Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Precognitive Healing Dreams via Dr. Christina Donnell

ideally you do not want to send out yin qi out of the eyes. People lose yin qi out of the eyes without realizing it. The shen is a carrier wave for the qi - based on the frequency of the light and the light is always going out of the eyes with the eyes open. this is a proven but little known fact of biophoton science from quantum biology.

The replenishing of jing is to restore the Yuan Jing. So for example qigong master Wang Liping teaches that for a middle age man to restore his "yuan jing" would require six hours of full lotus meditation a day for 1 year - without missing a day and without losing qi. So that will then restore the jing to a normal 16 year old level. Once the lower tan tien fills with jing then the Yuan Qi is activated.

The Yuan Qi is through the heart - so the right side of the heart is considered the "secret pinhole" to the Yuan Qi of the universe. So the Yuan Qi is also a state of enlightenment and so it can not really be described in words. It is the 5th dimension - so it is both inside the body and outside the body at the same time - so that your body becomes holographic - interwoven with the internal energy as a reflection of external energy - via the speed of light as the Yuan Shen.

So you can say the path is the goal if your path is to listen to the source of your I-thoughts, such that the intentional mind of thinking is emptied out and then the light is turned around. This is described then as the light becoming so bright in the Emptiness as the Absolute Void that you lose sense of self-awareness, much the same as in deep dreamless sleep. So you true Self manifests when you are not aware of it - but in the bright blinding light of the absolute void - then you harmonize with the Yuan Qi energy.

So then the Yuan Qi energy will cause visions to manifest - precognitive visions - or enable long distance healing as astral travel. A good book on this is called "Transformative Dreaming" by psychologist Dr. Christina Donnell. She studied tai chi in international competitions and then she studied shamanic meditation in the Andes. Then she began having precognitive healing dreams.

thanks for the response. The etymology of Brahman means Bull just as God originates from the Indo-European root meaning as Bull. So the oldest spiritual training is the Eland Bull dance of the San Bushmen culture - by the females at first menstruation. The female transforms into a male bull because the male bull has the strongest N/om due to the most fat around the heart.

So with patriarchy - this female Bull connection was lost. At first you had Hathor and the "cow jumping over the Moon" in ancient Zoroastrian or west asia. So then the N/om is the Cosmic Mother energy - this was known as Apopis in Egypt - the root origin of Apocalypse in the West.

Quantum biology has proven that for example the sense of smell is "non-local" relying on the 5th dimension. So qigong masters can smell long distance - over the phone even! This is proven from quantum nonlocal reality - so there is a quantum frequency or phase resonance with our neurons. This explains how the same molecules can smell differently due to being left handed or right handed asymmetry. Or different molecules can smell the same due to being the same quantum frequency.

So this is called "proprioception" via ultrasound of the microtubules - Dr. Stuart Hameroff goes into this.
In other words ALL our senses arise from quantum nonlocal information that is stored in the 5th dimension - meaning we can access the future even and we can also empty out our past and we can restore new matter.

So this is the truth of ecology - for example it is proven that mushrooms communicate with trees via biophotons and plants rely on the non-local entanglement for photosynthesis! So most physicists are still in denial about the truth of quantum biology.

The original human culture required ALL males to do spiritual training - to reconnect with the N/om of the Universe as female energy. So this training got lost or just set aside into "secret societies" - yoga or qigong in India or China. Or shamanic training in other indigenous cultures, including Orthodox Pythagorean training.

So this training is very strict - way more strict than Westerners can realize. So yes we are now out of touch as instead we rely on right-hand dominant technology to make our lives more "convenient." But we are simply just psychologically PROJECTING our repressed lower emotions - and we project them as the oppressive "externalities" of technology. We are taught that "technology" is "neutral" and that indeed it can "save" us. But technology is not neutral as it is inherently tied to what Abraham SEidenberg exposed as the Ritual Origins of Geometry.

So Brahman is originated from the Ritual Origins of Geometry in the patriarchy. DNA science now proves that the Vedic culture did indeed "invade" India via chariot warriors and priests. So as Seidenberg detailed - the altar for the male sun energy became dominant so that the female lunar circular altar was supposed to have the same area as the square altar. This "centering" of the circle became the basis for centering the chariot wheels.



yes I used to think as you do about the Emptiness as a "stable and permanent place" but actually this is the error of Western thinking, to try to "contain" infinity through geometry. So in Brahman vedic philosophy this error is also made frequency about some "permanent" or "static" place or state of being. Rather the only thing permanent is the process of change itself. So the process of change as complementary opposites is permanent and stable but it's not a place, instead it is from time that can not be seen.

So the previous millennia that you refer to - actually we have been modern human beings in the biological sense for 70,000 years - so it's not just "recent" at all. This spiritual training is from before human language crystallized, as proven by the Eland Bull trance song, the oldest spiritual training ritual that we are all from. So that is the same song in two of the oldest human dialects of language - both from the San Bushmen.

If you study the book "Taoist Yoga: alchemy and immortality" then the details will be better clarified. When you get to chapter six - this is activation of the Yuan Shen and Yuan Qi as the "first half" of immortality - so it is an enlightenment experience. So then after that you need to store up the Yuan Qi energy and this also increases the Yuan Jing. So then with increasing yuan Qi - then the black hair comes back and bones revitalize and then as the Yuan Jing builds up you create a Yang Shen golden immortal body.
The Yuan Jing is actually new matter created from the Future - the Yuan Qi is from the future - from reverse time energy or what qigong master Yan Xin calls "virtual information field" and qigong master Zhang calls "the golden key" of "superluminal yin matter."
So if you study the book TAoist Yoga then you get into the specifics about yin and yang qi. So the yin and yang qi have to be purified via the heart and then stored up as Yuan Qi in the lower tan tien. But the Yuan Qi can get separated out back into yin and yang qi via impurities of the shen signals.
So the Yuan Qi is more like a 5th dimensional black hole that is stored in the body - as reverse time "phonon" energy - acoustic vibrations as anti-gravity. This is what enables levitation when long term meditation is done.
http://qigongmaster.com is another good source on this training - Master Zhang Yuanming - he does cave meditation every year for 49 days at a time. So after doing that then levitation is possible due to storing up the Yuan Qi energy.

Hi Mike: Yes the Red Dragon is the fire going out of the eyes and so it is yin shen - as the Hun Soul. The Green Dragon is then taking the yin qi energy that powers the Hun Soul and turning it back down so that it creates a Yang Shen. So then it meets the water which is the Black Tiger. Then with the power of Quick Fire breathing - the Lead via Fire heats up and rises (due to the power of the Wood causing metal to rise). So the Black Tiger becomes the White Tiger - and the White Tiger and Green Dragon then go back down the front.  So the Silver is the Yuan Shen - and so imparts a blue light to the metal. The Mercury is the yin qi and the lead is the yang qi. So the mercury is in the cinnabar which is red - from the Red Dragon.

So then as the Blue of the Yuan Shen is turned around - this means absorbing Yuan Qi from the future and this converts the Red Dragon yin qi blockages in the Yang Shen then into more yuan Qi energy - thereby empowering the Yang Shen golden immortal body. The physical body then is pulverized as the Yang Shen merges back into the  Yuan Qi formless awareness energy of the Universe - the ether that can not be seen. So matter is made of light and light turned around is powered by relativistic mass and so the relativistic mass is the Yuan Qi as the Emptiness.

I might have some details not precise as it is a complicated process. So then we just need to study the Taoist Yoga book more. plus supplemental materials.

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