Sunday, July 7, 2019

Comments Section Now Open - no moderation - feel free to post comments

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think of geoengineering as a "rebound relationship" - the West is based on Engineers being in "control" over Nature - it creates a "safe" feeling for those not on the periphery of the Empire. So now we realize that actually Mother Nature is in control and the technology can not solve the problem. Instead of people accepting the implications of this (i.e. when you're in deep sleep you have no perception of space nor time and yet that is who you really ARE) - there is a QUICK "rebound relationship" just as in any kind of emotional dependency - to the opposite extreme. So now we have this great secret conspiracy of how technocracy is the future. People will either promote Zeitgeist as a technocratic utopia or they will claim that the US military is secretly in control of the weather and therefore making global warming appear to be bad or making it better or whatever. The Liberals are promoting their NASA Self-contained Ecosystems and strip clubs of Mars approach. No matter WHAT we simply are in DeNile that Mother Nature is in control and humans with all their engineering technocratic glory, are not much different than chimpanzees on a rape-warmongering rage.

I've corresponded with Nobel Physicist professor Brian Josephson several times. His Josephson Junction is used in every MRI - via a SQUID or some variant. "MRI of the type that has saved countless lives in modern hospitals is still only possible because of the metallic superconductors." Also the Josephson Junction is used in a series to measure the origin of the Volt - by NIST. Professor Josephson in his Nobel prize address points out how there is a "symmetry breaking" as the origin of the volt. So now Josephson is focused on what causes this original symmetry breaking. He's now studying math professor Louis Kauffman on noncommutative phase origin of quantum nonlocality. I've corresponded with quantum physics professor Basil J. Hiley on this also - he also focuses now on this noncommutative phase secret. So you can study Aharonov also who has done new research on the double slit experiment - proving that the de Broglie-Bohm-Hiley model of reality is real. There really is a nonlocal wave at the origin of reality that guides us, from the future, due to noncommutative time-frequency resonance as the 5th dimension.

It's pretty funny that the co-author of the Sokal Hoax, Professor Jean Bricmont, also promotes the de Broglie model of quantum mechanics (which was the first model created, the model that included relativity).
So now Bricmont is ignored by mainstream quantum mechanics since mainstream quantum mechanics tries to dismiss nonlocality.
Be that as it may - quantum mechanics has been recognized as the foundation of physics since the early 1900s - and as my quantum mechanics professor Herbert J. Bernstein emphasized, people in high school take classical physics as their WRONG foundation of reality - so they are brainwashed from an early age!
Kind of amazing if you think about it. I realized this intuitively - I refused to take high school physics - instead I scored 98% in biology on the ACT - and then I took quantum mechanics my first year of college. I also was secretly against the Pythagorean Theorem. haha.
Anyway I've already posted the links for the quantum mechanics explaining global warming. The physics professor was at University of Chicago - which is a conservative school - so it can't be part of the "Libtard Snowflake Conspiracy." haha. Now he's at Oxford or is it Cambridge? focused on global warming physics still.

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