Sunday, April 7, 2019

Dragon's Breath: Kang bed-stove heater, and TLUD stoves as qigong alchemy meditation: Part 5

Here is a new Kang bed-stove heater image that I have not seen before.

I'm hoping to get some free cement slabs today - that I'll use as "footpads" for the Canvas Cabin tent - wilderness lodge - so the posts don't sink into the ground....

But I may also get more cement slabs to use to make a Kang bed-stove oven....

We can see then the THREE DANTIENS or energy centers are from the TLUD secret design.

I did a blogpost on this before - but it's good to clarify the details.

The "primary air" is the lower tan tien - this is considered to be the "pump" of the bellows in Alchemy - so the Huiyin point or the perineum is the pump that controls the energy level - whether it is lost as cold air going out the lower body - or it is contracted to keep the bellows "pumped" with stored heat and energy going in. So for a TLUD stove - once you breath in oxygen from above to get the primary combustion chamber lit - then you want to rely on the primary air or Qi or prana - as the incoming oxygen source while the third eye brain or food "cooks" above.

So as the wood burns DOWN - the wood is the yin qi of the spirit - with the spirit as the flame lit from the TOP (hence the name Top-Lit) - then the wood goes down but the Pyrolysis is the MAIN burning chamber or the Yuan Qi from the wood qi - as the Heart energy (and so it is green as ungasified wood).

 So then the carbon monoxide gets separated from the primary oxidation since the fire is now below the charcoal that is above, as the oxygen source is from the bottom of the stove.

The black is then the unpurified gases of the mind and body - that have to then be finally purified by the Third Eye - the upper chamber that is activated through the outer energy flow (the microcosmic orbit based on the secondary meridians). The microcosmic orbit is called, in Neidan alchemy, the WATERWHEEL - here is the Waterwheel used to drive the bellows for alchemy.

So this outer oxygen - energy flow then is PREHEATED by the Heart - the secondary chamber as the Yuan Qi - which then enables the third eye to be fired by a BLUE flame as CLEAN energy.

Here's another image with my preferred term - "inverted downdraft" - but it's also called Top Lit UpDraft or TLUD.

 Our stove lets air flow from in at the bottom and out at the top, which is either an inverted downdraft or an updraft, depending on how fancy you want to sound. But the fuel still burns from the top down, unlike the action in other wood stoves.
So the fire burns down by the "draft" is up since it's fueled by the primary chamber.

OK so.... here was my first post on this - July 2017

I was just messing around - but I'm always just messing around. haha. But that post MAY have inspired the business Silverfire - to design an indoor TLUD stove. Since my attempted "conversion" was so hilarious....

Vid on mini-TLUD stove construction from cans to make biochar

So the stove for the Kang Bed has a TLUD secret!!

The kitchen stove is fueled by dried cow dung mixed with oat straw and, when available, twigs gathered from the trees planted around Niujiatan in the 1980s. Niu Mei feeds the fire with his left hand and with his right pumps the built-in bellows to deliver blasts of air.
So the pot is put on top while the air intake is from below as the pump....And the secondary air chamber is the bellows 

So in alchemy - the Lungs are the physical bellow but the Energy center has the opposite or top lit downward draft.

So when you breath in - you activate the pump from the perineum - and as the bellows (lungs expand) - then the secondary chamber as the Yuan Qi causes the Qi or air to get sucked up to the top of the stove (for the Blue flame secondary ignition of impurities).

So that means there are contrary flows of energy at the same time.

There is a good image for this in my training manual.

From my post in 2017 July: Archeologists have found Kangs from 7,000 years ago.
. However, archeological sites in Shenyang, Liaoning, show humans using the heated bed floor as early as 7,200 years ago.[2][3] The bed at this excavation is made of 10 cm pounded clay on the floor.
 I am quite interested because to bring the fire down - as an "inversion" - is the secret of alchemy!
 PDF stating the early Kang heat was called "Dragon's Breath" - another name for alchemical qi energy

 So here we have a TLUD stove - with the top covered (so the bottom is the primary air source) and the idea then is to have a constant heat going so that the whole bed slowly absorbs the heat and this way it stays warm ALL night long - in contrast to just a typical wood stove.

cement rocket stove vid

that's the first post on did on this topic.

So here we have the air intake from below and insulation - just as with a TLUD stove - the fuel is "packed" - meaning top-loaded....

  In China, locally made mud-straw bricks surround their stoves.  Sand or ash in the mud-brick can ensure even higher insulation-rates.  The Kang utilises the residual chimney heat. The chimney gases travel from the cooktop through the wall and fan out along a set of tunnels under the bed in the next room, then up a chimney on the next wall. Unlike the insulated stove, the bed has plenty of thermal mass, and the mattress is thin. So, the bed is toasty warm up by the time the dishes are washed.
Elevated Kang or EK:

In India this insulated rocket stove was the Tandor!!

Bread was cooked by slapping the dough onto the side of the clay walls!!

900 Fahrenheit on those walls.

Tandoors are also important fixtures in the traditional cuisines of Georgia and Armenia, going by the names “tone” and “tonir” respectively. Traditionally made of local and regional clay, composition of the tandoor can change by region, but no matter the classification, these natural ovens can last a very long time.
So this ancient alchemy meditation via insulated heat from below - across all of asia - Central Asia to East and South asia - before the Oven was used!!

So in Rome - we can see this is quite tall. My plan then is to use my TLUD stove - the Hunter Stove - that has a chimney - and so the stove will be down a bit lower than the ground - even though my ground floods easily. So not much lower - and then raise up the "bed" a lot higher. As high as above!

Then I hope to get free bricks tomorrow.

I got the 6 slabs of free cement today to use as foot pads for the tent.

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