Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Why Democracy is a Scam and other deep problems of the West

yes Democracy is actually a scam that Plato and Aristotle set up. So Plato said that each citizen is worth 9/8 but must be compromised for the Good of the State. This is from the music theory origins of math and the math is tied to the law directly. So it means that an equal-tempered music scale is derived from 9/8 as the major 2nd music interval. So 9/8 is cubed as the tritone, the most dissident (dissonant) note that Plato called the Tyrant of society. So the tritone actually equals the square root of two, called the Master Axiom Set.

As in Set from Egypt or Satan as 666 - from the 3/2 origin of 9/8. The origin of 9/8 is from 9/4 the squaring of 3/2 as the Perfect Fifth. Originally numbers were complementary opposites based on yin and yang so 3/2 is Yang as male (C to G harmonic overtone) while 2/3 is C to F, Perfect Fifth undertone, but is then doubled as 4/3, the Yin or Perfect Fourth music interval. That goes on infinitely as complementary opposites. But the West tried to "contain" infinity into logarithms with the inverse exponential function. So then the 3/2 is SQUARED instead of doubled - I call this the "bait and switch."

So then each note or Person is considered EQual as in equal-tempered tuning or Each number voting - but in fact the system is a geometric logarithmic scam that promotes exponential growth for the rich via financial fraud. So it is Democracy for the internal part of the Empire and then genocidal Ecocide - "primitive accumulation" as Marx called it - for the external periphery of the Empire. Or as George Kennan stated (head of the state department) - in a secret National Security Council document - the US has so much of the World's Wealth that we can not afford to trifle with little things like human rights when dealing with protecting the elite's interest around the planet. So Democracy is a fraud for structural mathematical reasons. As you say - Mother Culture is in charge - the ancient greeks called this Apeiron - the formless awareness as the Cosmic Mother. The Egyptians called it Apopis - root origin of our word Apocalypse.

 the biggest problem of the West is that we think Evil is a fairy tale when in fact Evil is Hard-wired physiologically into the male's lower back (where the primate tail used to grow out of). Gurdjieff calls this problem the Kundabuffer. The third eye reads when frequency a person is hard-wired at. For example I read that Drumpf was an evil perv-predator when he was on t.v. in summer of 2016. So he is hard-wired to be that way - probably since his mentor was Roy Cohn. I don't know why the Red Ice guy is a Racist but I will say that I have avoided Europe since I knew that Fascism would return - and that monocultural societies based on Monism are evil.

A good book on this is "Monocultures of the Mind" by Dr. Vandana Shiva - she got her Ph.D. in quantum physics and she is an ecofeminist scholar and activist in India. I met her twice. The first time she shook my hand and said, "Solidarity." The second time I smelled like shit but she tolerated me. It's better to compost our lower emotions and even are humanure crap. But the West does not even know how to shit properly much less compost the lower emotions into third eye love healing energy that the original human culture called N/om. So yes the West is an arena of mass-mind control - left brain dominance that is hard-wired and subconsciously controlled by the Kundabuffer.

A good Western book on this is by mathematician Ph.D. Morris Berman, "Coming to our Senses" and his earlier book, "Reenchantment of the World." So if someone is hard-wired to be evil then they would have to be hit by lightning to be changed - it's not a matter of just their personality or mind but rather a full body character of their spirit being stuck at a low frequency. This is a male problem in contrast to Original Sin being from female lust that the kundalini snake gave to Eve - as the Tree of Knowledge.

Sin was the Lunar god of Sumeria - and so our current Abrupt Global Warming is due to trying to deny that the Moon controls life on Earth. Gurdjieff said if that we don't help the Moon spiritual grow then the Moon will destroy the dominant life on Earth and ecology will start over. So Greta represents the Lunar energy of Earth - and so she is inherently good, whereas Red Ice represents the Solar energy on Earth and so he is inherently evil.

To get to the Cosmic Mother that powers the Sun then first the Lunar energy has to be nurtured - this is a fundamental property of alchemy that Gurdjieff explains. Another good book on this is "Taoist Yoga: alchemy and immortality" It's free online. I don't suppose you know anything about either of those books as you are too close-minded. haha. But if you're curious - it's free information. Or else you can just keep trying to hide in your "pay per view" Red Ice youtube cult. no thanks.

 that reminded me of my Alaska salmon job - we worked 22 hour shifts sometimes. Then during sleep my arms would still be in the air sorting salmon! Yes martial arts relies on the super fast instinctual brain reaction. I do not train in martial arts but qigong is the foundation of martial arts. One of my teachers was a black Kungfu master in the 1960s - Jim Nance http://guidingqi.com he would always win but he would always bawl afterwards. A Chinese master said to him - you see your opponent in slow motion right? Jim thought that was his secret. So the reason Jim cried is that his third eye was seeing the future and so external reality was slowed down relative to his spirit. But then external reality had to exist INSIDE of him first. So whatever he did to the other person he had to FIRST do to himself. That is why martial arts training is based on Defense first. So the Chinese master told Jim that he now needed to train in qigong or aikido. That was in the 1960s and Jim did not meet a qigong master till 1995 - http://springforestqigong.com or Chunyi Lin. I met Chunyi Lin in 1999.


for more details

You would be easy with this topic as India as Jnana Yoga, Raja Yoga and Karma Yoga - the series of books by Vivekananda are great on this topic. Gurdjieff also assimilated these differences by advocating his 4th Way that supposedly integrated the way of the Fakir (body) , Monk (emotion) and Yogi (mind).

I would recommend on this topic to read the books of Master Nan, Huai-jin or Master Nan, Huai-chin. They are not easy reads. I had to read the books three times just to grasp the basic concepts.

So Master Nan makes fun of monks who can not even sit in full lotus padmasana for one full day ! And then he says one full week of padmasana full lotus yoga is required to really get into the Emptiness - this is also detailed in the book Taoist Yoga: alchemy and immortality with one day called "minor serenity" and one week of full lotus samadhi Emptiness called a major serenity - and the goal then is 49 days or 7 weeks of full lotus padmasana meditation.

So the point being that the mind is easily confused but through full lotus meditation (Wang Liping advocates six hours a day for one year to restore the jing back to a 16 year old) - then the Emptiness is effortlessly achieved. In other words as Master Nan, Huai-chin points out - what we consider to be not needing Effort by the Mind is actually just another trick of the ego of the mind.

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