Monday, September 23, 2019

On the Secret MacroQuantum healing power of Water

Very interesting! Thanks. I bought a big bag of diatomaceous earth from the co-op. I use it to scrub my teeth and inevitably I swallow quite a bit. There is this "magic mud" toothpaste that is very pricey but the top ingredient is... diatomaceous earth! Funny. Anyway I used our cordless phone this am and the microwave death rays were very strong! Most people can not notice those microwaves but they really do cook people's brains as it resonates the quantum dipole frequency of water.

Oh I'm reading an orgonite forum as I googled it with diatomaceous earth (remember the BEST teeth cleaner!). So they reminded me to take my spirulina!

I prefer spirulina powder as that's sure not to just pass through. But now I just have tablets.

yes water - what I was doing is I used a Berkey water purifier set up in my room with 1.5 gallons. So our tap water here at our new place has bad sulfur taste. So I would then do qigong meditation to charge up the water and then my mom drank the purified Qi water. haha.

So yes Chunyi told the story of how he healed a lady by having her store the qi water in her frig - between healings she would drink that water. Then he would charge up more water over the phone. But her husband freaked out and insisted she NOT drink the water. So then she didn't live long after that.

So yes water is very powerful - the virtual photon energy is created inside our bodes from water and also the yang qi from the proton-proton energy that is delocalized. Several scientists have studied this serously - Dr. Gerald Pollack. Professor Emilio del Guidice (sp.?) I quote them on my blog. Dr. Mae-Wan Ho.

There is a 4th state of water - because near freezing when water expands it does not increase in entropy. So it has a tetrahedron bonding and this is a macro-quantum molecule. Dr. Andrija Puharich really figured this out. The ELF subharmonics - I quote on my blog - are from the water then becoming closer to its tetrahedron natural bonding. The ELF subharmonics are from the ultrasound resonating and splitting the water. The ELF is the proton-electron magnetic moment as a superluminal phase energy (so meaning reverse time energy or virtual photon energy).

Thanks for the great comment.

yes I was introduced into the concept of "revoking" corporate charters back in 1996, working with the founder of

So the US actually was formed as a constitutional corporate charter! This is never taught - and I only learned this recently. So we colonialists in the beginning had conferences in which we considered ourselves sovereign and then voted to create a corporate charter call the US government.

So this is why President Lincoln warned that during the civil war the worst danger was that the corporate charters were gaining in power. This was because the Union relied on standardized measurements for mass reproduction of weaponry - and this was the Union government great advantage over the slave states.

So we need to realize that science itself IS a religion - as per the Golden Ratio and Freemasonry. This is detailed very well in professor David F. Noble's book, "The Religion of Technology" from 1996 - and his final book was a follow up: "The Myth of Progress."

So the abrupt global warming crisis is really an existential crisis about what it means to be alive since abrupt global warming is based on how entropy is defined. Western classical science assumes that the infrared light emitting from earth is "entropy" from the Sun's energy coming down at a higher frequency. But in fact this infrared light and the Sun's light - are absorbed and used by life on Earth. But life on Earth is from Negentropy - a concept that was only discovered via quantum physics while almost all of science is still based on classical physics using logarithmic symmetric math.

So I call this the Strong Misanthropic Principle - so that our left brain dominance with right-hand technology dominance is destroying left-handed amino acids of life on Earth that has relied on right-brain intuitive dominance (shamanism). And so what we perceive as the accelerating space of the Universe with the slowing down of time, via our technology, is INVERSELY proportional to the acceleration of TIME on earth with the destruction of the space of Earth (ecology).

And so we are experiencing a deep transformation of the Elements on Earth right now with metal and fire taking over against wood and Earth. But as the Daoists state, in fact Water is the most powerful element and so in the end Water will recover. Quantum physics has now corroborated this truth since water is a "macro quantum" molecule with a "fifth state" that near freezing has increased negentropy even as the molecule expands (which normally would indicate the opposite, an increase in entropy). So when water is closer to its tetrahedral macroquantum dipole bonding - then it is relying on the virtual photons and the splitting of the protons and electrons (yang qi and yin qi respectively). So this is called the "magnetic moment" or "spin" between the proton and electron and as Dr. Andrija Puharich realized this splitting of the water occurs via ultrasound with the spin as the negentropy energy via ELF harmonics.

The ELF harmonics or schumann resonance is our natural brain alpha-theta REM shamanic visionary state of living in harmony with the Sun and the Moon as the Moon governs life on Earth via water. So life will start over - as Gurdjieff stated - from the Moon controlling life on EArth via water.

2 hours ago, rideforever said:

Progress is useless, as every man who arrives here needs to learn how to wield his body emotions and grow.
It should be beautiful.
What is the benefit of arriving in an overpopulated world where machines do all the work and you watch the internet?
This is destructive because it removes possibilities for self-learning and gives you compensations, pills to make you happy.
Disaster and pain that is.

You mention many universal forces and their processes ... but humans don't simply follow them, we also intervene due to our semi-conscious power of thought.  In fact it is (imo) the semi-conscious thought that has obscured our sensitivities about the feelings of life ... and so we are easily lead into an anti-life type of world.  We don't feel the harm and unnaturalness of it ... as we are so excited and addicted to this thought.
Humans have a lopsided development in their thought ...  this is what I have been taught.
We have evolved but in a bad way .. one-sidedly and incompletely.  This gives rise to our unstable societies.

Anyway after all these "big ideas" ...the rich and powerful have organised the taking of too much.

But perhaps you are right, perhaps we as a species helplessly respond to celestial forces rising and falling in slavery and suffering with little real control.

yes the original human culture from which we are all from for 90% of our modern biological history (and yet hardly anyone knows anything about them) the San Bushmen culture - they deliberately have their healing music use gibberish words. So now most people think the words of music are just as important as the music itself. Actually it is the other way around - music developed first. This is called "musilanguage." And some scientists think that the natural harmonics are preferred in bird songs and other animals - mosquitoes use a Perfect Fifth music harmonic for their mating call, for example. And then some scientists even realize this music harmonic principle is the secret ordering of reality (like Alain Connes and Louis de Broglie, etc.)

So thinking is limited but it is what we use in relation to right hand tool use - and most people rely on right-handed tool use. A lot of people very skilled with tools are NOT very skilled are articulating how to teach the use of those tools! So they are a kind of visionary craftsmen. But it was female chimpanzees that first learned how to hunt with spears so that they were not dependent on male chimps raping the females. The male chimps demand sex when they bring home the meat. So actually our right-hand technology dominance with left brain dominance as thinking - this derives from the females attempts to prevent rape and war by the males.

So the problem is that modern civilization based on technology and left brain dominance still does not address the CAUSE of the problem which is the male psychophysiology of primates. The original human culture was completely centered on ALL the males training in spiritual trance dance (tai chi) as sublimation and purification of the N/om energy of the Universe, that is inherently female. So the universe is female as the Emptiness but there is also an eternal yin-yang dynamic to the Emptiness - so it is a paradox of how our mind as individual egos has to merge back into the Emptiness, just as it does each night when we have deep dreamless sleep.

So we can say that the whole physical universe of 4D spacetime is a temporary illusion while only the 5th dimension that we inherently can NOT see is the true reality. This is difficult for us primates to accept since we left the forest as our main living area and in the forest the dominant perception is listening. Just as life came from the oceans and fish rely on a "lateral" full body listening perception. And this perception for electric fish and sharks, etc. - it easily goes into electromagnetic energy just as an electric eel and shock down a standing man!! So the qigong training is precisely the same as our biological ancestry in the fish of the oceans. And it is proven that even fish can feel sadness, say if their own leaves to go on vacation and leaves the fish in the fish bowl, alone. haha.

So with the Cambrian Explosion of complex life on Earth - hundreds of millions of years ago - the key factor was the development of the Eye. But the eye relies on "quantum diffraction gradients" to see - this is much the same as the back of a compact disc where you see the rainbow light due to the small diffraction gradients. Only our Eye then based on the inherent complementary opposites of reality - then has the "chirality" or handness - the asymmetry of light. So that left-handed amino acids of light are based on taking in the light as a crystal. So in fact quantum biology has proven that each of us has a "rainbow worm" inside of us - a true GHOST of rainbow coherent biophoton light.

So then as each of us will die and this spirit light that is coherent will leave our bodies. The question remains - from where does this light originate? It is not dependent on the EArth but while the light is in our bodies certainly the earth provides power to the light. But as we know from quantum physics now the power of the Universe is from Frequency not classical amplitude. So by increasing the frequency of the light in our bodies then the energy is focused more in our third eye and heart - and this is based on the natural resonance of the Earth, Moon and Sun. So the more we meditate then the more we resonate with the natural cycles, just as now with the Equinox then the energy resonance on Earth is much stronger from the Sun and Moon.

So Abrupt Global Warming is really about how modern human civilization has tried to deny the fact that the Moon governs life on Earth. We desperately want to rely on the Sun as the Solar calendar become dominant for monocultural farming using the plow as patriarchy. So the menstruation synchronization that is unique to humans as primates  - the secret of our pineal gland N/om energy from trance dancing - this got lost and instead now we want to fixate on the Solar radiation energy. So this created an imbalance on Earth since the Moon needs to be "fed" spiritual energy from the dominant life on Earth - as Gurdjieff emphasized. In other words to properly use the Sun's energy we FIRST have to properly build up our lunar (jing) energy.

So yes it is not likely that human modern primates will return to a right brain dominant music-based reality relying on intuition from the basic fact that we are FROM Mother Nature and we are dependent on Mother Nature as the Cosmic Mother energy of the Universe. Instead we will keep trying to "control" nature - as even the abrupt global warming activists are calling for increased GeoEngineering "experiments" to try to save our ecology on Earth. So there really is NO OTHER option except for humans to accept the fact that we are not in control and we never were in control. But we can still RESONATE with our Source or choose to LISTEN to the source of the light that we experience every day - with our eyes open or when we are dreaming.

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