Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Basically it was like being connected to an electrical outlet and it going On and On: John Chang is healing himself after over-using his energy


This is what happened to me! Or what continues to happen to me. haha.

Kosta - interview about his time with qigong master John Chang

Basically it was like being connected to an electrical outlet and it going On and On
 Wim Hof new interview!

On the Mopai trainers:
A lot of them got sick, some of them are dead....
When qigong master Chunyi Lin says "your mind" - I think he really means shen.


He says with the "during our daily life" (i.e. with our eyes OPEN) then the "our energy is scattering around" - this LITERALLY means the biophotons that come out of our eyes!! "our mind is going in all directions" (again this literally means the biophotons that goes out of our eyes!!)

With the eyes closed - we turn our mind into a LASER to resonate and store our mind energy!

And this biophoton energy is both subconscious and conscious mind as he states.


is the website of Kosta, the former student of John Chang.


Very true but even more so - there is a corresponding FREQUENCY of LIGHT as the INTENTION of the deeper levels of the brain. So just because the deep area of the brain is activated - does NOT mean that the same frequency of light is activated as the Shen or spirit connection or intention!

thank you Dr. Kostas Dervenis!
Close Combat may be identified as a physical confrontation involving armed or unarmed fighting, lethal and/or non-lethal methods, or even simply escape from and/or de-escalation of the confrontation. Our model hypothesizes that distinct areas of the brain are utilized for specific levels of violence, based on evolutionary criteria, and that these levels of violence bring into effect distinct physiological criteria and kinesiology. This model is outlined similar to Paul D. MacLean's triune brain theory, but incorporates distinct processes inherent to the autonomic nervous system (i.e. a "quadrune brain"), and correlates the observed level of violence to a particular response to a specific neural complex associated with very specific reactive kinesiology in the body. Our hypothesis is that the reverse also holds true: specific movements, scenarios and breathing will "activate" corresponding neural centres that in turn correlate to a respective level of violence. Moreover, socio-historic records bear out the premise that specific behavioural violations of social protocols act as "triggers" for assaultive and lethal force involving weapons, and it is very likely that these triggers (and the concomitant decision to engage in assault or lethal force) are processed through neural centres in what McLean has described as his "limbic system." A modular system of close combat is being researched and developed in accord with the above, readily adaptable to the level of violence professional peacekeepers and law enforcement officers may encounter in the course of their duties, but also directly relevant to the self-protection needs of civilians and youth. Distinct modular training regimes have been identified and developed for situations involving escape from a threat, submission of an adversary, and assaultive/lethal force, with the hope of strengthening neural bridges between the four neural complexes postulated in our model, and therefore via these bridges limiting adverse reactions to the psyche from combat stress.

The Wim Hof Method:

You are able to direct ALL the systems within yourself.
This happens through the pineal gland!!

yeah you quoted a Western medical study making certain claims that do not take into considering nonwestern training.
So it's a kind of non sequitur to imply that proper celibacy could be learned from improper sources.
That seems to be a big problem I've noticed - for example the website http://dailygrail.com first assumes that Western science is correct and then applies that assumption to nonwestern studies (the paranormal mainly or the spiritual).
Kostas makes a great point in his new interview that he is not a skeptic but rather that he wants "logic" applied to the issue of nonwestern training. So then he also quotes a Pre-Socratic philosopher in his talk - I'm referencing his interview.
Anaxagoras' postulation of Mind (Nous) as the initiating and governing principle of the cosmos.
So Kostas, referencing both logic and the Pre-Socratics, understands, much better than most, that logic does not depend on Western science (as the typical standardized reproduction method).
So of course people will be greatly held back if they are "waiting" for Western science to catch up to understanding how to do "proper" celibacy training. haha. On the contrary - we could say the West is the OPPOSITE of real celibacy training (hence the problem with prostate cancer).
Of course what the "proper" training is actually is a personal matter based on our subconscious and diet and age and our "environment" (social, physical, etc.) - our genetics and upbringing.
For example in 1980s China, during the Qigong Revolution, it was not considered the norm for females to initiate conversations with males. So, this was reported by a Western female who went to China as her husband was a visiting professor there in the 1980s.
So we can see how the traditional cultural context for celibacy training for males relies on a male dominant social context, to give one example.
In the original human culture that we are all from, the San Bushmen, the males went for a month long retreat alone as Tshoma - trance dancing and fasting the whole time - and just having a light liquid meal once at night.
In West Africa the males traditionally did a three month forest meditation.
In the Sufi tradition and early Christian and Pythagorean tradition the emphasis was on a 40 day fast - alone in the desert or a cave.
So as qigong master Chunyi Lin says for "advanced" training then it is required to go on retreat. He went to Shaolin MONASTERY for three months of nonstop horse stance training to fully open the third eye. Then a 49 day cave meditation of nonstop full lotus meditation with no sleep at Mt. Qingcheng.
So that type of training is not even found in most NON-western cultures anymore due to Westernization as Globalization around the world.
The key factor to become a "qigong master" is to STORE UP the energy - and so this is why the training becomes dangerous and requires personal supervision but the supervision could be done long distance as well. Of course modern Western China does not allow this "option." haha.
So proper "celibacy" training as Master Nan, Huai-jin points out requires both celibacy of the mind as well as the body - and this is why true celibacy training is rare. It is a paradox that requires silence as per "logical inference."  The Pythagoreans required 5 years of silence meditation. Ramana Maharshi did 9 years of silent meditation (during which he refused to see even his mother!!).

Another good example is the book on traditional Brahmin priest training - it states that if EYE CONTACT is made with a female then three days of purification rituals are required! Try passing that one over in our Westernized world (whereby lack of eye contact means you have some kind of Big Pharma disease!). haha.
And then there's the Praying Mantis expert - who proves that he sucks his whole reproductive organ back inside his body! Now if you get a fancy Westernized surgery to change around your reproductive organs then you get special legal rights - but the West has yet to acknowledge the psycho-physiological training required for real celibacy! haha. Why is that? Because "sex sells" as the "commodity fetish" of Western materialistic science (based on patents of technology).

 Chow Gar Tong Long - BBC3 Mind Body and Kick Ass Moves

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