Saturday, February 9, 2019

Mad Men Man Cave vid on the bicycle DC motor generator with DC/DC buck converter

The lighting is very sketchy

I like that (CIA) - United Fruit joke.

 Also my upload vid contains very sketchy lighting yet a very funny CIA joke (for those of you who know about United Fruit's CIA connections)....

Oh I forgot - it was Freud's nephew who was the United Fruit PR man - yep that's right -

1954 Guatemalan coup d'état - Wikipedia

The United Fruit Company (UFC), whose highly profitable business had been ... authoritarian regimes whose brutalities included a genocide of the Maya peoples. ..... campaign to discredit the Guatemalan government; it hired Edward Bernays,

  thank you for surviving my vid. Yes as everyone should know the Dulles Brothers tied United Fruit to the genocide of Mayans in Guatemala. Mad Men maybe aware of this connection - hence the upchuck.

 my new Madmen Jingle.

Life is a box of child slave labor chocolates.

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