for all it's problems, that horizontal pipe can probably double the heat in the room (depending on the stove) and it certainly increases radiant heat to other parts of the room, or even other rooms where it runs through an interior wall thimble and an adjacent room
Horizontal runs more than a foot can be problematic and even dangerous. The danger is in maintaining air tight joints and establishing clearances to combustibles. Local codes may vary, but NFPA 211 establishes minimum distances to combustible walls and ceiling...not sure if it's been changed since I retired or not, so check it before you install. A chimney fire in a horizontal pipe would be one of my main concerns.
Then I came out of back of stove. Thirty inch horizontal. a TEE then fifteen feet in air. Better but still bad. The Tee would build up and still leak back a littleOK so I guess I got a little TOO experimental on that stuff.
yes only Marx thought technology would bring us "edenic respites from labor" - Marx was against peasants as being backwards. It's the 4th world indigenous cultures at the forefront of radical ecology - defending their last bioreserves, etc. In Minnesota the Fond Du Lac Ojibwe tribe is suing against a new sulfide mine being pushed through by the corrupt Labor Unions, Big Business, Westernized Progress, etc. Winona LaDuke is also from Minnesota as an indigenous activist - she was my professor at my University class on Environmental Racism. The whole attempt by Marxists to "assimilate" the ecology movement into their "fold" is lame at best - it's way too little too late. Sure I'm all for a great "strike" - against civilization. haha. I know it's a joke as I'm just as much dependent on all the goodies of technology as anyone else (well pretty much). Marx relied on the same LOGARITHMIC math of the classical supply and demand model that is the inverse of the Exponential Growth model - this goes back to Plato and Archytas and Eudoxus and Euclid.... the Greek Miracle. Only economist professor Michael E. Hudson goes into this - (as far as noted leftist analysts)... He is also from Minnesota.
wow you fall for LaRouche propaganda? He thinks Nukes will save us - he just promotes Platonic philosophy as the answer to everything. I'm against Platonic philosophy. So I do agree that the essence of the issue does go back to the Greek Miracle. You could say I'm the opposite of LaRouche! haha. As for the arctic melting very fast - thanks for reminding me to check on this scientist research forum The interwebs is a big place with lots of info if you care to dig for it. Another good one is And I've been reading Daniel Hopsicker for probably 15 years! His publisher Kris Millegan wanted to publish my research on the "Actual Matrix Plan" that I exposed from my master's thesis research in 2001 - and Millegan even sent me a book publishing contract that I filled out. But my 2012 book called "The Alchemy of Rainbow Heart Music: How Paranormal Sonofusion Subverts the Matrix Conspiracy" went way beyond what he was looking for!! haha. It is free online if you want to read it. But that just goes into the problem and not so much of the solution. It does give the solution but only from the Tantric psychic side mainly. Have a nice day. Believe - yes that's a good word.
yep I was thinking about that when yesterday I was carrying 80 pound mortar bags for a quarter mile through the forest! I was imagining who had to load pallets of those bags and then I figured - oh I bet NO ONE does - only machines do it. I'll look into that one maybe. A good example is the Speed Dialer. My "grassroots" environmental activism job was LITERALLY as a paper shuffler!! I was called - OH LORD I forgot my job title - oh a "sorter" I think. Anyway so whenever one of those "nonprofits" call you (that are secretly dependent on their annual Rockefeller grants) just HANG UP because that "person" did NOT call you! The speed dialer called you!! If you just HANG UP (with no pretense to social niceties then then speed dialer just quickly connects the "person" to another victim of the Matrix machine). Another example is my coworker told me how she personally had to train in people FROM INDIA - this was a small town in Minnesota - on how to do her data entry job. So then they were simply just gonna fly back to India with all those data entry jobs. I used to do data entry as well and I was also a transcriber for the DEAF community - called a Relay Operator. Our union was fighting the automation of that job and so they just shut down the whole office and moved it to "out state" to a smaller non-union location. Not sure what happened with that type of automation. Anyway even in China automation is the Number One cause of job loss!! Professor David F. Noble was an expert on Automation and he even refused to use Email since he knew how evil the internet was for automation. His book "The Religion of Technology" is the source for the Marx quote on the "edenic respites of labor" and Noble's final book literally takes our "problem" back to EDEN. I highly recommend both books - the final one is a follow up to the Religion of Technology called "Myth of the Promised Land."
yeah western science is dependent on external technology that has to be a standardized reproduction. This is why "quantum biology" is still dismissed as woo woo by many standard physicists despite the subject of "quantum biology" making the cover of SciAm in 2011 and then "quantum biology" being the science award winning book in 2016: "Life on the Edge." As for "chaos" and "fractals" and "power laws" and "exponential" - those are all still Western symmetric logic. I made that error in my 2000 master's thesis - that the Taiji could be equated with a logistic equation from chaos science. Nope. As my reviewer (who initially wanted to publish my master's thesis as a book) Charles Madden points out - the Taiji can NOT be a fractal since the Taiji does not use symmetric logic.
So actually hardly anyone knows about Eddie Oshins as he worked at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center but he only had a master's degree and Oshins was very pissed that the New Age had co-opted his research and then twisted its meaning around. But Oshins did collaborate with math professor Louis Kauffman (whom I think maybe even reads this forum and my blog). I have corresponded with quite a few quantum physicists on this matter - so for example David Bohm's model is being continued by his collaborator Professor Basil J. Hiley whom also now relies on a "noncommutative phase" logic.
So I would recommend studying Alain Connes if you want to understand noncommutative phase science - as it sounds like maybe it is new to you. It DOES require a total "re-write" of Western science - for example "noncommutative calculus"!! For me - I realized in 10th grade that Western science was based on faulty logic and so I secretly rejected the Pythagorean Theorem! This still raises snorts from the couple friends I have. haha. Because of course anyone doing anything "practical" like construction relies on the Pythagorean Theorem! But maybe what we think of as "practical" really isn't such!
So yes Western science is very limited but there have been some interesting attempts to "convert" Daoist training and Eddie Oshins is the only one to have cracked the secret of the logic of Neigong - in my view at least. I mean as I posted here - I figured this out on my own and then I SEARCHED the interwebs - since I am largely self-taught (after my master's degree) then I figured SOMEONE must have figured out this secret. Sure enough - it was Eddie Oshins! But he actually died young and I guess he was ridiculed or something as someone posted online that he was insane or something. Oh well. I asked Kauffman about this and he never said anything about it. On the contrary Kauffman has corroborated the important work of Oshins.
Oh also Nobel Physicist Brian Josephson told me he practices qigong and NOW he is studying Louis Kauffman's noncommutative phase logic as well!! So no one can use an MRI without the Josephson Effect and it's also the basis for the origin of the VOLT at NIST. But if you read Josephson's Nobel Laureate address he states that the origin of the effect is "symmetric breaking" aka that the origin of reality is ASYMMETRIC (not the symmetry that Western science is obsessed with). oops.
- A chimney that puts out a cleaner exhaust (like propane, or coal, or a smokeless wood fire produced by burning dry, cured wood nice and hot) will not have creosote, but will still have water in the exhaust, and the chimney can stall if that water condenses while still inside the chimney. 200-300 F is a typical target temperature for masonry heater exhaust, to stay above the dew point of water for reliable draft.
- A chimney that operates close to room temperature, or below room temperature, is at risk for drafting backwards in certain wind and weather conditions. All chimneys are likely to have start-up problems if they've been unused for a while.
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