Monday, May 13, 2019

Corroboration via Scat (not Skype) of the Lynx Predation of my Chipmunk Tipi Cohabitants

OK let me turn this amazing photo around.

So I suspected this was Lynx scat - why? I got this free "tracking" book that included scat analysis and I had studied the book a bit.

So then I googled Lynx scat.

Now that looks pretty amazingly close. Now the only other choice was possibly Bobcat scat?

Look how it is DEFINITELY DIFFERENT! - It has the intestinal indentations clearly NOT found in the Lynx scat.

So why did I think it was Lynx scat? Because I had already seen tracks that I thought were Lynx - they were way bigger than the "inch and half" size of bobcat tracks. But I thought MAYBE I had exaggerated the track size just because a Lynx killing my tipi chipmunks would be much more exciting than a Bobcat. I had not taken a PHOTO of the tracks - so who's to say? Even though I definitely remember my FIRST shock at those tracks were how BIG they were!! So I definitely believed my memory that they were too big to be a bobcat. But we all know how "faulty" memories can be. I mean - it was not very long. I immediately got home and blogged about it.

I did a long blogpost comparing the tracks of bobcat and Lynx and arguing that indeed my chipmunks got "disappeared" by a Lynx!!

Lynx are sited in my area - but it's rare. I mean I definitely did not SEE the Lynx. But maybe the Lynx has seen me!! Maybe I should be LISTENING for Lynx calls now!!

What do they sound like?

Lynx call  It sounds like a total MONSTER!!

Those are two Lynxes facing off. I would be totally freaked out if that happened in the mini-forest. But that's why I call it EcoEcho Forest Cultivation!

It sounds like their singing together - they match their pitch.

Then they get angry - dang. The Lynx actually looks about the same size as my Norwegian Forest Cat - that I found in Alaska - with my female friend who was there, invited me there.

2nd Lynx call vid

It's strange how HUMAN they sound!! People made the same comments on the first vid.

This is the Norwegian Forest Cat that I found in the wild, underneath our cabin in Alaska.

See how it is as big as the Lynx!!

So I did not know that the "domestic" Norwegian Forest Cat does have a closely related "wild" breed known as the "SkoggKat"

 Skoggkat that was the ancient name given to these cats, Forest cat in the ancient tongue of the Norse people.
third Lynx call - FORGET BIGFOOT - people are hearing the Lynx

It sounds just too human.

So now I can say with full confidence - I DEFINITELY SAW LYNX TRACKS that went up the tree - and the only animals I saw living in the trees in the winter were the Chipmunks (that were sleeping in the tipi with me). And the Chipmunks have VANISHED - well we are seeing their remains above.

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