Sunday, June 23, 2019

Harvard Scientist says in 2018: we have 5 years left due to global warming: New Daoist alchemy Neidan anthology from Pregadio!

I was glad to have corresponded with Pregadio - this new work looks excellent. Even more clarification on the secrets of Daoist Neidan.

Meanwhile James Anderson, Harvard scientist, says we have 5 years left to FIX global warming or else it's all over.

Harvard scientist: We have 5 years to mitigate the worst of climate ...

5 days ago - How long before irreversible climate change melts the poles and wipes out coastlines? ... According to one Harvard researcher, we have five years to mitigate the worst of climate change. James Anderson, a professor of atmospheric chemistry, spoke at the University of Chicago about the dire state of ..

These sites took a YEAR to pick up this news? oops.

  my activist mentor, Dr. John E. Peck, attended the Rio Summit in 1992. That's about when I read a copy of his book "Green Rage" by Chris Manes. I was listed as a "local contact" for Minnesota in the Earth First! Journal in 1994. In 1995 I went to see qigong master Effie P. Chow. I had seen a poster on a telephone pole. I was so skeptical that I called first to ask for a price admission reduction. I was told half price - so ten dollars. I brought my gf who lived with me. So qigong master Effie P. Chow had us make "qi balls" after she said she filled the room with qi. I could feel a strong magnetic force pushing my hands apart! This was at St. Mary's University. So pretty much everyone had left and this security lady wandered in, asking, "What's going on in here? I'm just wondering why the fuse got blown in the room behind you?" And so this was not a stunt - as the qigong master barely answered. I can't remember what happened.

Anyway soon after that I had a dream that I immediately wrote down. I had been keeping a journal and so at 2:30 a.m. I wrote down that this dream was more real than being awake. It was of my Earth First! activist friends with native american activists - standing on the roof of a house, and holding a banner to protect a forest. So since the dream was more real than being awake, I wrote that "I think this dream is going to come true." So then my gf was bored with her temp job for a Big Pharma Mind Control insurance company. So I suggested she go into the Peace Corps as she had mentioned wanting to do that. Soon she was assigned to Morocco. So I found her a Moroccan who could tutor her in the local dialect of Arabic.

So then she went off to Africa - and later in 1997 I did visit her and we went to another Peace Corps volunteer stationed in the most traditional Berber village in Africa. All the women there grew all the food from humanure compost and also made the clothes from "wild" sheep that were herded. So all the houses were adobe - it was a totally self-reliant village as it had been for thousands of years.

So then in 1998 I was living at my friend's house - from Venezuela. She was from an indigenous tribe in the Andes that relied on shamanic training - closely related to the Kogi tribe, the only uncontacted Pre-Colombian tribe of the Andes. So she was Wiwa - and when I showed her the documentary on the Kogi relying on the 9 years of cave meditation to make contact with the Cosmic Mother called Aluna - she was shocked that the Kogi had gone public with this information. She knew of the Kogi but thought they had remained secretive. And so around this time (after I had visited Venezuela and I had a vision there - that I won't go into - in the Andes)... I got arrested doing civil disobedience.

It was on the front pages of the Earth First! journal many times - about the Highway 55 encampment aka the Minnehaha Free State. It was to protect a sacred forest at the confluence of the Mississippi and Minnesota rivers. And so I happened upon a photocopy of a newspaper photo - it was of my Earth First! friends with native american activists standing on the roof of a house - holding a banner to protect the sacred forest. This forest is considered the spiritual origin of the Universe, created by a rainbow-spirit water goddess. So when I saw this image I got this uncanny sensation and suddenly I remembered my dream from three years before. Of course at this point I was not sure if it could be true. So I drove to my parent's house and I dug out my old journal from three years before. Sure enough there was the entry.

A good book on precognitive dreams is by Dr. Christina Donnell, a professional psychologist who was also an international Tai Chi competitor and she also studied shamanism meditation in the Andes. The book is called "Transcendent Dreaming" - I'll get a link for you. and on the Cosmic Mother and indigenous nonWestern culture - I posted this link before - Womb at the Center of the Universe. And to answer your question - I've never taken "meds" in my life except when I self-diagnosed Lyme's disease right away. So I got an antibiotic prescribed and I was soon fine. thanks for asking. Happy Solstice! The pineal gland 3rd Eye Cosmic Mother magnetic bliss is quite strong at this time of year.

 each of us has a ghost inside us but from where is light powered? physics has proven that light has hidden momentum-energy from spacetime directly - from the future as virtual photons. So by "turning" our ghost around inside us - closing the eyes and visualizing light - we directly return to the Future thereby recharging our physical matter (that is also made out of light). This seems like a dream but in fact such a visionary state is MORE real than being awake! Quantum biology has proven that for example our sense of smell is NON-local - the 5th dimension, just as bird migration is also based on quantum non-locality or entanglement. All our perceptions are already stored in the future. Only listening is eternal since no "one" is listening - it's the last perception to vanish at death because deep listening is from the future. The future is listening to us and secretly guiding us eternally and that is our truth self.

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