Thursday, August 29, 2019

The ancient Liar's Paradox is noncommutative phase nonlocality: Time is the 5th dimension

Let us summarize. The indication of atom A/B that it has never emitted/absorbed a photon, which may naively suggest that it could not be entangled with B/A, is the result of this very A-B entanglement. The classical liar paradox stemming from Epimenides’ claim that “all Cretans are liars” is not necessarily absurd when stated by a quantum-mechanical Cretan (see also []).
Lee Smolin and Yakir Aharonov, et. al.

  Not only is this improvement equally applicable for our Liar paradox, but the Zeno effect itself turns out to be inherently embedded in our setting, in several interesting ways.
Ancient Pre-Socratic philosophy via relativistic quantum noncommutative phase physics

 “By performing the null measurements frequently or continuously, one can freeze the spin dynamics. This is a kind of interaction-free measurement” []. And by making the atom remote, nonlocal action occurs without observable matter or energy exchange.

 The Quantum Liar experiment seems paradoxical by its apparent disregard for classical logic: The photon exchange, naively required to facilitate entanglement, seems to haveoccurred or not occurred in accordance with this entanglement. Within quantum theory, however, this classical reasoning has to be changed once it is realized that IFM [], so far applied only to spatial uncertainty, equally applies to the temporal one. In the former case, the detector’s silence means “The particle is not here, hence it must be in the other possible location.” In the present case, with uncertainty plaguing the emission’s timing, the non-click means “The particle has not been emitted now, hence it must be/have been emitted later/earlier.” In both cases, the uncertainty principle takes its toll with an observable effect.
and on the Aharonov-Bohm Effect:


sorry but between C and a minor is also D and E, not just F and G, not to mention the sharps and flats.
If you want to consider "neutral" in terms of Western major/minor modes in equal-tempered tuning then a good book is Erno Lendvai's book on Bartok. I wrote a paper on that book in my first year of college.
Ernő Lendvai, axis sys- tem, Elliott ...... 74) deemed the major-minor chord a neutral sound, claiming
Lendvai's analyses aim to show how chords and tones related by the intervals of a minor third and tritone can function as tonal substitutes for one another, and do so in many of Bartók's compositions.
So as I mentioned in a recent PM - this is also called the "Paradox of the Poles" since the 2nd order beats or overtone harmonics are the Perfect Fifth and Perfect Fourth from the Tritone as the square root of two - the most dissonant note as the "center" of the scale from 9/8 cubed. The C major and a minor are then the minor third.
So in terms of your fractal analysis the minor third is 8:5 while the major third is 5:4.
I wrote a paper on this - I'll see if I can find it.
Math professor Joe Mazur asked me to write the paper and submit it for a math journal publication.
Regardless - this analysis is still "contained" into the CLOSED circle of fifths based on what i call the Liar of the Lyre - from Philolaus flipping his liar around, to turn Time into a closed geometry.
I just did a blog post on this that corroborates my claim - from Yakir Aharonov and Lee Smolin. Smolin took his first quantum mechanics class from Professor Herbert J. Bernstein, the same teacher I also took the same class from, the same year I wrote the paper on Bartok and  Erno Lendvai.!topic/soc.culture.malaysia/MLsIOyCAuEE

Why the Alphabet is Satanic
B09368 / Wed, 28 Sep 2005 09:57:27 / Intelligence

Leftist Guru Jeremy Rifkin in his book "Beyond Beef" reveals that the letter
"A" is actually from the Sumerian ideogram for a Bull's Head-it's upside
down. Rifkin points out that a huge crisis for the Jews was the worship of
Bulls as a Fertility cult and that the Bull Cult Mithra was head to head
with Christianity-only nominally different by the decree of Constantine.
The Male Bull fertility cult is also the basis for the word "God" and
"Brahman" (God in Vedic teachings) and therefore Abraham (God's embodiment
from Mesopotamia).

The Letter A-if it's really a Bull's Head upside down-then this explains why
Jesus is quoted with "I am the Alpha and Omega" since both Greek letters
also look like the Bull's Head. Jesus is God as the linear end time of Bull.
The Bull's Head-the sign of Satan-hmm.. Actually the horns are fibonacci
spirals and on some ungulates one horn is right-hand directed and the other
horn is left-hand directed. The Head as the Letter A is an equilateral

The Bull's Head as Phonetic language is literally the sign for Infinite
Storage of Information in the Left-Brain (the Hippocampus) and Infinite
Storage of Food as squared, plowed fields enabled by the Bull. So the Letter
A literally is the ideogram for Left-Brain, Right-Hand Iron-Square
technology. The Bull is God as the squaring of the circle.

The circle-moon-cycle water irrigation-zero-the Right Brain is the Retrieval
side of information. You know when you are trying to remember something but
the only way to recall it is to let it go then wait and wait for the
unconscious to retrieve the memory? That's the Right Brain! That's the
intuitive, natural consciousness of water-left-hand directed Carbon
molecules cut-off by the Bull-letter A.

Why is it that Farmers always get a Low Price even when Demand is High (for
example low grain price when ethanol demand is high) Because the Male Bull
as the Letter A controls the Brains of Farmers so that they are Slaves to
the Solar Dynasty Freemasonic Matrix based on INFINITE LINEAR SUPPLY (think

Therefore the Letter A is literally the Satanic Demonic control of
Humans-forcing them to only have left-brain, phonetic knowledge which is
overruled by the priest-lawyers who deliberately lie for imperial control.
The equilateral triangle of the Letter A takes the left-hand and right-hand
Fibonacci spirals of the horns and transforms them into Irrational Magnitude
as a symbolic enclosure of infinite resonance. Two 3:4:5 triangles of the
Letter A make a rectangle or an equilateral triangle but two 1:1 triangles
of the letter A make an irrational magnitude square of Freemasonic Power.
Jesus squares the circle as Satan. Horus is Set through crowd disease
Oedipus Complex incest.

So the Right-Brain of natural resonance consciousness is now valued as
Zero-this is the matrifocal, horticulture, free-women wielding the
lunar-water cycle Hoe. And the Left-Brain, Letter "A"-satanic Bull's
Head-Imperial Force is measured as INFINITE SUPPLY and LINEAR TIME.
Linear Time hides the Fact that the Farmers get screwed because you can have
both infinite demand and low price even though by the rule of pareto
efficiency this should not be the case. This is because the Demand is not
controlled by the Natural Desire of the Market but by the IRON POWER of the
Letter A-Gematria-Freemason, Blacksmith technology.

drew hempel, M.A.

The essential issue is that Time, defined by Number, is Asymmetrical but Logic does not use Time. This is the foundation of the Cretin's Liar Paradox: The Cretin said, all Cretins are Liars. The paradox of Logical Sets and the actual infinity is the reason that Cantor's arguments were dismissed by Russell and many others. The infinite set of no members is not a set.

 The smash science book Was Einstein Right? describes how the theory of relativity is essential to the smart bombs using GPS guidance in the war on Iraq. Yet they all missed. The new film Why We Fight details how all these smart bombs missed their targets. Out of 50: 50 did NOT hit their target and 42 hit civilian targets. Was Einstein Right?: Putting General Relativity to the Test by Clifford M. Will (Paperback - April 1993) The question starts to build -- chapter five of Was Einstein Right? details experiments that indicate a fifth force due to local variances in gravity -- deep in mine shafts. These experiments were the first validation of new forces accompanying new supersymmetry particles of higher dimensions. In otherwords a local hill, a geographic anomaly -- or perhaps a person in full-lotus -- creates a fifth force that can be increased through natural resonance. Again Was Einstein Right? begins to become serious.

The editor of Discover magazine wrote a smash science book God in the Equation (2002) arguing that Einstein is literally the new Jesus of Sci/Religion. The term comes from psi as the unknown in quantum mechanics and the book ends with psi as the continuum of consciousness beyond spacetime. Just as I have repeatedly stated on GNN -- science is a religion. This book details how Einstein catered his theory of general relativity to fit the facts for the anomalies of the Mars orbit.

God in the Equation : How Einstein Became the Prophet of the New Religious Era by Corey Powell (Hardcover - Aug 21, 2002) Lambda -- the expansion of space-time as anti-gravity -- created by Einstein and continued by sci/religion - is the central pivot point of the actual infinite for sci/religion. Lambda is a huge fudge factor -- 2/3rds of the universe is a mysterious dark energy that is accelerating. The irony of Lambda is that Einstein's motivation was Spinoza's argument that God is Static. As I detailed in previous posts the actual infinite argues that mathematics literally enables God to be embodied in technology as a symbol transcends geometry and analysis through proof by contradiction. Neither this nor that points to a transcendent realm of pure thought. God's Secret Formula (1997) by Dr. Peter Picha is an amazing analysis of how the integar numbers of infinity define a 4th dimension of space that unifies the sci/religion through the prime number cross. Of course Picha is both praised as genius (3 Ph.D.s and numerous critical patents) and dismissed as crank in his 30 or so Amazon reviews but he represents just another example of how attempts at the unified field theory will continue to fail. The reason for failure, even though he attempts to unlock the secrets of Einstein, is that the foundation for the Prime Numbers is the diverging Harmonic Series -- the Law of Pythagoras.

The sci/religion is composed of three interlocking components. 1) Theory 2) Observation 3) technology Eversince Socrates Political Economy and Science have been interlinked, as detailed in professor Lummis' recent book on radical democracy. Radical Democracy by C. Douglas Lummis (Paperback - September 1997) Socrates, the first prophet of sci/religion, argued that every one can be a ruler -- become aristocracy -- by studying philosophy and geometry. Socrates also argued that a person should lie if it will stop another person considered mad from harming themselves. The example Socrates gives is that if you have a mad person's sword and that mad person asks for it back you should lie so that the mad person does not harm himself.

 This teaching -- lying for the better good of the general public -- is justified through the mathematics -- the geometry -- of iron technology (the sword) based in the ancient Solar Dynasty city-state empires. Iron became more valuable than silver as a currency in India because geometric mathematics, started in ritual sacrifice altar technology, enabled better iron technology for chariot warfare. Socrates and Plato are held up as the bastions of reason and the founders of western civilization when in fact Socrates and Plato both advocated Lying -- "the Straussian Means of Power”-- in deference to the Power of Geometry. This lying is what Einstein means when he refers to learning the Secrets of the Old Ones. Freemasonry. Einstein had to lie.

The physicists lie and the technology they use transforms humans into cogs in the cycling of the elements. Axiomatic mathematics relies on phonetic-letter based symbols (magnitude units) as hidden constants to justify the actual infinite as transcendental truth. The question remains in math Whats the point? -- quite literally -- as the logical fallacies of geometry are exposed in Cantor, Dedekind, Kronecker, Russell, Godel, etc.

As math becomes more and more esoteric the numbers rely more and more on symbolic logic that is utterly absurd. In otherwords math, as the foundation of Reason, is reverting back to a mythology of multi-variant non-phonetic language. The essential issue is that Time, defined by Number, is Asymmetrical but Logic does not use Time. This is the foundation of the Cretin's Liar Paradox: The Cretin said, all Cretins are Liars. The paradox of Logical Sets and the actual infinity is the reason that Cantor's arguments were dismissed by Russell and many others. The infinite set of no members is not a set.

 Quantum Chaos science, the military mad science basis for nanotechnology and neural networks, relies on Gregory Bateson's social system engineering analysis whereby people are cogs in the cycling of elements defined by analog feedback systems. In otherwords the question should not be what's the point but what's the wave? (the answer is the sine wave: Ohm/Tai Chi/Tetrad) As France's top mathematician, Alain Connes, argues in his recent book Triangle Thoughts, the basis for new quantum technology is literally using Music as the Formal Logic framework. Triangle of Thought by Alain Connes, Andre Lichnerowicz, Marcel Paul Schutzenberger, and Jennifer Gage (Hardcover “ Jan 1, 2001)

 But since quantum mechanics is based on statistics, using equal-tempered Number, instead of Asymmetrical Number defined by Pythagoras -- the Imperial Framework of Science remains hidden. In fact the Lambda of Einstein and current cosmology (a run away spacetime) is merely a reflection of the accelerating destruction of left-hand directed carbon-based ecology. As satellite telescopes document supernovas indicating the accelerating expansion of space-time, the means to implement such measures (relativized satellites) is insuring the implosion of empire. Technology is Tantra.

Science is Religion. drew hempel, M.A.

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