that essentially all matter is made of light and the light has "relativistic mass" from the future - as momentum or "super-momentum." So de Broglie realized that matter is made of waves. Astrophysicist Paul S. Wesson also made this realization - that the Universe is a 5D black hole - on all levels and from the perspective of light then EVERYTHING is happening at the SAME time. So the quantum non-local 5th dimension is also a relativistic quantum wave but we can only perceive its effects in terms of an external measurement.

Currently there are quantum superluminal satellite signal systems being set up and tested by NASA and China. My quantum mechanics professor Herbert Bernstein helped design the system for NASA - so it has to utilize noncommutative phase correlations. So another example is the Quantum Eraser Effect that was first proposed by John Wheeler (I think). So science can set up special situations whereby the future changes the past, etc. since relativity already curves space at just 3 centimeters distance.

In terms of relativistic quantum biology we then rely on LISTENING or logical inference, without any need for an external "linear" measurement of time. So that means we can visualize light internally and "turn the light around" - so that the phase of the light is reversed and the momentum (from the future) is accessed as a superluminal or super-momentum phase resonance. This is explained via microtubules in our neurons as per the research of Sir Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff. So the irony is that our perception of LISTENING is "faster" than time-frequency uncertainty, such that time is no longer inherently defined as a geometric external symmetric measurement!

For example Planck's Constant inherently has a time factor that is "factored out" against the frequency quantum energy!! So science "assumes" that time is symmetric when in fact the hidden "mass" of light is due to asymmetric time or time from the future that is eternally "guiding" light. So as humans we have to change our definition of reality to one based on logical inference without external measurements (via meditation with the eyes closed, visualizing light and listening to the source of light). Externally there are some experiments that I've mentioned.

Physicist Olivier Costa de Beauregard understood these dynamics of relativistic quantum biology - stating that paranormal perceptions inherently had to be true (i.e. precognition and telekinesis). So for most of us we only enter this 5th dimensional realm until we die and turn into ghosts. But for Western science there is not much belief in ghosts. Dr. Mae-Wan Ho documented ghosts - she called it the Rainbow "in the worm" - the title of her book: Rainbow in the Worm. Biophoton research is corroborating a lot of this "metaphysics" - that each of us has a ghost inside of us. So it's a quantum coherent energy as a laser that spontaneously radiates from the 5th dimension. Since it is noncommutative then there is no singularity - instead there is a positive pressure from the reverse time energy that balances out the gravity.

So it's a kind of negentropy energy as phonon oscillation that inherently can not be seen. Spacetime is therefore malleable and being awake is another type of dreaming. At "zero time" there already is a guiding wave from the future. So even if we have visions of the future - those are "seen" in the past. So there is a Quantum Zeno Effect that has to be maintained - to keep reversing the phase of the light. This is a type of samadhi training in meditation. It's like a strobe light at the frequency of the energy.

Our pineal gland can perceive light via a kind of electrogravitic transduction of the coherent light. So then what we consider to be "separate" external reality ALREADY exists INSIDE of us - holographically - on the quantum frequency level of light - since the light itself is at zero time, while our perception of the light is in the past. You can see my blog for more details - thanks

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