Monday, October 14, 2019

Spiritual Hypocrisy in the age of the ecological crisis

I think we should not be afraid to admit we are all hypocrites. We don't realize that modern civilization depends on very fragile ecological conditions for growing food. After 104 degrees Fahrenheit then it's too hot for photosynthesis. So for example the fastest growth of electrical energy use in the modern world, the past decade, has been cell phones.

 People all over the world have cell phones. there's also a dramatic growth in brain cancer due to cell phones cooking the brain from a quantum frequency resonance of microwaves (not the classical amplitude strength that the corporate engineers rely on to regulate the cell phone safety). So we are frying our brains just as we are frying the planet.

And most people now take airplane flights quite often and yet an airplane emits a lot of pollution. So people try to justify an airplane as if putting 5 people in a car is less pollution than one person in a car. That is only correct logic if you assume that all those 5 people would drive a car on their own anyway - or similarly with airplanes. An airplane is still polluting a ton. My guess is that Dr. Todd has flown in a lot of airplanes in his day. So this idea of spiritual evolution again goes completely against the trajectory of what evolution is supposed to be anyway. Darwin was wrong anyway - the latest theory of evolution is based on entropy. And so abrupt global warming is actually measured by entropy as well.

So science as a whole has made structural errors - and really everyone is a hypocrite since the technology of science is imposed on us. Most people HAVE to use a car and a cell phone just to pay their rent or mortgage, etc. And if they are homeless then society declares such people most likely have mental problems requiring Big Pharma treatment, etc. In fact we rely on slave wages while automation is the number one cause of job loss. This is not spiritual evolution but rather the "evolution of technology" (as one Cambridge University Press book is titled) or rather "The Religion of Technology" as Professor David F. Noble titled his book.

For example you link on Falun Gong being oppressed. I recommend you read Dr. David Palmer's tome called "Qigong Fever." I corresponded with Dr. Palmer via snail mail and he nicely mailed me a copy of a paper of his that was not carried at my local university. So as Dr. Palmer details - the role of the Qigong Fever in China of the 1980s was to serve as a "vanishing mediator" - for Westernization of China! Vanishing Mediator is a term from Zizek - essentially it just means Qigong served the purpose of a catalyst to increase people's mental powers so that they could focus better to Westernize. Then once qigong had served its purpose it was then suppressed and attacked since China has a long history of qigong secret societies threatening the imperial regime.

So now you have qigong being "marketed" as a kind of Western spiritual fusion with the East. The problem is that such fusion is inherently impossible since the West is structurally defined by materialistic idealism - since Plato - an attempt to "contain" infinity through irrational magnitude math via symmetry (that goes directly against the secret of qigong training as neigong alchemy).

  It's kind of complicated. Erwin Schroedinger, the quantum physicist, coined the term "negentropy" or negative entropy as the secret of the origin of life in his book "What is Life" published in the 1930s. The recent quantum biology book "Life on the Edge" confirms that Schroedinger was correct. But science as a method is limited by the "quantum measurement" problem. So most physicists still reject quantum biology as woo woo since it can not be off the shelf reproductive technology.

So life originates from negentropy but science observes and CREATES entropy through the measurements (so for example observing plants emitting infrared light as the entropic byproduct of photosynthesis). So photosynthesis is now proven to be from the 5th dimension as quantum nonlocality (what we would call spirituality) but science ignores that the trees and plants need to absorb the CO2 - which counteracts the supposed "entropy" that is emitted as infrared light. So this problem expands to the whole universe. I call it the Strong Misanthropic Principle. In other words the accelerating space of the Universe via the slowing down of time is INVERSELY proportional to the acceleration of time on earth as the destruction of ecological space.

 "As proved by Hawking, had the Universe's entropy increased been reversed, this reversal would be impossible to observe. This is because time orientation of all biological processes (as we show elsewhere in detail) relies solely on entropy's increase."

Avshalom C. Elitzur, Shahar Dolev
Black-Hole Uncertainty Entails An Intrinsic Time Arrow, Dec. 2000 

 So that quote wrongly assumes that only left-brain dominance with right hand technology is the proper means to define reality whereas life on Earth is due to left-handed asymmetric molecules with right-brain dominance as ecological perception via quantum negentropy. "In particular, according to a study released Monday in Nature Chemistry, an international team of scientists showed that molecules involved in photosynthesis display quantum mechanical behavior. Even though we’d suspected as much before, this is the first time we’ve seen quantum effects in living systems. " ..."Objects experiencing quantum entanglement are better thought of as a single collective than as standalone objects, even when separated in space. Quantum entanglement means that chromophore properties can strongly depend on the number, orientations and positions of their neighbors." and

The future of quantum biology
 "It is these specifically quantum properties such as superposition, coherence, entanglement and tunnelling that are described, in this review, as integral to a new understanding of biological phenomena as diverse as photosynthesis, magnetoreception, olfaction, enzyme catalysis, respiration and neurotransmission [2527]."

 So I corresponded with quantum physics professor Basil J. Hiley who collaborated with David Bohm. Hiley emphasizes that at "zero time" then there already is a non-local (quantum entanglement) causative force - this is a newly discovered force that was first proposed by Nobel physicist Louis de Broglie in 1923.

 I never heard back from Ken Wilber. I did correspond with Noam Chomsky though, and I quote him also in my master's thesis. He was nice about it. It was Wilber's volunteer webmaster that published the master's thesis online. This was 20 years ago - so it's now only on scribd (and I don't pay to subscribe to scribd - somebody else uploaded it). Anyway the irony of spiritual training in the midst of ecological collapse has been an interest of mine. So I finally realized the secret is something called "noncommutative phase" logic. I figured since I discovered this on my own then SOMEONE else must have discovered it also. I kept searching and searching and finally I discovered Eddie Oshins made the same discovery.

Eddie Oshins was a quantum physicist at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center - and he also taught Wing Chun (of Bruce Lee's lineage). So Oshins realized the secret of Daoist Neigong was due to this noncommutative phase secret. So essentially - Oshins was very pissed by the way that his term and study of "quantum psychology" was co-opted into the New Age. Oshins actually worked with Karl Pribram but Pribram was not able to understand the noncommutative phase logic. Why? Because almost all of Western science relies on symmetric math - since Plato!

I secretly rejected the Pythagorean Theorem in high school since I had studied music theory privately - so I knew the Pythagorean Theorem was from the wrong music theory. ONLY Fields Medal math professor Alain Connes confirms that the truth of music theory is also this same noncommutative phase secret.

So the "three gunas" of India and the yin-yang-emptiness of Daoism are really from nonwestern music theory that originates out of the San Bushmen culture of Africa - that we are all from. And so this is completely unknown. William Tiller does get into this a bit - he does not quite get it. Anyway my point is that Western civilization really is the New Age - a good book on this is "The Religion of Technology" by Professor David F. Noble.

Hurricane Dorian Becomes the 5th Atlantic Category 5 in 4 Years

So Ramana Maharshi says there is no evolution - and so the karma of life on Earth right now - is there are still a few masters hiding in the mountains and caves, etc. But they're not gonna change the Earth's karma too much I don't think.

The whole universe is an illusion as Ramana Maharshi says - only the Emptiness or formless awareness is eternal.

Master Lin was not able to heal his first wife - why? because she was his wife! haha. So there is a paradox to the Emptiness. Master Yan Xin describes this in the end of his book on secrets and benefits of qigong cultivation. So it's called "Wondrous" abilities - in other words - it's from the Emptiness and whatever happens is due to the Emptiness. So the master has to empty out his mind into the Emptiness - and in the Emptiness everything is happening at the same time - the future and the past! Effie P. Chow describes this.

 The San Bushmen, as Keeney points out, state how the red light as astral lights are the lower frequency blockages. This is also what the Daoist alchemy training teaches - the red light is the yin qi blockages. So with tantra - you take in the red light as lower body energy. So for example the San Bushmen state that the young maidens have the most N/om like the male Eland Bulls. So that is why the young maidens are both dangerous and also send out their N/om energy when singing! That red light lower frequency has to be transformed or transduced to the higher blue light frequency. So that requires a lot of work.

Qigong master Chunyi Lin says he does not practice tantra since the energy taken in from the female is too low frequency! So if you just get energy from the third eye directly then you are taking in blue light. But this requires opening up the third eye first and also requires a lot of meditation. So the spiritual healing is not a "fix" because it requires a lot of time and work. But it does access the original source of reality - kind of like the quantum double slit experiments proving that entanglement and nonlocality is real. There is a 5th dimension that is superluminal and secretly guides us from the future!

So as qigong master Chunyi Lin says - the Sun, Moon and Earth will keep resonating in harmony - and so life on Earth will emerge again. The Earth has had severe extinction crises before. The San Bushmen survived the Mt. Toba supervolcano explosion that causes humans to be a genetic bottleneck of just a few thousand people! So a troupe of chimpanzees has more dna diversity than ALL of the 8 billion humans.

So we as life on Earth - we are a small part even though we have as much biomass in population as ants! haha. We think we're more important than ants (of course). So how do birds migrate? The same way humans smell! A good book on this is "Life on the Edge" about quantum biology - most physicists still consider it "woo woo "science! haha.

The trouble of the San Bushmen will be EVERYONE's trouble very soon - we are accelerating the destruction of life on earth since photosynthesis breaks down after 104 degrees fahrenheit. All males in the San Bushmen culture train to be HEALERS! So that is our true birthright - but as modern humans we are left brain and right hand dominant as trained through education. So we lost the physiological connection to our pineal gland! I was just reading the 1973 edition of the Oxford dictionary - stating that the pineal mass is unknown - and maybe vestigial. Hilarious.

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